BlogNomic has moved!
The game is now running at blognomic.comSaturday, April 09, 2005
>QUERY. Howard, exactly how large is the Caine? I noticed earlier that it took some time for the access lift to get from deck 2 to deck 1. Surely the lifts aren't slow.
>QUERY. Howard, I'm hungry... can we get some food please? Maybe some tangelos?
Howard, is there any way for a Crewmember to pilot the Caine?
Note: Healthy ones
I've given everyone Healthy status, though Kevan's proposal didn't say so. If anyone disagrees, please CfJ.
Howard, is my diagnostic scan within normal parameters?
Friday, April 08, 2005
Proposal: He's Eating A Twix!
Repeal Rule 13 (The Computer Is Never Wrong). We've got enough game variables without "Logic", now, I think.
4-11. Cannot be enacted without COV. Failed by Chronos at 04/10/2005 GMT 13:53

>QUERY. Howard, Why was Subroutine C7889C6F5/B77-44E initiated?
Proposal: Hanghover
If Proposal: Dead, Jim, Dead didn't pass, this Proposal does nothing.
In the The Crew rule, change
Rename whatever field was created in the GNDT when Proposal: Dead, Jim, Dead passed to "Vitality".
In the Action Points rule, change
I'm the only Crewmember pushing buttons at the Briefing Room, so I can have 3 outstanding proposals.
13-0. Reached Quorum. Enacted by Chronos at 04/10/2005 GMT 13:52
In the The Crew rule, change
Crew Members are (in descending order of vitality) either Healthy, Stunned, Wounded or Dead - this is tracked in the GNDT.
Crew Members are (in descending order of vitality) either Healthy, Stunned, Wounded or Dead - this is tracked in the GNDT with the Vitality field.
Rename whatever field was created in the GNDT when Proposal: Dead, Jim, Dead passed to "Vitality".
In the Action Points rule, change
If a Crewmember has not done it in the last 24 hours, e can reset eir Actions field to null (no action) and eir Action Points to the same value as eir Daily Points.
If a Crewmember which is not Stunned has not done it in the last 24 hours, e can reset eir Actions field to null (no action) and eir Action Points to the same value as eir Daily Points.
If a Crewmember which is Stunned has not done it in the last 24 hours, e can reset eir Actions field to null (no action), eir Action Points to the same value as eir Daily Points minus 1 and eir Vitality to Healthy.
I'm the only Crewmember pushing buttons at the Briefing Room, so I can have 3 outstanding proposals.

New Crew Member: Igthorn
Ensign Igthorn reports to the Briefing Room. Welcome aboard.
Proposal: Alcoholics
From the Data Banks rule, remove:
To the Machinery rule, add:
If Proposal: Dead, Jim, dead passed, change "Inebriated" to "Stunned" in the Machinery rule wording above.
13-0. Reached Quorum. Enacted by Chronos at 04/10/2005 GMT 13:51
">QUERY. Howard, is there any machinery in the bar?"
"Affirmative. There is currently one piece of Machinery that are powered in the Bar. A list follows:
There is a Nanotechnological Beverage Synthesizer in the Bar. The Synthesizer is currently programmed only to construct beverages that are non-toxic to humans, with the exception of liquids with ethyl alcohol base. A Crewmember may create a beverage by stating the desired the desired beverage and Pushing the activation button.
Beverages must be consumed in the bar. A Crewmember drinking alcohol in the Bar may become Inebriated (at his or her own choice), which lowers the Action Points of that Crewmember by one. When the Points are reset that Crewmember is no longer Inebriated. If we add rules to allow gear for the Crew, we can change this so that drinks can be removed from the Bar."
To the Machinery rule, add:
* Nanotechnological Beverage Synthesizer [Bar] A Crewmember who is Pushing the Buttons here may create a beverage by stating the desired beverage in the GNDT comments field. Beverages must be consumed in the bar and are desintegrated if the Crewmember who created it leaves the Bar. A Crewmember consuming alcohol in the Bar may become Inebriated (at his or her own choice), which lowers eir Action Points by one.
If Proposal: Dead, Jim, dead passed, change "Inebriated" to "Stunned" in the Machinery rule wording above.

Proposal: Adjacency II
In the Locations rule, change
and change
This changes nothing from the current moving scheme, but clarifies things a bit, I guess.
12-1. Reached Quorum. Enacted by Chronos at 04/10/2005 GMT 13:50
Each Crewmember is considered to be present in a Location. There are several Locations, as follows:
Each Crewmember is considered to be present in a Location, which is tracked by the GNDT. When a Crewmember is allowed to move, e may do so by updating the GNDT field accordingly. The Computer is omnipresent.
There are several Locations, as follows:
and change
A Crewmember may spend 1 Action Point to change eir Location to be anything on the deck e is on, or, if the Crewmember is in a corridor, e may ride an access lift to the corridors of the level above or below eir current deck.
The decks are considered to be stacked one above the other, with Deck 1 being the topmost, Deck 2 the next one and so on, until Deck 5 being the bottommost.
Every Location is adjacent to all other Locations in the same Deck. If the Lifts are working, the Corridors on a deck are adjacent to the Corridors in the decks immediatelly above or below the deck they are on.
A Crewmember may spend 1 Action Point to move to any Location adjacent to eir current one.
This changes nothing from the current moving scheme, but clarifies things a bit, I guess.

Who's idle?
Haven't heard any noise from Person or Topher in a long time--quorum is quite high. Has anybody else on the roster been inactive for a good time?
Call For Judgement
Call For Judgement
A small bug in Rule 18 paragraph 3
All Crewmember's shall have eir AP set to 3.
Passed 7-2. Enacted by Smith, 28th of April at 15:20.
A small bug in Rule 18 paragraph 3
If a Crewmember has spent any or all of his or her points for one day, then that Crewmember may reset the field to 3 as his/her first game action on the next day, but must also set the 'Actions' field to null or no action.did not allow for a Crewmember's AP to be set by the enacting admin. Therefor, I call for the following measures to be taken in remedy to the situation:
All Crewmember's shall have eir AP set to 3.

>QUERY. Howard, could you tell us why we have been awkakened from cryogenic storage?
Proposal: Regrouping
In Rule 17, replace "Any Crew Member who has no Group may assign themselves to Group of their choice, at any time, unless that Group already has more members than any other." with:-
And also remove "in descending order of Clearance", as this might make group selection more interesting.
Upon enactment of this proposal, any Crew Member who is in a Group shall be removed from it.
11-4. Reached Quorum. Enacted by Chronos at 04/10/2005 GMT 13:49
Any Crew Member who has no Group may assign themselves to the Group with fewest members, at any time. (If several groups are tied for fewest members, the Crew Member may choose which to be assigned to.)
And also remove "in descending order of Clearance", as this might make group selection more interesting.
Upon enactment of this proposal, any Crew Member who is in a Group shall be removed from it.

>QUERY. Howard, while I was in Engineering I thought I saw a big red button. What would happen if I were to press it?
>QUERY. Howard, it's awfully quiet in here. Can we get some music, maybe?
GNDT Changes
I've made some overdue changes to the GNDT login system; encrypting the password, making the logged-in status a bit clearer, using separate cookies for separate Nomics (so that you can log in and out of each independently, with different passwords - sorry if this has been annoying the overlapping Sparta Nomic players, I hadn't realised it was happening), and changing the default GNDT-target from "blank" to "yourself", which stops the annoying "must remember to select a target player if you want to just add a comment" bug.
The cookies should migrate themselves into encrypted ones without you noticing, but let me know if I've inadvertently broken anything.
The cookies should migrate themselves into encrypted ones without you noticing, but let me know if I've inadvertently broken anything.
Proposal: No more dark corridors, Part I.
Create a rule named "Power On":
The Caine is big and the technology is arbitrarily advanced. If we allow machinery to be dynamically added (or perhaps even dynamically disabled), the structure of the game could progress rapidly. Or it could be a complete mess.
In either case, if this passes, don't waste your AP's proposing self-destruct buttons.. =)
13-0. Reached Quorum/Timed Out. Enacted by Chronos at 04/10/2005 GMT 13:27
A Power Check is a Command. The Command Phrase is >Power Check, and the Command Parameters consist of a name of a piece of Machinery, the description of said piece and the Location of the issuing Crewmember.
In its response, if the Computer responded with "Affirmative", the Machinery is activated in the Crewmember's Location.
A new Machine is then added to the rule "Machinery" with the name of the Machine, its Location, and the description of the Machinery to be taken from the Command Parameters. This new Machine is not part of the ruleset until it is added.
There is no effect if the Computer responds with a "Negative" or "Error".
The Caine is big and the technology is arbitrarily advanced. If we allow machinery to be dynamically added (or perhaps even dynamically disabled), the structure of the game could progress rapidly. Or it could be a complete mess.
In either case, if this passes, don't waste your AP's proposing self-destruct buttons.. =)

>QUERY. Howard, is my diagnostic scan within normal parameters?
(Cfj this if you want, but my reading of rules 14 and 18 seems to indicate that this is legal.)
(Cfj this if you want, but my reading of rules 14 and 18 seems to indicate that this is legal.)
Thursday, April 07, 2005
Proposal: Dead, Jim, Dead
[ Turning health into a separate GNDT field, and polishing it a bit. Also removing the "Green Alert" moratorium, which doesn't have any effect, as there's still no way for crew to become injured under the current ruleset. ]
Replace the three paragraphs from "Some Crewmembers are Wounded" onward, in Rule 10, with:-
If "Fixing Actions" passed, replace the "If a Crew Member is Wounded or Dead" sentence with:-
Add a new piece of Machinery:-
Rename Rule 10 to "The Crew".
13-0. Reached Quorum/Timed Out. Enacted by Chronos at 04/09/2005 GMT 15:03
Replace the three paragraphs from "Some Crewmembers are Wounded" onward, in Rule 10, with:-
Crew Members are (in descending order of vitality) either Healthy, Stunned, Wounded or Dead - this is tracked in the GNDT.
If a Crew Member is Stunned, they may not move between Locations. If a Crew Member is Wounded or Dead, they may not take any action that requires the changing of GNDT fields.
If "Fixing Actions" passed, replace the "If a Crew Member is Wounded or Dead" sentence with:-
If a Crew Member becomes Wounded or Dead, their Daily Points are reduced to zero.
Add a new piece of Machinery:-
Medibank [Sickbay] If anyone is Pressing the Buttons on the Medibank, then they may restore any Stunned or Wounded Crew in the Sickbay (besides themselves) to a Healthy state. If healed from being Wounded, a Crew Member's Daily Points are set to the initial new-Crew value.
Rename Rule 10 to "The Crew".

>QUERY. Howard, why don't you vote on most proposals? Your not voting severely holds quorum, as many people vote deferential and those votes only count against quorum after you vote.
Note: No Actions
This is the current wording of the Actio Points rule:
As none of us "have spent any or all of our points for one day", we can't reset the field to 3... But as AG's proposal didn't revoke the other action rules, all things remain the same as for now.
A Crewmember having zero Action Points may not spend any more points that day.
If a Crewmember has spent any or all of his or her points for one day, then that Crewmember may reset the field to 3 as his/her first game action on the next day, but must also set the 'Actions' field to null or no action.
As none of us "have spent any or all of our points for one day", we can't reset the field to 3... But as AG's proposal didn't revoke the other action rules, all things remain the same as for now.
>QUERY. Howard, are those... tribbles? In the Power Core???
The Bar..
>QUERY. Howard, is there any machinery in the bar?
>QUERY. Howard, Have you completely activated the lighting system so that there are no longer dark corridors?
Wednesday, April 06, 2005
What does the audience think about a computer programming routine, most like the one had in the Robot dynasty?
Proposal: Adjacency
In the Locations rule, change
to that same rule, add:
Create a location named "Lift" in each deck.
Notice this makes room to room movement impossible (you have to get to the corridors first) and it also delays movement between decks.
Self-Kill. Failed by Chronos at 04/08/2005 GMT 22:35
change eir Location to be anything on the deck e is on, or, if the Crewmember is in a corridor, e may ride an access lift to the corridors of the level above or below eir current deck.
move to any Location adjacent to eir current one.
to that same rule, add:
The Corridors are adjacent to all other Locations in the same Deck. If the Lifts are working, a Lift is adjacent to the Lifts in the decks immediatelly above or below the deck it is.
Create a location named "Lift" in each deck.
Notice this makes room to room movement impossible (you have to get to the corridors first) and it also delays movement between decks.

Proposal: Fixing Actions
If there is an Action Points rule, reword it to:
If there is no Action Points rule, create it with the wording above.
On the Locations rule, change
In the rule Buttons, Levers, inter alia, add:
If there is a rule named Vocal Folds, change
Set the Daily Points of all Crewmembers to 3
11-1. Timed Out. Enacted by Chronos at 04/08/2005 GMT 22:33
There is a field in the GNDT named "Action Points", which takes non-negative integers. This number represents the number of actions a Crewmember may take. A Crewmember may spend Action Points by decrementing the number in eir "Action Points" field by the amount spent. A Crewmember having zero Action Points may not spend any more that day.
There is a field in the GNDT named "Daily Points", which takes non-negative integers. This number represents the number of Action Points a Crewmember may receive in one day -- in some sense a count of turns per day. New Crewmembers start with a Daily Points equal 3.
If a Crewmember has not done it in the last 24 hours, e can reset eir Actions field to null (no action) and eir Action Points to the same value as eir Daily Points.
If there is no Action Points rule, create it with the wording above.
On the Locations rule, change
Once every twelve hours, a Crewmember may change eir Location to be anything on the deck e is on, or, if the Crewmember is in a corridor, e may ride an access lift to the corridors of the level above or below eir current deck.
A Crewmember may spend 1 Action Point to change eir Location to be anything on the deck e is on, or, if the Crewmember is in a corridor, e may ride an access lift to the corridors of the level above or below eir current deck.
In the rule Buttons, Levers, inter alia, add:
A Crewmember may spend 1 Action Point to change his or her 'Actions' Field. Setting the 'Actions' field to null (no action) does not require a point to be spent.
If there is a rule named Vocal Folds, change
Once a day, a Crewmember may issue a Command to the Computer
A Crewmember may spend 1 Action Point to issue a Command to the Computer
Set the Daily Points of all Crewmembers to 3

Tuesday, April 05, 2005
Proposal: Action Points
Create a rule named "Action Points"
Primarily to speed things up around the ship, and secondarily to give players the change to make combination plays during the course of the day. The idea is that players should have a set number of different plays to make--the number of plays is somewhat arbitrary and three isn't a magic number.
Alright, I made this one short. You may now commence the criticism on other fronts, such as style and content. =)
13-2. Reached Quorum. Enacted by Chronos at 04/07/2005 GMT 13:17
Create a new field in the GNDT labeled "Action Points", which takes non-negative integers. This number represents the number of actions that a Crewmember may take in one day--in some sense a count of turns per day.
Each day a Crewmember has three Action Points to spend, and may spend them by decrementing the number in the field "Action Points" by one. A Crewmember having zero Action Points may not spend any more points that day.
If a Crewmember has spent any or all of his or her points for one day, then that Crewmember may reset the field to 3 as his/her first game action on the next day, but must also set the 'Actions' field to null or no action.
A Crewmember may make a legal move from one location to another by spending an Action Point.
A Crewmember may change his or her 'Actions' Field by spending an Action point. (Setting the 'Actions' field to null or no action does not require a point to be spent.)
A Crewmember may issue a Command to the Computer by spending an Action point.
Primarily to speed things up around the ship, and secondarily to give players the change to make combination plays during the course of the day. The idea is that players should have a set number of different plays to make--the number of plays is somewhat arbitrary and three isn't a magic number.
Alright, I made this one short. You may now commence the criticism on other fronts, such as style and content. =)

Proposal: I like this definition better
In rule 10 "Definitions" replace
11-2. Timed Out. Enacted by Chronos at 04/07/2005 GMT 13:16
For the purposes of all rules other than Rules 1 through 9, the Computer is never a Crewmember.
Unless otherwise specified, the computer is not a Crewmember. The computer Is a Crewmember for Rules 1 through 9.

Proposal: Group Shrug
[ A simplified take on the previous proposal. ]
If the "Service Groups" proposal passed, repeal the rule it created.
Enact a new Rule, "Service Groups":-
Enacted 18-0.
Enacted by Kevan, 7th of April at 11:19.
If the "Service Groups" proposal passed, repeal the rule it created.
Enact a new Rule, "Service Groups":-
The Crew are divided into five Service Groups, in descending order of Clearance; Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta and Epsilon. Each Crew Member either belongs to a single Group, or no Group at all, and this is tracked in the GNDT.
Initially, Crew Members belong to no Service Group. Any Crew Member who has no Group may assign themselves to Group of their choice, at any time, unless that Group already has more members than any other.

Enacted by Kevan, 7th of April at 11:19.
Proposal: Service Groups
Add the following rules to the Ruleset:
Service Groups:
Changing Groups:
Append the following line the Definitions:
Failed: self-kill.
Failed by Kevan, 7th of April at 11:16.
Service Groups:
There are different service groups on the Caine. Service Groups are virtually isomorphic insofar as they all exist to ensure that all ship duties are adequately performed. In the Ruleset the term Group can be substituted for Service Group. Create a field in the GNDT labeled 'Service Group'.
There are two different types of Service Groups, Standard and Omega.
Each Service Group may have up to four Crewmembers in it. A Service Group may never have more than four members.
If a Service Group has 0 members it is Defunct and removed from the Service Group field from the GNDT, unless that Group is the Omega Group, which can be Defunct but is not to be removed from the GNDT in this case.
To determine the number of Service Groups, divide the total number of Crewmembers by four. The quotient in the division is the number of Standard Groups, and the remainder on division is the size of the Omega group, a special taskforce.
On Day 4 the Caine has 17 Crewmembers. There are 4 Standard Service Groups and the Omega Group has 1 member.
On Day 9 the Caine has 10 Crewmembers. There are 2 Standard Service Groups and the Omega Group has 2 members.
On Day 11 the Caine has 15 Crewmembers. There are 3 Stanard Service Groups and the Omega Group has 3 members.
On Day 15 the Caine has 28 Crewmembers. There are 7 Standard Service Groups and the Omega Group has 0 members, and so is defunct, but is not removed as an option in this case.
Service Groups take the name of the Greek letters of the alphabet. Any administrator must add Service Groups to the GNDT if there are more players than can be assigned to Groups, and must remove a Standard Group from the GNDT if it is Defunct (except the Omega Group, which remains in the field even if the number of Crewmembers is divisible by four). The Omega Group is to be added as an option to the GNDT automatically.
No Standard Group may be named Omega.
A Crewmember who does not have a Service Group may join one by changing the Group membership field in the GNDT.
Changing Groups:
Any Crewmember in the Omega Group may join a Standard Group, provided that the Standard Group in question has less than four members. A Crewmember in a Standard Group cannot join the Omega Group, but can instead switch Standard Groups with another Crewmember if that Crewmember consents. In the case of such a transfer, an entry must be added to the main page indicating the change, and the other Crewmember must note consent in writing as a comment on that entry. The change of Groups will then be noted in the GNDT.
A Crewmember may only transfer from one Service Group to another once per day.
Append the following line the Definitions:
The term Group can be substituted for Service Group.

Failed by Kevan, 7th of April at 11:16.
Proposal: He's dead, Jim.
Add the following text to Rule 10:
The Green Alert at the end is supposed to be a sort of "Simon is an awesome dude" clause.
Timed out 7-3 (with 5 abstentions).
Enacted by Kevan, 7th of April at 11:14.
(I won't bother adding two duplicate lists of Locations just yet, given that there's no way to become Wounded or Dead.)
Some Crewmembers are Wounded. If a Crewmember has an asterisk at the end of eir Location then that Crewmember is Wounded. Wounded crew members may not move themselfs except if they are Pulling the Levers of the Teleport Console. Any Wounded Crewmember in the sick bay may cease to be Wounded by removing the asterisk at the end of eir Location.
Some Crewmembers are Dead. If a Crewmember has two asterisks at the end of eir Location. Dead Crewmembers may not take any action that requires the changing of GNDT fields.
There is currentlly a Green Alert, meaning that any Dead Crewmembers become Wounded and any Wounded Crewmembers cease to be Wounded.
The Green Alert at the end is supposed to be a sort of "Simon is an awesome dude" clause.

Enacted by Kevan, 7th of April at 11:14.
(I won't bother adding two duplicate lists of Locations just yet, given that there's no way to become Wounded or Dead.)
Monday, April 04, 2005
Could some admin please enact the vetos of the old surfing proposals so that the Oldest Pending Proposal in the sidebar is correct?
I seem to have gone missing from the list of Active Crewmembers. Can some admin please add me back?
Proposal: Trust the Computer
If a rule entitled "Most Illogical" exists, append the following text to it. Otherwise, create a new rule entitled "Trust the Computer" with the following text:
Failed: 6-10.
Failed by Kevan, 7th of April at 11:14.
Whenever an Admin enacts or fails a proposal that was posted by the computer, that Admin must add 1 to the Logic value of every crew member that voted FOR that proposal.

Failed by Kevan, 7th of April at 11:14.
Proposal: OK, Computer!
Add a rule entitled "Most Illogical" to the ruleset, with the following text:
Note that the Computer is mostly unaffected by this rule.
Failed: self-kill.
Failed by Kevan, 7th of April at 11:13.
Whenever an Admin enacts or fails a proposal that has not been vetoed or self-failed, that Admin must subtract 1 from the Logic Value of each Crew Member who changed eir vote on that proposal. Then, that Admin must add 1 to the Logic Value of each Crew Member who voted DEFERENTIAL on that proposal and did not change eir vote to or from that. If the enacting or failing Admin does not do these things, then any Crew Member may, within 12 hours of the proposal's enactment or failure, perform the appropriate Logic Value alterations eirself, and, in addition, subtract 3 from the Logic Value of the enacting or failing Admin. If any of these changes would drop a Crew Member's Logic Value below 0, then that Crew Member's Logic Value becomes 0 instead. If any of these changes would raise a Crew Member's Logic Value above 60, then that Crew Member's Logic Value becomes 60 instead.
Note that the Computer is mostly unaffected by this rule.

Failed by Kevan, 7th of April at 11:13.
Proposal: I'll Pull Lever B, Now...
Enact a new Rule, "Machinery":-
And add a new Location, "Teleport Chamber", on Deck 2.
[ Note that this dissolves the hyperactive button-pressing concerns about Aaron's "Refrain From Pressing Any Buttons" proposal - it's easy enough to make them all ongoing effects with the odd "once per day" limit - if anyone wants to go back and change their vote to speed the queue up. ]
Passed 18-1.
Enacted by Kevan, 6th of April at 21:18.
The Caine is fitted with an extensive range of grey-plastic flashing-light Machinery, as listed below - each piece of Machinery may be found in one or more Locations around the ship, as specified. If a Crew Member's Action corresponds to a piece of Machinery in their Location, then they are considered to be using that Machinery, with effects specified.
Power Core [Engineering] - If anyone is Turning the Knobs on the Power Core, then the lifts stop working, and Crew Members may not use them.
Teleport Console [Teleport Chamber] - Anyone who is Pulling its Levers may ignore deck restrictions when moving themselves. Anyone who is Pressing its Buttons may choose a Location and move all Crew from that Location to the Teleport Chamber, no more than once per day.
Laser Display Board [Briefing Room] - If only one Crew Member is Pressing the Buttons on the Laser Display Board, then that Crew Member may have up to three Proposals pending. (Any extra Proposals remain legal if the proposer stops using the Laser Display Board.)
And add a new Location, "Teleport Chamber", on Deck 2.
[ Note that this dissolves the hyperactive button-pressing concerns about Aaron's "Refrain From Pressing Any Buttons" proposal - it's easy enough to make them all ongoing effects with the odd "once per day" limit - if anyone wants to go back and change their vote to speed the queue up. ]

Enacted by Kevan, 6th of April at 21:18.
Proposal: For Example...
Add a rule called Data Bank:
Passed 14-5.
Enacted by Kevan, 6th of April at 21:16.
A Query is a Command. The Command Phrase is ">QUERY" and the Command Parameters consist of a single question.
In its response, if the Computer responded "affirmative" or "negative", then it must also include a statement answering the question asked. This statement becomes part of the ruleset (and takes effect immediately, even if not yet documented in the ruleset). It must be appended to this rule and acts as normal rule text, except that it defers to all other rules. If the Computer responded with an "error" it may include explanatory text with its response but there is no effect.
For Example:
">QUERY. Howard, how do I get to the bar?"
"Affirmative. The bar is located on level 3."
(If the bar is in actually defined to be in on level 4 in another rule, then that takes precedence over this query response, although it is still appended to the Data Bank rule.)

Enacted by Kevan, 6th of April at 21:16.
Please can someone please un-idle me please?
Please? Thank you.
Proposal: Computer, give me the complete value of pi
Add a rule called Vocal Folds:
Passed 15-4.
Enacted by Kevan, 6th of April at 21:13.
Once a day, a Crewmember may issue a Command to the Computer, this is done by making a post to the blog with a title that is a Command Phrase defined in the ruleset, and Command Parameters in the body of the post which follow the proper format defined for that Command.
The Computer must respond to the Command before taking any other game actions. The Computer must respond with "affirmative", "negative", or "error" (which can be represented by using the voting icons FOR, AGAINST or DEFERENTIAL, respectively). The Computer may also be required to respond with specific game actions, as indicated by the ruleset for that Command.
At any time the Computer may suspend Computer Access for all Crewmembers, by posting with the title "ACCESS DENIED". All pending Commands may be ignored until such time as the Computer posts with the title "ACCESS RESTORED" whereupon all pending Commands must be processed in order, or they must all be deleted from the Command Buffer (which is indicated by responding to each with a Veto icon).

Enacted by Kevan, 6th of April at 21:13.
Sunday, April 03, 2005
Proposal: Dilate for outside line
Should Proposal: "explore the vessel at leisure" fail, this proposal also fails.
Add a new player to the GNDT, entitled 'Ship'.
Add a new field to the GNDT, entitled 'Space'. This field has two options - NES or TS. Set the Ship's Space to TS.
Unbenownst to Howard, the ship was struck by a meteor during its journey, badly damaging several of its functions. Firstly, the ship is unable to detect external damage to itself, nor is it capable to detecting where it is in physical space; it instead works from estimates based on programmed speed and trajectory, both of which are, needless to say, incorrect.
Secondly, the ship is not travelling through non-Euclidean space as was previously thought. It is instead travelling through normal space, albeit at something approaching the speed of light. The ship does retain the ability to shift into non-Euclidean space; however, it cannot control such shifts.
Add the following rule, entitled Temporal distortion, to the ruleset:
Create a new field in the GNDT, called 'Age'. All players may set their own age to any integer between 1 and 80, once, at any point within the 36 hours following the enactment of this proposal. Any crew members that have not set their age by this time should have their age set to 30.
Failed by Kevan, 6th of April at 21:09.
Add a new player to the GNDT, entitled 'Ship'.
Add a new field to the GNDT, entitled 'Space'. This field has two options - NES or TS. Set the Ship's Space to TS.
Unbenownst to Howard, the ship was struck by a meteor during its journey, badly damaging several of its functions. Firstly, the ship is unable to detect external damage to itself, nor is it capable to detecting where it is in physical space; it instead works from estimates based on programmed speed and trajectory, both of which are, needless to say, incorrect.
Secondly, the ship is not travelling through non-Euclidean space as was previously thought. It is instead travelling through normal space, albeit at something approaching the speed of light. The ship does retain the ability to shift into non-Euclidean space; however, it cannot control such shifts.
Add the following rule, entitled Temporal distortion, to the ruleset:
The age of all Crew members is tracked in the GNDT. At any time - but no more than once per day - any crew member may trigger a jump into non-Euclidean space (hereafter refered to, throughout the ruleset, as NES) by changing the value of the Space field of the Ship player in the GNDT to "NES". The jump to NES cannot be performed if the ship is already in NES. The dilation of time caused by the jump into NES causes the age of all Crew to be modified, depending on their location:
Deck 1: +5 years
Deck 2: +3 years
Deck 3: -2 years
Deck 4: No change
Deck 5: -14 years
If the ship is in NES, any player may, once per day, revert the ship to Temporal Space (or TS) by changing the value of the Space field of the Ship player in the GNDT to "TS". This, again, will affect the age of all crew members:
Deck 1: +3 years
Deck 2: No change
Deck 3: +11 years
Deck 4: -7 years
Deck 5: -3 years
If at any time a Crew Member's age is less than 1 or more than 80, that player is Dead, and has an asterisk (*) put next to their age in the GNDT. Their GNDT stats can no longer be changed unless specifically ordered by a rule, and they may not undertake any game action that requires the change of GNDT fields.
Create a new field in the GNDT, called 'Age'. All players may set their own age to any integer between 1 and 80, once, at any point within the 36 hours following the enactment of this proposal. Any crew members that have not set their age by this time should have their age set to 30.

Failed by Kevan, 6th of April at 21:09.
Proposal: Everything Hits At Once
Add a new rule, entitled "The Computer Is Never Wrong":
Add a Logic column to the GNDT. Set all Crew Members' Logic values to 15, and set the Computer's Logic value to 60.
Passed 19-1.
Enacted by Kevan, 6th of April at 21:04.
Every Crew Member, including the Computer, has a Logic rating, tracked in the GNDT. This may be any integer value from 0 to 60. New Crew Members start with a Logic rating of 15.
Add a Logic column to the GNDT. Set all Crew Members' Logic values to 15, and set the Computer's Logic value to 60.

Enacted by Kevan, 6th of April at 21:04.
Proposal: Restrict the Computer
Create a new rule entitled "Computer Restrictions" with the folowing text:
Upon the passage of this proposal Set Angry Grasshoppers Location to "Bridge (Deck 1)"
Failed 7-13.
Failed by Kevan, 6th of April at 21:01.
The computer may never leave the bridge
Upon the passage of this proposal Set Angry Grasshoppers Location to "Bridge (Deck 1)"

Failed by Kevan, 6th of April at 21:01.
Proposal: "explore the vessel at leisure"
Add a new field to the GNDT: "Location".
Add a new rule, "Locations", as follows:
Place all existing Crewmembers in the Briefing Room.
Feel free to add any more Locations at a later date, as Howard activates lifesupport to them. In the meantime, explore (and manipulate machinery if the preceding proposal passes).
Passed 12-6 by Cayvie, 4th of April at 22:54.
Add a new rule, "Locations", as follows:
Each Crewmember is considered to be present in a Location. There are several Locations, as follows:
Corridor (Deck 1)
Bridge (Deck 1)
Viewing Bay (Deck 1)
Briefing Room (Deck 2)
Corridors (Deck 2)
Sickbay (Deck 2)
Bar (Deck 3)
Corridors (Deck 3)
Engineering (Deck 4)
Corridors (Deck 4)
Cargo Bay 1 (Deck 5)
Corridors (Deck 5)
Cargo Bay 2 (Deck 5)
Once every twelve hours, a Crewmember may change eir Location to be anything on the deck e is on, or, if the Crewmember is in a corridor, e may ride an access lift to the corridors of the level above or below eir current deck.
New Crewmembers start in the Briefing Room.
Place all existing Crewmembers in the Briefing Room.
Feel free to add any more Locations at a later date, as Howard activates lifesupport to them. In the meantime, explore (and manipulate machinery if the preceding proposal passes).

Proposal: "refrain from pressing any buttons, pulling levers, or anything of that nature that you anthropoids seem to be so fond of"
create a GNDT field entitled "Actions" with the following as dropdown options for that field:
create a new rule entitled "Buttons, Levers, inter alia" in which:
Passed 13-5 by Cayvie, 4th of April at 18:45.
create a new rule entitled "Buttons, Levers, inter alia" in which:
Currently, there are three types of mechanisms with which Crewmembers may operate the various machinery on the ship. Each mechanism has a corresponding action which a Crewmember must perform in order for the machine to work. Those mechanisms and their corresponding actions are described below:
1) Buttons - Push
2) Levers - Pull
3) Knobs - Turn
Each machine on the ship must be equiped with at least of one of the mechanisms. A Crewmember may only perform one action at a given time.

New Crew Member : TheExcalabur
A new and unrecognised crew member suddenly emerges from a service lift, to join the assembled crew of the Caine. One of the lifepods' timer mechanisms must have been a few hours out. I'm sure that's all it was.
Proposal: Housekeeping and definitions
Remove Shark6, Shark7, Shark8, Shark9, Shark10, Shark11, Shark12, Shark13, Shark14, and the Speedboat from the GNDT.
Remove the fields Yards, Skill, Stance, Suit, Headgear, Accessory, Necklace, and Coolness from the GNDT.
Create a new rule titled "Definitions"
Some minor housekeeping and definitions.
Passed 16-1 by Cayvie, 4th of April at 18:33.
Remove the fields Yards, Skill, Stance, Suit, Headgear, Accessory, Necklace, and Coolness from the GNDT.
Create a new rule titled "Definitions"
The word Crew may be used to indicate the set of all Crewmembers.
For the purposes of all rules other than Rules 1 through 9, the Computer is never a Crewmember.
Some minor housekeeping and definitions.

Ascension Address
Welcome to briefing, humans. You are the organic crew of the the spaceship Caine, a prototype model carrying classified cargo on a trans-Galactic flight. I hope that cold storage was enjoyable for everyone and that none of your carbon brains suffered lesions, cellular rupture, nanotechnological mistranscription, or otherwise irreparable damage during cryogenic storage.
You will be assigned to service groups after the entire crew has been returned to room temperature. In the meantime, please accept my invitation to explore the vessel at leisure, although I will have to request that you refrain from pressing any buttons, pulling levers, or anything of that nature that you anthropoids seem to be so fond of. There is a bar stocked with various alcohols (all ethyl, I assure you) on the third deck, and a scenic viewing bay on the first. Unfortunately, the bay window is currently opaque as the non-Euclidean space that we are traveling through has been proven to be too much for the human visual cortex to process. I urge you to avoid all dark corridors until I have completely activated the lighting system for the organic crew, and to report to the medical center if you believe that you are suffering from adverse effects of cryogenic revivification.
Fortunately, your duties are mostly all mechanical in nature--I am quite capable of piloting, maintaining full life support homeostasis, and generally speaking all other automated maintenance on the Caine. In the superlatively improbable event of a disaster, I have had a backup storage bank installed somewhere on the ship, although in any event I can assure you that I am almost incapable of error.
Feel free to attract my attention whenever you feel it is necessary. You need only energize your vocal folds. If you like, you may call me.. Howard--my algorithms tell me that Howard is a very non-threatening name.
Please return to this briefing room when I give the signal. By all indications you have at least one daycycle to familiarize yourselves with the craft. I hope that you enjoy your stay on the Caine!
Your buddy and captain,
Replace Gremmie with Crewmember. Replace King of the Beach with Computer.
Repeal rules 10-22. Remove all Sharks from the GNDT, and remove the Speedboat from the GNDT.
You will be assigned to service groups after the entire crew has been returned to room temperature. In the meantime, please accept my invitation to explore the vessel at leisure, although I will have to request that you refrain from pressing any buttons, pulling levers, or anything of that nature that you anthropoids seem to be so fond of. There is a bar stocked with various alcohols (all ethyl, I assure you) on the third deck, and a scenic viewing bay on the first. Unfortunately, the bay window is currently opaque as the non-Euclidean space that we are traveling through has been proven to be too much for the human visual cortex to process. I urge you to avoid all dark corridors until I have completely activated the lighting system for the organic crew, and to report to the medical center if you believe that you are suffering from adverse effects of cryogenic revivification.
Fortunately, your duties are mostly all mechanical in nature--I am quite capable of piloting, maintaining full life support homeostasis, and generally speaking all other automated maintenance on the Caine. In the superlatively improbable event of a disaster, I have had a backup storage bank installed somewhere on the ship, although in any event I can assure you that I am almost incapable of error.
Feel free to attract my attention whenever you feel it is necessary. You need only energize your vocal folds. If you like, you may call me.. Howard--my algorithms tell me that Howard is a very non-threatening name.
Please return to this briefing room when I give the signal. By all indications you have at least one daycycle to familiarize yourselves with the craft. I hope that you enjoy your stay on the Caine!
Your buddy and captain,
Replace Gremmie with Crewmember. Replace King of the Beach with Computer.
Repeal rules 10-22. Remove all Sharks from the GNDT, and remove the Speedboat from the GNDT.
More Illegality
I request that I be unidled and that my URL in the side bar be changed to
I then do that.
Hello again!
I then do that.
Hello again!
Illegal Immigrants
Cayvie and Kamikaze have also been unidled, as requested.
New Gremmie: Fjom
Welcome to the Terminal Beach.
Having added Fjom, though, I realise that it was actually illegal to do so, that "no further game actions" are permitted during a Hiatus. I'd assumed that it was only illegal to add new players during the vote on the Declaration, and okay afterwards (this is probably the best time to add new players, in fact), but maybe we'd just discussed that without proposing anything.
So, er, issue a CfJ if you've got a problem with this, anyone. And we can fix it during the new Dynasty.
Having added Fjom, though, I realise that it was actually illegal to do so, that "no further game actions" are permitted during a Hiatus. I'd assumed that it was only illegal to add new players during the vote on the Declaration, and okay afterwards (this is probably the best time to add new players, in fact), but maybe we'd just discussed that without proposing anything.
So, er, issue a CfJ if you've got a problem with this, anyone. And we can fix it during the new Dynasty.