Proposal: Action Points
Create a rule named "Action Points"
Primarily to speed things up around the ship, and secondarily to give players the change to make combination plays during the course of the day. The idea is that players should have a set number of different plays to make--the number of plays is somewhat arbitrary and three isn't a magic number.
Alright, I made this one short. You may now commence the criticism on other fronts, such as style and content. =)
13-2. Reached Quorum. Enacted by Chronos at 04/07/2005 GMT 13:17
Create a new field in the GNDT labeled "Action Points", which takes non-negative integers. This number represents the number of actions that a Crewmember may take in one day--in some sense a count of turns per day.
Each day a Crewmember has three Action Points to spend, and may spend them by decrementing the number in the field "Action Points" by one. A Crewmember having zero Action Points may not spend any more points that day.
If a Crewmember has spent any or all of his or her points for one day, then that Crewmember may reset the field to 3 as his/her first game action on the next day, but must also set the 'Actions' field to null or no action.
A Crewmember may make a legal move from one location to another by spending an Action Point.
A Crewmember may change his or her 'Actions' Field by spending an Action point. (Setting the 'Actions' field to null or no action does not require a point to be spent.)
A Crewmember may issue a Command to the Computer by spending an Action point.
Primarily to speed things up around the ship, and secondarily to give players the change to make combination plays during the course of the day. The idea is that players should have a set number of different plays to make--the number of plays is somewhat arbitrary and three isn't a magic number.
Alright, I made this one short. You may now commence the criticism on other fronts, such as style and content. =)

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