Proposal: I'll Pull Lever B, Now...
Enact a new Rule, "Machinery":-
And add a new Location, "Teleport Chamber", on Deck 2.
[ Note that this dissolves the hyperactive button-pressing concerns about Aaron's "Refrain From Pressing Any Buttons" proposal - it's easy enough to make them all ongoing effects with the odd "once per day" limit - if anyone wants to go back and change their vote to speed the queue up. ]
Passed 18-1.
Enacted by Kevan, 6th of April at 21:18.
The Caine is fitted with an extensive range of grey-plastic flashing-light Machinery, as listed below - each piece of Machinery may be found in one or more Locations around the ship, as specified. If a Crew Member's Action corresponds to a piece of Machinery in their Location, then they are considered to be using that Machinery, with effects specified.
Power Core [Engineering] - If anyone is Turning the Knobs on the Power Core, then the lifts stop working, and Crew Members may not use them.
Teleport Console [Teleport Chamber] - Anyone who is Pulling its Levers may ignore deck restrictions when moving themselves. Anyone who is Pressing its Buttons may choose a Location and move all Crew from that Location to the Teleport Chamber, no more than once per day.
Laser Display Board [Briefing Room] - If only one Crew Member is Pressing the Buttons on the Laser Display Board, then that Crew Member may have up to three Proposals pending. (Any extra Proposals remain legal if the proposer stops using the Laser Display Board.)
And add a new Location, "Teleport Chamber", on Deck 2.
[ Note that this dissolves the hyperactive button-pressing concerns about Aaron's "Refrain From Pressing Any Buttons" proposal - it's easy enough to make them all ongoing effects with the odd "once per day" limit - if anyone wants to go back and change their vote to speed the queue up. ]

Enacted by Kevan, 6th of April at 21:18.
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