Proposal: Computer, give me the complete value of pi
Add a rule called Vocal Folds:
Passed 15-4.
Enacted by Kevan, 6th of April at 21:13.
Once a day, a Crewmember may issue a Command to the Computer, this is done by making a post to the blog with a title that is a Command Phrase defined in the ruleset, and Command Parameters in the body of the post which follow the proper format defined for that Command.
The Computer must respond to the Command before taking any other game actions. The Computer must respond with "affirmative", "negative", or "error" (which can be represented by using the voting icons FOR, AGAINST or DEFERENTIAL, respectively). The Computer may also be required to respond with specific game actions, as indicated by the ruleset for that Command.
At any time the Computer may suspend Computer Access for all Crewmembers, by posting with the title "ACCESS DENIED". All pending Commands may be ignored until such time as the Computer posts with the title "ACCESS RESTORED" whereupon all pending Commands must be processed in order, or they must all be deleted from the Command Buffer (which is indicated by responding to each with a Veto icon).

Enacted by Kevan, 6th of April at 21:13.
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