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Sunday, April 03, 2005

Proposal: "refrain from pressing any buttons, pulling levers, or anything of that nature that you anthropoids seem to be so fond of"

create a GNDT field entitled "Actions" with the following as dropdown options for that field:


create a new rule entitled "Buttons, Levers, inter alia" in which:

Currently, there are three types of mechanisms with which Crewmembers may operate the various machinery on the ship. Each mechanism has a corresponding action which a Crewmember must perform in order for the machine to work. Those mechanisms and their corresponding actions are described below:

1) Buttons - Push
2) Levers - Pull
3) Knobs - Turn

Each machine on the ship must be equiped with at least of one of the mechanisms. A Crewmember may only perform one action at a given time.

Cross Passed 13-5 by Cayvie, 4th of April at 18:45.