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Friday, April 01, 2005

Declaration of Victory

Having successfully performed "An arbitrary stunt referencing Simon" with target skill level of 20, I invoke Rule 11 and declare victory.

In this case, my roll was 16 (out of 22), and Z = 4 (thirty yards to shore, zero points for the necklace, since it's contested, and one point for the glasses), making the total check equal 20. [DICEY + Z = 20]

The result of the DICEY roll plus the value Z determines the success of the roll (Z is a coolness factor that defaults to Zero, but can be modified by other rules.).

I'd like to thank everyone for an excellent meta-dynasty--this is my first experience at playing Nomic and it has proved most enjoyable. I will have a new ruleset drafted by Sunday 4/3/05 at the latest Hopefully I'll have some semblance of a theme by 4/3/05.

Tick Approved 9-1.
Noted by Kevan, 3rd of April at 12:32.