I've enabled the Blogger comments
Votes :FOR: and :AGAINST: will not turn into fancy pictures, but will do...
The Gadfly may declare victory. Blognomic is currently in Hiatus.
In this rule only, let c equal the value of a Disciple's Significant Aspect and let a and b equal the values of the Disciple's two non-Significant Aspects.
If c^2 < a^2+b^2, the Disciple's Soul is Acute.
If c^2 = a^2+b^2 and c is not zero, the Disciple's Soul is Pythagorean.
If c^2 > a^2+b^2, the Disciple's Soul is Obtuse.
Often, a Disciple with a Pythagorean Soul may add or subtract 50 from a single Aspect of a target Disciple.
On July 30, 2005, the Disciple with the most gold may declare victory.
Within 24 hours of a Stocks Are Up post, all Disciples may once increase each of eir own aspects by 1, citing the stock market somehow in the comment field of their GNDT change.
This rule can be changed by anybody at any time by posting to the front page of Blognomic, and all rules previous to it in the ruleset have no style.
Any rule can be changed by anybody whose name is Quasie at any time by posting to the front page of Blognomic, and all rules previous to it in the ruleset have no style.
This rule can not be changed by proposal, and all rules subsequent to it in the ruleset have no effect.
Everyone knows that things with no style should be avoided, so anyone using anything with no style immediately sets eir knowledge to zero.
Punctuation and capitalization may be changed freely with any modification, except that a question may not be turned into a statement and vice versa.
A Hot Potato may be phrased as a question. Any Hot Potato phrased as a question may never cease to be a question in any version. When passing a questioning Hot Potato, the Disciple posting the new version must respond to the previous version with an answer; when the Hot Potato is enacted, the new rule consists of the newest available answer (i.e. the answer to the second-to-most-recent version) rather than the most recent version of the Potato itself.
A Hot Potato post may not be edited if there is a newer version of that Hot Potato in play. This paragraph of this rule is enforced under The Honor System.
A Stock Update post may not be edited after it is posted. This paragraph of this rule is enforced under The Honor System.
A Disciple's Primary, Secondary and Ternary Aspects are that Disciple's Aspects ordered from highest to lowest in value. Aspects of equal value share a designation, so the legal distributions are: 1 Primary,1 Secondary and 1 Ternary; 1 Primary and 2 Secondary; 2 Primary and 1 Secondary; or 3 Primary.Replace the second paragraph in rule 18 - State of the Republic with:
Any Disciple whose Primary Aspect matches that of the Republic may often raise that Aspect by 2. If a Disciple’s Ternary Aspect matches the Primary aspect of the Republic, then they may occasionally raise that Aspect by 5. If at any time one of the Republic’s Aspects has a value greater than or equal to the sum of its other two Aspects, all Disciples must reduce their value (or have their value reduced) in that Aspect by 10.
No Disciple may have a Walkvotes value greater than 3.
The extra-vote mechanism described in this paragraph may not be used more than twice on any given proposal.