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Saturday, October 02, 2004

Proposal: Afflicted Virus [Trivial]

To the end of the paragraph staring "Any Strain may force the Virus to Pollute", in the Virus rule, add:

The Strain forcing the Virus to Pollute may also force it to take any optional action a Strain is allowed under the Afflicition Gene rule and must force it to take any mandatory action a Strain is ordered under the same rule.

So the Virus can pass its Afflictions.

Self-kill - Failed by Chronos

Proposal: Uncontrolled Growth [Trivial]

Add to the list of Enome[5] Afflictions in Enome,

  • c - Cancer

Add to the end of the list in the Affliction rule:
  • Cancer

If a Strain with this Affliction is classified as Stable or greater, any Strain may force it to divide as per the Population rule. If no Strain has this Cancer Affliction, the Strain(s) with the lowest Population gets afflicted with it. Only once, when that Strain next Consumes or Synthesizes, it may choose up to 2 additional Strains to share the Affliction. If a Strain is Oozing it may remove the Affliction from itself.

6-1 - Reached Quorum - Enacted by Chronos

Proposal: Programmed Death [Trivial]

Add to the list of Enome[5] Afflictions in Enome,

  • m - Mortality

Add to the end of the list in the Affliction rule:
  • Mortality

After a Strain with this Affliction Synthesizes or Consumes, it must reduce its Population by 5%. If no Strain has this Mortality Affliction, the Strain(s) with the highest Population gets afflicted with it. Only once, when that Strain next Consumes or Synthesizes, it may choose up to 2 additional Strains to share the Affliction. If a Strain is Critically Under-Populous it may remove the Affliction from itself.

5-1 - Reached Quorum - Enacted by Chronos

Proposal: Perennial hunger, take 2 [Trivial]

In the Food Chain rule, add to the end of the paragraph that defines Hunger

If a Predator never Consumed or suffered Hunger, the time it became a Predator shall be considered as the time it last Consumed.

As it's written, hungering a new Predator would kill it, as it'd loose 2 size times infinite periodes of 24 hours.

7-0 - Reached Quorum - Enacted by Chronos

Friday, October 01, 2004

Proposal: Force diferentiation [Trivial]

In the Food Chain rule, change

Hunger reduces a Predator's Size by 2 for every 24 hours elapsed since they last Consumed a Strain of equal or greater Population.


Hunger reduces a Predator's Size by 2 for every 24 hours elapsed since they last Consumed a Strain of equal or greater Population. Double this penalty if that Predator is inert at the time it's enforced.

Reinforce the need to diferentiate.

Self-Kill - Failed by Chronos

Proposal: Perennial hunger [Trivial]

In the Food Chain rule, add to the end of the paragraph that defines Hunger

If a Predator never Consumed or suffered Hunger, noon of October, 1st, 2004 shall be considered as the time they last Consumed.

As it's written, hungering a new Predator would kill it, as it'd loose 2 size times infinite periodes of 24 hours.

Self-Kill - Failed by Chronos

Proposal: Hybrid Minor Loopholes [Trivial]

In the Hybrid Request rule,

  • change

    hereby named Parent Strains.


    hereby named Parent Strains. A Request must name at least 2 Parent Strains.

  • change

    but must have at least one Base represented.


    but must have at least one Base represented. Bases valued to "X" doesn't represent a Parent's Enome for this purpose.

  • change

    Each Parent's Population is reduced by the donated value.


    Each Parent's Population is reduced by the donated value; if doing so would bring a Parent's Population to zero, the Request fails instead.

Only minor changes.

5-0 - Reached Quorum - Enacted by Chronos

More Idleing

Dirk is also Idle. Quorum drops to five.

Notice: Hunger Again

We still seem to be in the same situation. No predator has fed, apart from Brendan. I think the Hunger penalty is up to 14 Size? I will enforce it soon, if no-one else does. If those players are unmotivated by the GNDT-fiddling right now, I'd rather zero them out, instead of having Strains in the dish that we politely ignore.

Thursday, September 30, 2004

Call for Judgement: WildCard setup

At September, 28, Truman Capote set up WildCard as a new Strain in the Blog's Sidebar Roster, but until now failed to create a GNDT entry for the new Strain.

Should this CfJ pass, the Admin enacting it shall create a GNDT entry for WildCard and claim half the Size reward for setting up a new player. If at that moment Truman Capote has already claimed the Size reward, he shall be deduced by half that reward.

If Truman Capote set the due GNDT entry before enactment of this CfJ, it fails automatically.

Self-Kill - Failed by Chronos


Josh is Idle. Quorum is still 6.

Proposal: Enome Unification [Trivial]

In the Enzymes rule, change

Some Strains are able to absorb one Element and emits another; this is tracked in the Strain's Enome[2] and Enome[3], respectively. The Elements choices are restricted to Oxygen, Nitrogen and Carbon, indicated by the letters O, N, and C.


Some Strains are able to absorb one Element and emits another; this is tracked in the Strain's Enome. The Elements choices are restricted to Oxygen, Nitrogen and Carbon.

In the Food Chain rule,
  • change

    Strains have a Type which is either Predator or Vegetable. This condition is tracked by the Strain's Enome[1]. The possible values in Enome[1] are:
    * P - Predator
    * V - Vegetable


    Strains have a Type which is either Predator or Vegetable. This condition is tracked by the Strain's Enome.

  • change

    If the Consumed Strain has lost more than 15% of its population in the last 24 hours due to being Consumed, that Strain may change its Enome[4] to "F".


    If the Consumed Strain has lost more than 15% of its population in the last 24 hours due to being Consumed, that Strain may become Fierce. Fierceness is tracked by the Strain’s Enome.

  • change

    Alternatively, if that Vegetable has its Enome[4] = "F" it may increase its size by 3% when Synthesizing.


    Alternatively, if that Vegetable is Fierce it may increase its size by 3% when Synthesizing.

If there is an Affliction Gene rule, change

Every Strain's Enome[6] represents its Affliction.


Every Strain’s Enome tracks its Afflictions.

To the end of the Enome rule add:

The current information tracked by the Enome and the possible values for each Base shall be found in this rule at all times.

List of Enome Bases information:

Enome[1] tracks a Strain’s type. Possible values are:
* P - Predator
* V - Vegetable

Enome[2] and Enome[3] track the elements a Strain Absorbs and Emits, respectively. Possible values are:
* O - Oxygen
* N - Nitrogen
* C - Carbon

Enome[4] tracks a Strain’s Fierceness. Possible values are:
* F - Fierce

If there is an Affliction Gene rule, add also to the end of the Enome rule:

Enome[5] tracks a Strain’s Affliction.

If Proposal: And the prescription is More Cowbell [Trivial] passed, in the Affliction rule,
  • delete

    Represented by the character "f".

  • change

    When a Fever passes to a new Strain, the old Strain's Enome[6] shall revert to the value "X".


    When a Fever passes to a new Strain, the old Strain's Enome tracking Afflicitions shall revert to innocuous

If Proposal: And the prescription is More Cowbell [Trivial] passed, in the Enome rule change

Enome[5] tracks a Strain’s Affliction.


Enome[5] tracks a Strain’s Affliction. Possible values are:

* f - Fever

If Proposal: And the prescription is More Cowbell [Trivial] failed, in the Enome rule change

Enome[5] tracks a Strain’s Affliction.


Enome[5] tracks a Strain’s Affliction. There are no possible values for this Base, as yet.

There is Enome information scattered all around the Ruleset. This brings all them to the same place.

8-0 - Reached Quorum - Enacted by Chronos

Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Proposal: And the prescription is More Cowbell [Trivial]

If a rule named Affliction Gene exists, create a new Affliction and add it to the list at the end of the rule:


Represented by the character "f". If there are fewer than three Fevers in play, a Strain may create a Fever by paying 10 Size and give it to any other Strain. A Strain with a Fever may pass it to another Strain by paying 5 Size. Also, a Fever will pass to a Predator if they attempt to Consume a Fever-afflicted strain. When a Fever passes to a new Strain, the old Strain's Enome[6] shall revert to the value "X".

A Strain with a Fever cannot Synthesize or Consume. Hunger may not be inflicted upon a Predator with a Fever.

[Fixed the vagueness of passing.]

5-0 - Reached Quorum - Enacted by Chronos

Notice: Older voting

I've noticed some strains usually vote on the newer Proposals (the ones higher in the page) and fail to vote in the older ones. That have some unpleasant effects: First, it makes the Proposal queue move in bursts when the oldest Proposals time out and Admin can enforce then and the newer that reached quorum. Second, those who fail to vote in the timed-out Proposals are prone to be penalized in 5 Size per Proposal in which they fail to vote. The third effect is particular to me: As I'm currently the Admin with more available time (I'm on strike since September, 14, with plent of time to spare), it's always my Proposals which get stucked in the bottom of the queue and I'm unable to present new ones until they time-out...

Proposal: Hybrids, mark II

[Here is the Hybrid idea again, with changes: Hybrids can't vote; Parents don't die; Hybrid Requests can be denied by other Strains; exile Orson]

Add a rule called Hybridization,
Generation is tracked in the GNDT. New Strains begin the game with Generation 1.

Ancestry is an alphabetically ordered comma-separated list of Strain Names tracked in the GNDT. A Name can only appear once in a given Strain's Ancestry; duplicates are removed. New Strains have only their own Name listed in their Ancestry.

A Strain that has only its own name listed in its Ancestry is an Original Strain. All other Strains are Hybrid Strains.

Hybrid Strains don't count as a Strain for any Rule with a number between 1 and 10. If a Hybrid is reduced to 0 Biomass it becomes Extinct, all its GNDT values are cleared, and is no longer considered a Strain. Admins may claim 1 Size for removing an Extinct entry from the GNDT.

Any Original Strain listed in a Strain's Ancestry is called its Ancestor and may act on its behalf.

Progeny is tracked in the GNDT. It is always equal to the number of Hybrids an Original Strain is an Ancestor of. Hybrids do not have a Progeny value.
Add a rule called Hybrid Request,
Any Original Strain may propose the addition of a new Hybrid Strain by posting an entry which begins with the paragraph "Hybrid Request: [Strain 1, Strain 2 ... Strain n]" in bold text, where [Strain 1, Strain 2 ... Strain n] lists all involved Strains, hereby named Parent Strains. The Requesting Strain must be an Ancestor of at least one of the named Parents. The Hybrid Request must also specify the following information:
* A name for the new Hybrid Strain
* An Enome string for the Hybrid Strain. Each Base of the Hybrid's Enome must match the Base of one of its Parents in the same Enome position. The Parents' Bases need not be equally represented in the Hybrid's Enome, but must have at least one Base represented. The exact combination is up to the Strain making the Request.
* How much Population every Parent will donate to the Hybrid. Each Parent must donate the same amount.

Hybrid Requests are processed in same fashion as Proposals, with these differences:

* No Strain may be named Parent in more than one Pending Hybrid Request. No Hybrid Request may be posted which makes a Strain be named Parent in more than one Pending Hybrid Request.

* If a Parent is an Original Strain and does not Vote FOR, the Request Fails.

* If any Ancestor of a Parent Votes AGAINST, the Request Fails.

* There is an automatic number of AGAINST Votes equal to the highest Progeny value among the would-be Hybrid's Ancestors.

* After 24 hours since posting, if the number of Votes FOR is greater than Votes AGAINST a Hybrid Request, an Admin may Enact the Request, if not, an Admin may Fail it.

* Only the oldest Pending Hybrid Request may be tallied for Enactment or Failure. Pending Hybrid Requests don’t block Pending Proposals Enactment or Failure and vice-versa.

The Admin who Enacts the Hybrid Request may claim 2 Size, provided he/she is not the author of the Request. When a Hybrid Request Fails, the requesting Strain loses 3 Size and half the Population one Parent would have donated to the Hybrid if the Request had been Enacted.

When the Hybridization is Enacted, a new Hybrid Strain is created with the name and Enome specified in the Hybrid Request. The Hybrid's Generation is set to the largest Generation of its Parents, +1. The Hybrid's Ancestry is the the sum of the Ancestry of each Parent. The Hybrid's Size is the averaged Size of its Parents, rounded down, and its Population is the sum of the Population donated by its Parents. Each Parent's Population is reduced by the donated value.
[I realize that my enthusiasm for this rule might seem suspicious to some. To show my good faith, I bar myself from using the rule until this condition:]

Add this paragraph to Hybrid Request,
The Strain Named Orson cannot make a Hybrid Request, nor be included as a Parent, until six or more Original Strains are Ancestors to Hybrids, at which point this paragraph repeals itself.
When this is Enacted, all existing Strains get a Generation of 1 and an Ancestry equal to their own Name.

If this Proposal passes, half of the reward for authoring shall be given to Chronos.

3-2 - Time-Out - Enacted by Chronos. I waited 12 extra hours to see Kevan's vote, as this is a quite polemic issue.

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Proposal: I Got The Fever [Trivial]

If a rule named Affliction Gene exists, create a new Affliction and add it to the list at the end of the rule:


Represented by the character "f". If there are fewer than three Fevers in play, a Strain may create a Fever by paying 10 Size and give it to any other Strain. A Strain with a Fever may pass it to another Strain by paying 5 Size. Also, a Fever will pass to a Predator if they attempt to Consume a Fever-afflicted strain.

A Strain with a Fever cannot Synthesize or Consume. Hunger may not be inflicted upon a Predator with a Fever.

Self-Kill - Failed by Chronos

Proposal: Affliction Gene

[This was inspired by the sore throat I had to endure all of last week. Borrowed a bit from the "Gewgaws" rule from waaay back when, but I think this is quite different from that.]

Create a new rule, Affliction Gene:

Every Strain's Enome[6] represents its Affliction. A proposal to create a new Affliction must always be Trivial. Afflictions have a certain cost to be given to a Strain, and may have as many positive or negative effects as the creator wishes. The current list of Afflictions shall be found in this rule at all times.

List of Afflictions:

(This sentence to be removed once an Affliction is created.)

7-0 - Reached Quorum - Enacted by Chronos

We have a new player:

Welcome WildCard. Welcome to the dish.

Proposal: Kosher feeding [Trivial]

In the Food Chain rule hange

Once a day, a Predator may Consume a Strain.


Once a day, a Predator may Consume a Strain, provided that the Predator Absorbs the element that its prey Emits.

Orson's Proposal: Predator Clash/Vegetable Spores eliminated this recquirement, but I feel it useful, as it's an incentive to splitting to a low size.

5-1 - Time-Out - Enacted by Chronos

Call for Judgement (Admin error)

When I enacted Proposal: Predator Clash/Vegetable Spores, I left the Food Chain rule reading:

If the Consumed Strain is a Predator, both Strains lose Population equal to half of whichever was the smaller original Population. Both Strains gain 1 Size.

According to Orson's commentary on that Proposal, after my enactment, it'd be better that this part read:

If the Consumed Strain is a Predator, both Strains lose Population equal to half of whichever was the smaller original Population and both Strains gain 1 Size.

Should this CfJ pass, the adjustment shall be made.

7-0 - Reached Quorum - Enacted by Chronos

Proposal: Bring more competition

In the Classifications rule, add:

Strains are classified by their Population:

1-500 - Critically Under-Populous
501-5,000 - Under-Populous
5,001-50,000 - Thriving
50,001-500,000 - Over-Populous
500,001-5,000,000 - Oozing
Over 5,000,000 - Critically Oozing

In the Population rule, change

Any Strain with a Size greater than zero may,


Any Strain with a Size greater than zero and which Population is Over-Populous or lesser may,

Rewrite all the Overcrowding rule, so it reads:

The Free Space in the Petri dish is equivalent to 50,000,000 Biomass.

If the sum total of all Strains Biomass exceeds Free Space, then the Petri dish is Overcrowded and any Strain may administer Overcrowding, if it has not yet been done in the last 24 hours. The Strain administering Overcrowding may claim 1 Size after applying all its effects to the GNDT.

When Overcrowding occurs, reduces every Critically Oozing Strain's Population by 40%, every Oozing Strain's Population by 25%, every Over-Populous Strain’s Population by 15%, every Thriving Strain’s Population by 10% and every Under-Populous Strain’s Population by 5%. A Critically Under-Populous Strain’s Population is not affected by Overcrowding.

50 M Biomass means 10 Thriving Strains with an averaged Size of 100, which seems reasonable figures to me. I worked all the other values from there on. I also purposefully kept Size out of the Overcrowding effects, so it becomes hard to kill a small Strain through Overcrowding.

On a side note, Knightking and Myself will be the Strains hit harder if this Proposal passes.

6-1 - Reached Quorum - Enacted by Chronos

Proposal: More dead flesh [Trivial]

In the Virus rule, delete the phrase:

The Sizes of the elements the Virus absorbs and emits should also be adjusted appropriately at this time.

6-0 - Reached Quorum - Enacted by Chronos

Monday, September 27, 2004

Notice: Hunger

I was thinking about enforcing hunger on the Predators who didn't eat recently, and I've found that if I would do that just now, I would kill all Predators save Brendan.

It seems that only Brendan and the Veggies are active in the GNDT. And that seems to be a problem. Let's discuss the matter?

Proposal: Hybridization

[This rule would combine player control over more powerful Strains, and reduce the effective number of Strains]

Add a rule called Generation & Ancestry,

Generation is tracked in the GNDT. New Strains begin the game with Generation 0.

Ancestry is tracked in the GNDT. New Strains have no Ancestry value.

Add a rule called Hybrid Strains & Ancestral Strains,

Ancestral Strains count as Strains in the Ruleset for Voting, Quorum and Ascension purposes only. They also count as a Strain for number of Strains controlled by a single person in rule 2. They keep a row in the GNDT, but have no other Gamestate data.

Hybrid Strains (or Hybrids) count as Strains in the Ruleset for all purposes except Ascension, and do not count against the number of Strains controlled by one person in rule 2. A Hybrid Strain can be controlled by any Ancestral Strain listed in its Ancestry, at any time, with the exception of Voting (see below). The Ancestor making an action on its behalf must be identified.

A Hybrid Strain automatically Votes on every Proposal when an Admin tallies Votes for Enactment. The Hybrid Votes according to the majority of Votes of its Ancestral Strains on that Proposal: if there is a deadlock, it does not Vote. A Hybrid's Vote is weighted as a number of Votes equal to its Generation.
Add a rule called Hybridization,

A Strain may post a Hybridization request to the blog, naming another Strain as their co-Parent, and specifying a name and Enome for their Hybrid Strain. These two Strains are the Parents of the Hybrid. Each Base of the Hybrid's Enome must match the Base of one of its Parents in the same Enome position. Both Parent's Bases must be equally represented, but the exact combination is up to the Hybridization proposer.

The Admin who verifies this request is mutual and enacts the Hybridization may claim 5 Size.

When the Hybridization is enacted, a new Hybrid Strain is created with the name and Enome specified in the Hybridization request. The Hybrid's Generation is set to the largest Generation of its Parents, +1. The Hybrid's Ancestry is a comma-separated list of Ancestral Strains' names, starting with the name of the Parent specified in the Hybridization request, followed by the requesting Parent's name (if one of the Parents is itself a Hybrid, use its Ancestry instead of name.) The New Hybrid's Size and Population are the sum of it's Parent's Sizes and Populations, respectively. Both Parents become Ancestral Strains, but if a Parent is a Hybrid it is removed from the GNDT entirely.
When this is Enacted, all Strains get a Generation of 0.

[This is a dramatic ruleset change, messing with serious issues like Voting, so I have tried to be careful and consider the consequences. Thank you for your careful consideration.]

Self-Failed - Failed by Chronos

Proposal: Clean Editions [Trivial]

In the Enactment rule, after the paragraph starting with “If the oldest pending Proposal's FOR”, add

Any time after the enactment of a Proposal deleting a definition from the Ruleset, if an Admin Staff deems that deletion rendered useless any part of a Rule with a number greater than 10, said Admin Staff may delete the useless part. Upon doing so, this Admin Staff may claim 2 Size, provided he/she deduces 2 Size from the author of the Proposal that resulted in the deletion. This Admin Staff must post an entry noticing his action.

This is intended to give the Admins limited cleaning powers over the Ruleset, without the need of someone posting a Proposal to delete obsolete code. The size reward/punishment part has a twofold purpose: incentive the Admins to clean the Ruleset and all Strains to make careful edition. I tied the reward with the punishment, so an Admin who do his own clean-up doesn’t gain or loose anything.

By the way, in the Virus rule there's a part that reads "The Sizes of the elements the Virus absorbs and emits should also be adjusted appropriately at this time." and is a fit candidate for the first use of this Proposal, should it pass.

Self-failed - Failed by Chronos

Proposal: Efficient Virus

Give the Virus a population of 1 and, in the Virus rule,

  • change

    , although it is not counted as a Strain for the purpose of any rules other than this one.


    and is considered a Predator for any purpose, except that the Virus cannot take any action in a manner different than defined in this Rule and Hunger cannot be enforced upon the Virus. The Virus is not counted as a Strain for the purpose of any rules with a number between 1 and 10.

  • change

    the Virus always attempts to absorb the element that the greatest number of Strains emit


    the Virus always attempts to absorb the element that the greatest number of Strains other than itself emit

  • after the paragraph defining the Pollute action, add

    If when the Virus Pollutes no Strain’s Biomass is reduced, the Virus must Consume the Strain with most Population between the ones emitting the same element the Virus absorbs. The same Strain that forced the Virus to Pollute must enforce this paragraph’s action.

  • delete the phrase

    Upon doing so, the Virus's Size is set to the number of Strains that emit the element it absorbs.

  • add

    If the Virus size is Stable or greater, any Strain may force it to halve its Size (rounding down) to double its Population.

  • if there's a paragraph reading

    The Virus has an enome which unless explicitly stated is only used to track the Elements it absorbs and Emits.

    then delete that paragraph.

This is intended to make the Virus a more active element in the Game Environment. It makes the Virus a Strain, without voting rights and with a limited but efficient range of actions.

6-0 - Reached Quorum - Enacted by Chronos

Proposal: Respawning Dead Strains [Trivial]

In the Population rule, change:

If a Strain's Size is reduced to zero, its Population is also reduced to zero; if its Population is reduced to zero then its Size is reduced to zero.


If a Strain's Size is reduced to zero, its Population is also reduced to zero; if its Population is reduced to zero then its Size is reduced to zero. If a Strain has been with zero Biomass for at least 24 hours, its Size, Population and Enome values may be set by any Strain to the same value assigned to new Strains.

So Truman will not be zeroed forever...
7-0 - Reached Quorum - Enacted by Chronos