Proposal: Enome Unification [Trivial]
In the Enzymes rule, change
In the Food Chain rule,
If there is an Affliction Gene rule, change
To the end of the Enome rule add:
If there is an Affliction Gene rule, add also to the end of the Enome rule:
If Proposal: And the prescription is More Cowbell [Trivial] passed, in the Affliction rule,
If Proposal: And the prescription is More Cowbell [Trivial] passed, in the Enome rule change
If Proposal: And the prescription is More Cowbell [Trivial] failed, in the Enome rule change
There is Enome information scattered all around the Ruleset. This brings all them to the same place.
8-0 - Reached Quorum - Enacted by Chronos
Some Strains are able to absorb one Element and emits another; this is tracked in the Strain's Enome[2] and Enome[3], respectively. The Elements choices are restricted to Oxygen, Nitrogen and Carbon, indicated by the letters O, N, and C.
Some Strains are able to absorb one Element and emits another; this is tracked in the Strain's Enome. The Elements choices are restricted to Oxygen, Nitrogen and Carbon.
In the Food Chain rule,
- change
Strains have a Type which is either Predator or Vegetable. This condition is tracked by the Strain's Enome[1]. The possible values in Enome[1] are:
* P - Predator
* V - Vegetable
toStrains have a Type which is either Predator or Vegetable. This condition is tracked by the Strain's Enome.
- change
If the Consumed Strain has lost more than 15% of its population in the last 24 hours due to being Consumed, that Strain may change its Enome[4] to "F".
toIf the Consumed Strain has lost more than 15% of its population in the last 24 hours due to being Consumed, that Strain may become Fierce. Fierceness is tracked by the Strain’s Enome.
- change
Alternatively, if that Vegetable has its Enome[4] = "F" it may increase its size by 3% when Synthesizing.
toAlternatively, if that Vegetable is Fierce it may increase its size by 3% when Synthesizing.
If there is an Affliction Gene rule, change
Every Strain's Enome[6] represents its Affliction.
Every Strain’s Enome tracks its Afflictions.
To the end of the Enome rule add:
The current information tracked by the Enome and the possible values for each Base shall be found in this rule at all times.
List of Enome Bases information:
Enome[1] tracks a Strain’s type. Possible values are:
* P - Predator
* V - Vegetable
Enome[2] and Enome[3] track the elements a Strain Absorbs and Emits, respectively. Possible values are:
* O - Oxygen
* N - Nitrogen
* C - Carbon
Enome[4] tracks a Strain’s Fierceness. Possible values are:
* F - Fierce
If there is an Affliction Gene rule, add also to the end of the Enome rule:
Enome[5] tracks a Strain’s Affliction.
If Proposal: And the prescription is More Cowbell [Trivial] passed, in the Affliction rule,
- delete
Represented by the character "f".
- change
When a Fever passes to a new Strain, the old Strain's Enome[6] shall revert to the value "X".
toWhen a Fever passes to a new Strain, the old Strain's Enome tracking Afflicitions shall revert to innocuous
If Proposal: And the prescription is More Cowbell [Trivial] passed, in the Enome rule change
Enome[5] tracks a Strain’s Affliction.
Enome[5] tracks a Strain’s Affliction. Possible values are:
* f - Fever
If Proposal: And the prescription is More Cowbell [Trivial] failed, in the Enome rule change
Enome[5] tracks a Strain’s Affliction.
Enome[5] tracks a Strain’s Affliction. There are no possible values for this Base, as yet.
There is Enome information scattered all around the Ruleset. This brings all them to the same place.

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