Proposal: Affliction Gene
[This was inspired by the sore throat I had to endure all of last week. Borrowed a bit from the "Gewgaws" rule from waaay back when, but I think this is quite different from that.]
Create a new rule, Affliction Gene:
7-0 - Reached Quorum - Enacted by Chronos
Create a new rule, Affliction Gene:
Every Strain's Enome[6] represents its Affliction. A proposal to create a new Affliction must always be Trivial. Afflictions have a certain cost to be given to a Strain, and may have as many positive or negative effects as the creator wishes. The current list of Afflictions shall be found in this rule at all times.
List of Afflictions:
(This sentence to be removed once an Affliction is created.)

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