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Monday, September 27, 2004

Proposal: Hybridization

[This rule would combine player control over more powerful Strains, and reduce the effective number of Strains]

Add a rule called Generation & Ancestry,

Generation is tracked in the GNDT. New Strains begin the game with Generation 0.

Ancestry is tracked in the GNDT. New Strains have no Ancestry value.

Add a rule called Hybrid Strains & Ancestral Strains,

Ancestral Strains count as Strains in the Ruleset for Voting, Quorum and Ascension purposes only. They also count as a Strain for number of Strains controlled by a single person in rule 2. They keep a row in the GNDT, but have no other Gamestate data.

Hybrid Strains (or Hybrids) count as Strains in the Ruleset for all purposes except Ascension, and do not count against the number of Strains controlled by one person in rule 2. A Hybrid Strain can be controlled by any Ancestral Strain listed in its Ancestry, at any time, with the exception of Voting (see below). The Ancestor making an action on its behalf must be identified.

A Hybrid Strain automatically Votes on every Proposal when an Admin tallies Votes for Enactment. The Hybrid Votes according to the majority of Votes of its Ancestral Strains on that Proposal: if there is a deadlock, it does not Vote. A Hybrid's Vote is weighted as a number of Votes equal to its Generation.
Add a rule called Hybridization,

A Strain may post a Hybridization request to the blog, naming another Strain as their co-Parent, and specifying a name and Enome for their Hybrid Strain. These two Strains are the Parents of the Hybrid. Each Base of the Hybrid's Enome must match the Base of one of its Parents in the same Enome position. Both Parent's Bases must be equally represented, but the exact combination is up to the Hybridization proposer.

The Admin who verifies this request is mutual and enacts the Hybridization may claim 5 Size.

When the Hybridization is enacted, a new Hybrid Strain is created with the name and Enome specified in the Hybridization request. The Hybrid's Generation is set to the largest Generation of its Parents, +1. The Hybrid's Ancestry is a comma-separated list of Ancestral Strains' names, starting with the name of the Parent specified in the Hybridization request, followed by the requesting Parent's name (if one of the Parents is itself a Hybrid, use its Ancestry instead of name.) The New Hybrid's Size and Population are the sum of it's Parent's Sizes and Populations, respectively. Both Parents become Ancestral Strains, but if a Parent is a Hybrid it is removed from the GNDT entirely.
When this is Enacted, all Strains get a Generation of 0.

[This is a dramatic ruleset change, messing with serious issues like Voting, so I have tried to be careful and consider the consequences. Thank you for your careful consideration.]

Self-Failed - Failed by Chronos