Proposal: Blognomic 3 & Quazie
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If positions exist, you do not need to be in the same position as another muffin to tag it.and change the first of the rules of tag from
A Muffin may tag any other Muffin, if the Muffin that is doing the tagging is "It".to:
A Muffin may tag any other Muffin in the same Position, if the Muffin that is doing the tagging is "It".
If the ruleset contains contradictions, a restrictive interpretation is applied to resolve them: if a rule restricts an action, unless otherwise specified, it takes precedence over any rule which would permit that action; and if an action would cause contradictory effects, then that action cannot be taken.If a majority of Valid Votes FOR this proposal are accompanied by comments indicating a preference for "version B" instead add this to the Glossary:
If the ruleset contains contradictions, a permissive interpretation is applied to resolve them: if a rule permits an action, unless otherwise specified, it takes precedence over any rule which would restrict that action; and if an action would cause contradictory effects, then any conflicting effect of choice may be ignored and the remaining effects applied.
Switcher- When a Muffin has the role of Switcher it may roll a dice by making the following comment in the GNDT, 'Switcher attempt DICE12'. Before making this dice roll they must deduct 15 of each type of stuff, if they do not have at least 15 of each type of stuff then they may not have the role of Switcher. If at any time a Muffin with the role of Switcher has less than 15 of a particular type of stuff then they must lose the role of Switcher. Depending on the dice roll, the Switcher MUST switch places with a muffin at that position. For the dice roll a roll of 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8, or 9 corresponds with that standard position, 10 corresponds with rome, 11 with Paradiso, and 13 with any type of limbo position. If there is no muffin in the position that corresponds with the dice roll then the Switcher does not move. Once the Switcher does a Switcher attempt they immediately lose the Role of Switcher. There may only be one Switcher at any given time.
There are 2 wormholes in the ruleset indicated by '/////////////////////////'. These are located after rule 9 and before rule 10 and just before the glossary. If a hand reaches one of these worm holes it may use it and treat whatever rule is on the end of the wormhole as the next rule. The wormhole works so that the hands may never reach the glossary or the core rules, that is the first one mentioned leads towards rule 10 when exited and the second one mentioned leads towards rule 10 as well, but from the bottom of the ruleset.
Whenever a Switcheroo is made, the Switcheroo Alarm shall be set to the current calendar year + 30.
7............................G flat
7............................G flat
7............................G flat
7............................G flat
Position 4 is known as the Ring of Fire. When a Muffin enters the the Ring of Fire, it must make this comment to the GNDT: 'Fire: DICE3'. If the result is a 2, nothing happens. Otherwise, the Muffin becomes burnt.
If a Muffin is in the same position as another muffin then they may attempt to poke that Muffin in the eye. This is done by making a comment in the GNDT of ‘Poke MuffinName in the eye DICE3’ where MuffinName is the Name of the Muffin whom is being poked in the eye. This move shall be referred to as an eye poking or being poked in the eye, or the equivalent. If the dice roll is a 2 then the poke is successful and the Muffin being poked shall have its flavor set to blind. A Burnt Muffin may never be poked in the eye. A Muffin may poke itself in the eye if it so pleases. A Muffin may not attempt an eye poking more than once per day.
Blind – A blind muffin may not move or be moved. A blind Muffin may not challenge another Muffin to a Dance Off. A Blind Muffin may not have its flavor changed until it has been blind for at least 24 hours.
Mr. No Shoo - While any Muffin is Mr. No Shoo, it may make a comment in any 'Shoo' post and in that comment it may place a veto mark. If a 'Shoo' post has been vetoed by Mr. No Shoo then that shoo is completely disregarded. Any Muffin may give themselves the role of ‘Mr. No Shoo’ unless someone else is ‘Mr. No Shoo’ or that muffin is the GRAND POOBAH. After 24 hours of being ‘Mr. No Shoo’ any other muffin may remove the role of ‘Mr. No Shoo’ from a Muffin. No Muffin may have the role of ‘Mr. No Shoo’ two times in a row.
Then the admin must advance the Switcheroo Alarm at the end of this rule by setting it to the current Calendar date plus 10 Years.
After moving a Hand or performing a Switcheroo, the admin must advance the Switcheroo Alarm at the end of this rule by setting it to the current Calendar date plus 20 Years.
Whenever a Muffin moves to a new Position, it causes a note to play. A history of each Muffin's notes played may be tracked in the GNDT, under "Note History".
7............................G flat
X............................[] (silence)
(Movements in Limbo must my notated in the GNDT as '-', and can never be contained in a sequence to make a Concerto.)
When Muffins play in synchrony, creating a Concerto, good things happen. If ever a Muffin notices that its most recent notes played matches exactly those of another Muffin (or Muffins), then it may consult this rule and apply the applicable effect:
(Number of matching notes):
2- Each Muffin may add 2 to the Stuff of their choice
3- Each Muffin may move one position in any direction
5- Each Muffin may change its flavour to Tropical, regardless of whether it is Burnt or not
8- Each Muffin may move to the Position of their choice
If a Muffin notices and applies the effects of a Concerto, then it should add a message to any other Muffins it is playing with as a comment in the GNDT. Concertos may never be applied retrospectively UNLESS it has been commented in the GNDT in this way. If the Muffin does not do so, then the other Muffin(s) may each apply the reverse (or opposite) effect upon the first Muffin. Each string of notes may only be turned into a Concerto once.
For instance, if Kevan and Cayvie have each performed C#, D, G then they can claim a 3-note Concerto. However, if they then both perform E and A, they cannot claim a 5-point Concerto as the first three notes have already been used.
Some combinations of notes also form recognisable movements. Whenever a Muffin's most recent notes form one of these movements, it may claim the appropriate effect:
[]B[] - The Muffin may move directly to Position 1.
EFG - Escape from the Ring of Fire. Muffin may move directly to Position X.
C# G flat [] - Intricacy. The Muffin may create and add a new flavour to the Ruleset (by emailing it to an Admin, or posting it to the BlogNomic weblog, if necessary); however, no Muffin may become that flavour OR make use of any of its attributes until 72 hours after it has been added to the Ruleset.
There exists a column in the GNDT caled 'Roles'. Muffins may have Roles or Jobs, for this rule the words are interchangeable. At any time a Muffin may have none, all, or some of the available jobs unless otherwise stated. A Muffin may only obtain a Role by methods listed in the Role description or through actions explicitly described in another Rule. When noted that a Role may be 'given' it is referring to adding that Role to a Muffin's Role field 'removed' refers to removing it from a Muffin's role field. If a Muffin has more than one Role at once they MUST be separated by commas.
Roles are listed below.
GRAND POOBAH – The current GRAND POOBAH. If any other Muffin besides Quazie is able to change its role to GRANDPOOBAH then that Muffin may Declare Victory. Only the GRAND POOBAH may give the role of GRAND POOBAH to another Muffin. There may only be one GRAND POOBAH at any given time.
Writer of Awesome – If a Muffin is a Writer of Awesome then once per day they may gain 5 stuff. Only the GRAND POOBAH may give out the role of Writer of Awesome. To achieve said Role, a Muffin must write a particularly awesome proposal in the eyes of the GRAND POOBAH. After 24 hours of being the Writer of Awesome, any Muffin may remove the role of Writer of Awesome from that Muffin. There may be multiple Writers of Awesome. The GRAND POOBAH may not be a Writer of Awesome.
Stuff Describer – Description of Stuff Describer is in rule 11 'Nature of Stuff'. There may only be one Stuff Describer at any given time.
Limbo King – If at any time a Muffin is the only Muffin in Limbo then they may be given the Role of Limbo King. The Role of Limbo King may only be removed when another Muffin fulfils the requirements of Limbo King.
Satans Minion – If any Muffin resides in Position 4 for more than 48 hours they may be given the Role of Satans Minion. When a Muffin has the Role of Satans Minion they may perform a 'Satan Spare Me' roll as described in rule '15 – Special Position Rules' once per day, from any position. There may be multiple Satans Minions at any given time.
Chocolate - Chocolate flavored Muffins are very rich, and as such may gain 8 Stuff once per day. Chocolate flavored Muffins are also very fat, and as such may not challenge another Muffin to a Dance Off as long as they are Chocolate flavored. As long as a Muffin's flavor is Chocolate, its DanceMove must be BreakDance. If its DanceMove was not BreakDance before becoming Chocolate flavored then it does not gain any of the bonuses a Muffin would normally gain from having its DanceMove changed to BreakDance through a Dance Off.