Proposal: In your eye!
Add a new rule called ‘In your eye’ with the following text
Add a new flavor to rule 13
7-2 Enacted by Quazie, 15th of January at 2:05 AM.
If a Muffin is in the same position as another muffin then they may attempt to poke that Muffin in the eye. This is done by making a comment in the GNDT of ‘Poke MuffinName in the eye DICE3’ where MuffinName is the Name of the Muffin whom is being poked in the eye. This move shall be referred to as an eye poking or being poked in the eye, or the equivalent. If the dice roll is a 2 then the poke is successful and the Muffin being poked shall have its flavor set to blind. A Burnt Muffin may never be poked in the eye. A Muffin may poke itself in the eye if it so pleases. A Muffin may not attempt an eye poking more than once per day.
Add a new flavor to rule 13
Blind – A blind muffin may not move or be moved. A blind Muffin may not challenge another Muffin to a Dance Off. A Blind Muffin may not have its flavor changed until it has been blind for at least 24 hours.

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