Proposal: Muffins Roll
Add a column in the GNDT called Roles, DO NOT make it a list
Add a rule called 'Muffin Roles'
Upon passage, set Quazie's Role to 'GRAND POOBAH' and Knightking's Role to 'Stuff Describer' and Kevan's Role to 'Satans Minion' for we have all met the requirements for those Roles.
11-1. Reached Quorum. Enacted by Smith, 12th of Month at 18:20.
Add a rule called 'Muffin Roles'
There exists a column in the GNDT caled 'Roles'. Muffins may have Roles or Jobs, for this rule the words are interchangeable. At any time a Muffin may have none, all, or some of the available jobs unless otherwise stated. A Muffin may only obtain a Role by methods listed in the Role description or through actions explicitly described in another Rule. When noted that a Role may be 'given' it is referring to adding that Role to a Muffin's Role field 'removed' refers to removing it from a Muffin's role field. If a Muffin has more than one Role at once they MUST be separated by commas.
Roles are listed below.
GRAND POOBAH – The current GRAND POOBAH. If any other Muffin besides Quazie is able to change its role to GRANDPOOBAH then that Muffin may Declare Victory. Only the GRAND POOBAH may give the role of GRAND POOBAH to another Muffin. There may only be one GRAND POOBAH at any given time.
Writer of Awesome – If a Muffin is a Writer of Awesome then once per day they may gain 5 stuff. Only the GRAND POOBAH may give out the role of Writer of Awesome. To achieve said Role, a Muffin must write a particularly awesome proposal in the eyes of the GRAND POOBAH. After 24 hours of being the Writer of Awesome, any Muffin may remove the role of Writer of Awesome from that Muffin. There may be multiple Writers of Awesome. The GRAND POOBAH may not be a Writer of Awesome.
Stuff Describer – Description of Stuff Describer is in rule 11 'Nature of Stuff'. There may only be one Stuff Describer at any given time.
Limbo King – If at any time a Muffin is the only Muffin in Limbo then they may be given the Role of Limbo King. The Role of Limbo King may only be removed when another Muffin fulfils the requirements of Limbo King.
Satans Minion – If any Muffin resides in Position 4 for more than 48 hours they may be given the Role of Satans Minion. When a Muffin has the Role of Satans Minion they may perform a 'Satan Spare Me' roll as described in rule '15 – Special Position Rules' once per day, from any position. There may be multiple Satans Minions at any given time.
Upon passage, set Quazie's Role to 'GRAND POOBAH' and Knightking's Role to 'Stuff Describer' and Kevan's Role to 'Satans Minion' for we have all met the requirements for those Roles.

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