Proposal: Sleight of Hand
Add a rule Sleight of Hand:
8-3 Enacted by Quazie, 10th of January at 2:26 AM.
In the Ruleset there are two Hands. These Hands are are strings of the format {{X}}, where X is some piece of ruleset text. Note the italic formatting of the braces, so they do not interfere with the rule text they enclose.
Whenever an Admin makes a change to the ruleset they may move one Hand into an adjoining rule from its current position, where it Grabs a new piece of rule text of the admin's choice, but the selection may not extend beyond one rule nor overlap the other Hand. The Grab is done by moving the four braces so that they surround the new Grabbed text in the proper format. Then the admin must advance the Switcheroo Alarm at the end of this rule by setting it to the current Calendar date plus 10 Years.
Non-Admin Muffins may Shoo the Hands to force them to move, this is done by posting with the subject "Shoo!". If there is a Shoo post since either Hand was last moved, an Admin must move a Hand when they are making a change to the ruleset.
If an Admin would move a Hand, but the Switcheroo Alarm is less than the current Calendar Date, then instead of moving the Hand a Switcheroo is performed: each Hand (along with its Grabbed contents) swaps places with the other.
[Rule A] [Rule B] [Rule C] ...becomes {{Burnt Flavored}}... ...a {{Red}} Rule... ...Smith is awesome... [A Hand is moved] ...becomes {{Burnt Flavored}}... ...a Red Rule... ...Smith is {{awesome}}... [Switcheroo] ...becomes {{awesome}}... ...a Red Rule... ...Smith is {{Burnt Flavored}}...
When a Hand would move into this rule or any Core rule or if it is no longer in any rule, it is moved into a Pocket below, Grabbing the word "Left" or "Right" within. A Switcheroo cannot be performed while either Hand is in a Pocket.
These are the Pockets:
{{ Left }}{{ Right }}
Switcheroo Alarm: 80 D.Q.

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