Proposal: a little off the top
Add a bullet point to the glossary (anywhere in the list, at the option of the enacting Admin) which reads: "To increment a value means to increase it by one. To decrement a value means to decrease it by one."
Replace the word nine in Rule 13 with the numeral 9.
Add a Rule called "Shrink the Gameboard" that reads:
As there is no proposed catalyst for Shrinking, this would currently be something that can happen only by Proposal.
Timed out; failed 4-7. Failed by Simon, 9th of January at 3:35.
Replace the word nine in Rule 13 with the numeral 9.
Add a Rule called "Shrink the Gameboard" that reads:
Shrinking the Gameboard is an action which consists of performing the following steps in the following order:
- Decrement the Position of every Muffin at Position 9. Any muffin that gets moved in such a way loses an amount of Stuff equal to 10 - 9.
- Decrement every instance of the number 5 or 9 in the Rules (excluding italicized text, and excluding this Rule) which refers to a Position, or to possible values that a Position may have, or to the number of sides on a die whose result will be related to a Position. (These can currently be found in Rules 12, 13, and 15.)
- If 9 is odd, decrement all instances of the number 5 in this rule.
- Decrement all instances of the number 9 in this rule.
As there is no proposed catalyst for Shrinking, this would currently be something that can happen only by Proposal.

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