Proposal: Muffin Satan atempt 2
In rule 15, replace
9-1 Enacted by Quazie, 7th of January at 8:48.
Position 4 is known as the Ring of Fire. If a Muffin is ever on Position 4, their flavor is changed to Burnt.
Position 4 is known as the Ring of Fire. If a Muffin is ever on Position 4, their flavor is changed to Burnt. Whenever a Muffin enters Position 4 they may roll a 12 sided dice by posting a comment in the GNDT, 'Satan Spare Me DICE12'. If the dice roll is equal to 6 then Muffin Satan decides to spare the Muffin who has just rolled to be spared. This Muffin may then change its Position to Position X. If the Muffin decides to move to Position X they must reduce all of their types of Stuff by 10 with a comment of ‘Sacrifice to Muffin Satan’. If a Muffin does not have 10 of a particular type of Stuff then it must reduce that type of stuff to 0. Even a Muffin with 0 of every type of stuff may make the move, as long as that Muffin denotes in a comment ‘Sacrifice to Muffin Satan’.

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