Proposal: Into the Mystic
Add a Green Rule to the ruleset, entitled "Mysticism," with the following text:
Add a Brown Rule to the ruleset, entitled "Colours," with the following text:
If at least three of the valid FOR votes on this Proposal include the phrase "Cayvie doesn't know anything about computers" then the Admin who enacts this shall be allowed to replace the words "which must be implementable in HTML without using hexadecimal" with something that means what I'm trying to say. has a list of the Colors I mean.
Reached quorum. 14-1. Enacted by Cayvie, 6th of January 11:21 PM.
Proposals that would add new rules to the ruleset may be henceforth referred to as Mystical Proposals. When voting on a Mystical Proposal, a Muffin may include, next to a valid FOR or DEFERENTIAL vote, the name of any one Legitimate Colour. If a majority of Muffins who vote FOR or DEFERENTIAL on a given Mystical Proposal choose the same Legitimate Color, then all rules added by that Proposal shall be of that Colour, overriding any Color specifications in the Proposal. This Colouration shall be done by the enacting Admin.
Add a Brown Rule to the ruleset, entitled "Colours," with the following text:
The words "Color" and "Colour" are interchangeable. A Rule may have a Color, which must be implementable in HTML without using hexadecimal. If a Rule has a Colour, then all text within said Rule must be that Color in the Ruleset, and the name of the Rule's Colour must be included in parentheses next to the Rule's name (for the benefit of all our Colorblind Muffins). A Rule with a Colour may be referred to using that Color as an adjective, e.g. "Red Rule". A Rule without any speficied Colour may be referred to as a Colorless Rule.
Some Colours are Legitimate. The List of Legitimate Colors is included below. If a Rule has a Colour that is not on the List of Legitimate Colors, then it may be referred to as a Bastard Rule.
The List of Legitimate Colours
If at least three of the valid FOR votes on this Proposal include the phrase "Cayvie doesn't know anything about computers" then the Admin who enacts this shall be allowed to replace the words "which must be implementable in HTML without using hexadecimal" with something that means what I'm trying to say. has a list of the Colors I mean.

Reached quorum. 14-1. Enacted by Cayvie, 6th of January 11:21 PM.
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