Proposal: Behind door number 3 we find STUFF
Rewrite rule 11 to read:
Rename StuffCheese to Stuff in the GNDT and create Cheese at the current New Item

Reached quorum. 10-7 Enacted by Cayvie, 6th of January 11:58 PM. Because I'm so nice, I changed the Rule 11 you meant, as there are two now.
The nature of Stuff changes weekly. At the beginning of each week, once a new nature of stuff has been decided, a column shall be added to the GNDT. The name of this column shall be a word. The specifications for said word are listed below. Any references to the nature, form, or type of Stuff refer to this word. The specifications for creating the column, and deciding on a new nature of stuff, are described within this rule.
The new column shall be referred to as the New Item. The current New Item shall be indicated on the Blognomic website just above the words 'Oldest pending proposal:' in the form of 'This weeks item: ItemName' where ItemName shall be replaced by the current New Item name. The value of a player's New Item shall always be equal to the value of their Stuff.
At the end of each week a new word shall be proposed to be the nature of stuff. Once the GNDT and website have been updated this new word is now the New Item. All columns that reflect past New Items are referred to as Old Items.
Whoever has the most of the Stuff at the end of Sunday is the ‘Stuff Describer’. They shall determine the nature of Stuff for the coming week. If there is a tie between two Muffins for the most Stuff the GRAND POOBAH shall decide who is the ‘Stuff Describer’. Before changing the nature of Stuff the ‘Stuff Describer’ must make a post Entitled: STUFF SHALL BE. The context of the post must contain one noun, or made up word, and it may not be a word already assigned a meaning in this dynasty. If the STUFF SHALL BE post doesn’t meet these criteria, the GRAND POOBAH shall veto the STUFF SHALL BE post and determine what Stuff shall be.
To signify which are New/Old Items a 0(zero) shall be placed at the end of their name when added to the GNDT, yet these 0(zeros) never have to be mentioned to refer to these columns.
If ‘all forms of Stuff’ is mentioned in a proposal, then it is referring to Stuff, New Items, and Old Items
If ‘any type of Stuff’ is mentioned in a proposal, then it is also referring to Stuff, New Items, and Old Items.
No other column besides all past forms of Stuff may contain a *(asterisk) in their name.
(For example (note that any instance of a ~(dash) used in this example is only there for spacing)
Week one – A claims stuff to be cheese
End of week one – A and B both gain 10 stuff, C gains nothing, nothing else happens. B claims stuff to be feet
Muffin~~~~Stuff~~~Cheese0~~~Feet0 `
A~~~~~~~~~~ 25~~~~~~25~~~~~~~25
C~~~~~~~~~~~25~~~~~ 25~~~~~~~25
End of week two – C gains 100 stuff, B and Again 10 stuff each nothing else happens. C claims stuff to be boxes
A~~~~~~~~~~~35 ~~~~~25 ~~~~~35~~~~~~35
B~~~~~~~~~~~95 ~~~~~85~~~~~~95~~~~~~95
New Muffins start out with 0 in all columns that have a 0 in their name, besides the current New Item.
Rename StuffCheese to Stuff in the GNDT and create Cheese at the current New Item

Reached quorum. 10-7 Enacted by Cayvie, 6th of January 11:58 PM. Because I'm so nice, I changed the Rule 11 you meant, as there are two now.
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