Proposal: Every Muffin Dance Now, or equally as fitting, Rock, Paper, Disco
Add a column to the GNDT called DanceMove
Add a rule called ‘Dance Moves’ with the following wording
Add a rule called ‘Dance Off’ with the following wording
Upon enactment of this Proposal all Muffin's DanceMoves are changed to CabbagePatch

Vetoed. Failed by Quazie, 4th of January 10:31 PM.
Add a rule called ‘Dance Moves’ with the following wording
There exists a column in the GNDT called DanceMove. At all times each Muffin must have one of the following in their DanceMove column – ‘CabbagePatch’, ‘Disco’, ‘HeadBob’, or ‘BreakDance’.
New Muffins start out with their DanceMove being equal to ‘Disco’.
Add a rule called ‘Dance Off’ with the following wording
Muffins can dance. As such Muffins regularly fight in Dance Offs.
A Muffin may declare a Dance Off once per day.
A Dance Off is declared by posting a comment in the GNDT ‘Dance Off vs. MuffinName DICE10’, with the name of the Muffin being challenged in place of MuffinName.
If the result of the dice roll is a 1,2 or 3 then the Muffin that declared a Dance Off changes their DanceMove to ‘CabbagePatch’.
If the result of the dice roll is a 4,5 or 6 then the Muffin that declared a Dance Off changes their DanceMove to ‘Disco’.
If the result of the dice roll is a 7,8 or 9 then the Muffin that declared a Dance Off changes their DanceMove to ‘HeadBob'.
Once this change has been made the winner of the dance off shall be determined by the following rules.
A – CabbagePatch wins over Disco
B – Disco wins over Headbob
C – HeadBob wins over Disco
D – BreakDance always wins
E – If both Muffins have the same DanceMove then there is no winner.
The loser of the Dance Off by the above rules shall have their Stuff reduced by 5 and the winner shall have their Stuff increased by 5.
If the result of the dice roll is 10 then the Muffin that declared a Dance Off changes their DanceMove to ‘BreakDance’ and said Muffin may deduct 2 stuff from every Muffin whose DanceMove is not ‘BreakDance’ and add it to their own. In this case there is no winner of the Dance Off
Upon enactment of this Proposal all Muffin's DanceMoves are changed to CabbagePatch

Vetoed. Failed by Quazie, 4th of January 10:31 PM.
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