Proposal: Much Ado
[ Minor, daily Stuff-modifiers seem a bit fiddly and unexciting. (In fact, it almost seems time to repeal Rule 3, now that the core ruleset doesn't rely on "points" existing for proposal-rewards and such.) ]
Change the flavor abilities to:-

14-0 Enacted by Quazie, 4th of January 11:48 PM.
Change the flavor abilities to:-
Banana - Once per day, a Banana Muffin may swap its own position with that of any other Banana Muffin (excluding those which have already been involved in a swap that day).
Fruity - Once per day, a Fruity Muffin may move one Position in either direction, so long as - at the start of that movement - there is another Fruity Muffin somewhere in that direction.
Burnt - Once a Muffin has become Burnt, it may not change its flavor unless it is otherwise indicated that it can. A Burnt Muffin may not declare victory.

14-0 Enacted by Quazie, 4th of January 11:48 PM.
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