Proposal: You're it!
Add a column to the GNDT entitled Tag
Add a new rule entitled ‘Tag’ described below
Upon enactment of this proposal all Muffins shall be set to ‘Not It’, and then per this rule the GRAND POOBAH shall be set to ‘It’
14-1. Reached Quorum. Enacted by Chronos at GMT 21:07 Jan, 4th. Edited for quotes and capitalization consistence.
Add a new rule entitled ‘Tag’ described below
There exists a column in the GNDT entitled Tag.
As of now there are two states for this field, ‘It’ or ‘Not It’.
When the tens digit of the year is either a 5 or a 0, then it is a designated tag day. If positions exist, you do not need to be in the same position as another muffin to tag it.
The rules of Tag are below:
1 - A Muffin may tag any other Muffin, if the Muffin that is doing the tagging is it. A tag consists of changing your field in the Tag column to ‘Not It’ and the filed in the Tag column of the Muffin being tagged to ‘It’
2 - No Tag backs (you may not tag a Muffin that just tagged you)
3 - Tagging can only happen on designated tag days.
4 - If, for whatever reason no Muffin is ‘it’, then the GRAND POOBAH is ‘it’
Upon enactment of this proposal all Muffins shall be set to ‘Not It’, and then per this rule the GRAND POOBAH shall be set to ‘It’

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