Proposal: Tastes like muffin
Add a column to the GNDT called Flavor.
Add a rule called Muffin Flavors which says the following
upon the passage of this proposal all Muffins become Plain flavored.
Add a rule called Muffin Flavors which says the following
There exists in the GNDT a field called Flavor.
Every muffin must always have a flavor, and each different flavor comes with different attributes, the flavors are described below.
Once per day a Muffin may change their own flavor unless they are Burnt flavored.
Plain – a plain muffin has no special attributes, and that’s what makes it special.
Banana – as long as a plurality of muffins are Banana flavored, each Banana flavored muffin may gain 2 Stuff per day.
Fruity – as long as a plurality of muffins are Banana flavored, a fruity muffin may subtract 5 Stuff from one Banana flavored muffin and add it to their own Stuff once per day, as long as the Banana flavored muffin that is losing Stuff has at least 5 Stuff.
Burnt – Once a muffin has become burnt, they may not change their flavor unless it is otherwise indicated that it can. Once per day a maximum of 5 different muffins per day, that are not burnt flavored, can subtract one of any type of Stuff from a burnt flavored muffin and add it to their corresponding type of Stuff.
New Muffins start out as Plain flavored.
upon the passage of this proposal all Muffins become Plain flavored.
14-0. Reached Quorum. Enacted by Chronos at GMT 17:18
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