Proposal: Jumping on the "I Win" bandwagon!
Ben wins.
(Okay, seriously. Letting Quazie win because he's the last person who hasn't been dominated by me? Funny, perhaps, but not a good precedent to set for future dynasties... "Play well, and the last person you triumph over will win instead of you!" I will admit Knightking has more brains and zombies than I, but he's rivalled in brains by Kevan, and rivalled in zombies by myself, whereas I am currently unrivalled by ANYONE in allegiance-holders. People blew everything up, and I managed to use that to do some things I was prevented from doing otherwise. If taking a situation which, at first glance, hurts me more than almost anyone else (since I had, I believe, the second highest zombies count, lower only than Knightking, and lost all of them), and turning it to my advantage to dominate a few key leaders to take over almost the entire game isn't worthy of a win, I don't know what is.

Vetoed. Failed by Quazie, 4th of January. 2:38AM
(Okay, seriously. Letting Quazie win because he's the last person who hasn't been dominated by me? Funny, perhaps, but not a good precedent to set for future dynasties... "Play well, and the last person you triumph over will win instead of you!" I will admit Knightking has more brains and zombies than I, but he's rivalled in brains by Kevan, and rivalled in zombies by myself, whereas I am currently unrivalled by ANYONE in allegiance-holders. People blew everything up, and I managed to use that to do some things I was prevented from doing otherwise. If taking a situation which, at first glance, hurts me more than almost anyone else (since I had, I believe, the second highest zombies count, lower only than Knightking, and lost all of them), and turning it to my advantage to dominate a few key leaders to take over almost the entire game isn't worthy of a win, I don't know what is.

Vetoed. Failed by Quazie, 4th of January. 2:38AM
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