Corporate Songwriting
Garran's "Of the forms we make them fill out thrice" is the winner. +10 to Garran.
HOD - Head of Department
At the end of the first dynasty of Brendan, every instance of the word "Mission Statement" in the "Mission Statement" shall be changed to "Mission Statement", and this sentence shall repeal itself.
At the end of the first dynasty of Brendan, every instance of the word "Mission Statement" in the "Mission Statement" shall be changed to "Ruleset", and this sentence shall repeal itself.
every Department in which every Teamperson possesses a Hat (and which has at least two Teamspersons) gains one Efficiency...because what good is a hat if nobody can see it?
If a Department's Outlay ever exceeds its Budget for reasons other than illegal claims (for example, if its Efficiency is reduced, bringing its Budget below its current Outlay), any Teamsperson may remove TOSs from any member of that Department until the Department's Outlay is not greater than its Budget.Also, might as well fix this:
If any Teamsperson other than the District Manager is the only member of Management, he or she may claim Victory.
A Teamsperson must own a PC to claim Software TOSs.
Software. A Teamsperson may only possess Software if they have a PC; if they lose their PC, all their Software is also lost. Software should be listed in brackets after the PC, in the GNDT.
penalty of -10 Dignity for every such memo beyond the second
Whenever a Project defines within itself a TLA for the TOS, when the Project is approved the TLA is automatically added to the TLA list (rule 15)
NCR - Non-Core Rule
Should this rule be in conflict with another non-core rule, contents of the former will override the latter.
The Accounts Department may claim 1 Efficiency for each time another Department goes over Budget, provided that at least one of those who removed a TOS to correct it was a member of Accounts; on the other hand, if the Accounts Department itself goes over Budget, and a member of another Department acts to correct it, each Member of Accounts loses 10 dignity.
Projects proposed by the Research Department require 1 less vote of approval than normal in order to be approved (That is, the approval of admin and only one other department).
Sales department has a Budget equal to its Efficiency multiplied by 15.
If the line chosen for TCS comes from a member of the Marketing department, that Teamsperson gains 20 dignity.
Plug-And-Play Mortar And Pestle. Cost: 3
[Slackers Only]
When placing this TOS in his or her Stuff, a Teamsperson need only enter its abbreviation, PAPMAP. On claiming a PAPMAP, a Teamsperson may pay 20 Dignity to increase his or her Department's Efficiency by 1. Should any Teamsperson have a PAPMAP removed from his or her Stuff, his or her Department (or former Department, if this Teamsperson is losing all non-Personal Stuff because they are no longer in a Department) loses 1 Efficiency.