Proposal: Secretary
<Declaimer> Due to office general confusion, even if it does not seem, I AM E.lite. </Declaimer>
Add this new rule:
Every Department can have a Secretary. Secretaries are tracked in the Stuff column of the GNDT next to the name of the Head of Department.
There are two kind of secretaries:
YPS (Young Pretty Secretary)
OES (Old Efficient Secretary)
Owning a YPS costs 2 a week. Owning a OES costs 4 a week. Secretaries are paid every Saturday at noon.
Every week YPSs subtract 5 Dignity to each Teamsperson of the Department which owns the YPS (because of their distracting nature) and add 1 Efficiency to the Department itself.
Every week OESs add 1 Efficiency to the Department they belong to.
Secretaries may be fired at any time and must be fired if the Department they belong to cannot pay their salary.
Failed 1 to 9 by Brendan at 6:01 pm GMT on 7.2.2004. -3 to E.Lite, +1 to Brendan.
Add this new rule:
Every Department can have a Secretary. Secretaries are tracked in the Stuff column of the GNDT next to the name of the Head of Department.
There are two kind of secretaries:
Owning a YPS costs 2 a week. Owning a OES costs 4 a week. Secretaries are paid every Saturday at noon.
Every week YPSs subtract 5 Dignity to each Teamsperson of the Department which owns the YPS (because of their distracting nature) and add 1 Efficiency to the Department itself.
Every week OESs add 1 Efficiency to the Department they belong to.
Secretaries may be fired at any time and must be fired if the Department they belong to cannot pay their salary.

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