BlogNomic has moved!
The game is now running at blognomic.comSaturday, March 12, 2005
GazeboDude has joined the beach party. Quorum remains at 8.
Friday, March 11, 2005
New players
The observant amongst you will have noticed ShadowClaw quietly practicing his skills, but Kurt has now also hit the beach with a mind to catch the biggest wave of all. Quorum lurches to 8.
Proposal: The Life Aquatic
If "Kitting Up" failed, for whatever reason, then this proposal has no effect.
Throw in a couple of new pieces of Equipment:-
And reword the Leather Jacket to:-
Self-Killed 2-3. Failed by Topher, 13th of Month at 04:21.
Throw in a couple of new pieces of Equipment:-
Wetsuit (Suit): A Gremmie wearing a Wetsuit can move an extra 3 Yards when Swimming.
Flippers (Accessory): A Gremmie wearing Flippers can move an extra 4 Yards when Swimming, but 2 Yards less when Standing. He or she also gets -1 to all Stunt Rolls.
And reword the Leather Jacket to:-
Leather Jacket (Suit): Can only be claimed if the claimant was the most recent Gremmie to Jump the Shark. The Gremmie wearing the Jacket is the King of the Beach.
[ Accidentally lost the bit about there being only one Leather Jacket. Was niggling at me that the Jacket was a Magic Teleporting one, as well - you have to come back to the beach to claim it, now, which feels better thematically. ]

Proposal: Uncertain attack
In rule 18 - "The Shark", change
to read
If "Proposal: Sons of Jaws" passes, change this accordingly.
Not weakening the Shark(s) per se, but reducing the number of attacks.
Timed Out 7-1. Enacted by Topher, 13th of Month at 04:18.
If the Shark has the same Yard value as a Gremmie, it may attack that Gremmie, unless it has already attacked them earlier in the day. Any Gremmie may post a GNDT comment of "Shark Attack: DICEX" where X is the Skill of the victim - the victim loses the resultant roll's worth of Skill.
to read
If the Shark has the same Yard value as a Gremmie, it may attack that Gremmie, unless it has already attacked them earlier in the day. Any Gremmie may post a GNDT comment of "Shark Attck: DICE3 DICEX" where X is the skill of the victim. If the result of the first die is a 1, the Shark attacks the Gremmie, who loses the second die roll's worth of Skill.
If "Proposal: Sons of Jaws" passes, change this accordingly.
Not weakening the Shark(s) per se, but reducing the number of attacks.

Proposal: Sons of Jaws
in rule 18, change:
to read:
Quazie suggested the evil, I'm just writing it up...
Quorum Reached 8-1. Enacted by Topher, 12th of March at 20:30.
A Shark is patrolling the waters - it is listed as a Gremmie in the GNDT, and has a Yard distance from the shore. Its Stance is always "Swimming".
If the Shark has the same Yard value as a Gremmie, it may attack that Gremmie, unless it has already attacked them earlier in the day. Any Gremmie may post a GNDT comment of "Shark Attack: DICEX" where X is the Skill of the victim - the victim loses the resultant roll's worth of Skill.
Any Gremmie may move the Shark instead of moving themselves, by posting a GNDT comment of "Shark Move: DICEX", where X is the Yard distance of the furthest-out Gremmie. The Shark is moved to the result of the roll.
to read:
There are Sharks in these waters -- they are listed as a Gremmie in the GNDT (but are not considered a Gremmie under any circumstances), and have Yard distances from the shore. Their Stance is always "Swimming". Sharks after the first Shark are listed as "Shark#" in the GNDT where # is a number starting at 1 and is incremented by 1 for each new Shark created (the first Shark has a numeric indicator of 0, but it is never required to list that indicator when referencing Shark0).
If any Shark is struck by the harpoon its blood causes a feeding frenzy. 2 days after a shark is struck by a harpoon, 2 new Sharks appear at Yard 100. Any admin may create the new Sharks after midnight on the second day.
If any Shark has the same Yard value as a Gremmie, it may attack that Gremmie, unless it has already attacked them earlier in the day. Any Gremmie may post a GNDT comment of "Shark# Attack: DICEX" where # is the number indicator of the Shark attacking and X is the Skill of the victim -- the victim loses the resultant roll's worth of Skill.
A Swimming or Standing Gremmie may move any one Shark instead of moving themselves, by posting a GNDT comment of "Shark# Move: DICEX", where # is the numeric indicator of the Shark to be moved and X is the Yard distance of the furthest-out Gremmie. The Shark is moved to the result of the roll.
Quazie suggested the evil, I'm just writing it up...

Proposal: Mondo Stunts
In rule 18, change:
In rule 16, add the following to the bottom of the rule:
if you do a perfect Stunt while jumping the shark, you aught to get more than someone who just succeeds
Quorum Reached 8-0. Enacted by Topher, 12th of March at 20:22.
If a Stunt that Jumps the Shark is Successful, it is instead considered Perfect. If the Gremmie wipes out, he or she is moved to the same Yard position as the Shark.
If a Stunt that Jumps the Shark obtains a Perfect (highest possible) die roll, it is instead considered Mondo. If a Stunt that Jumps the Shark obtains a Successful die roll, it is instead considered Perfect. If the Gremmie wipes out, he or she is moved to the same Yard position as the Shark.
In rule 16, add the following to the bottom of the rule:
If a rule other than this one classifies a Stunt as Mondo, the Gremmie performed the Stunt and, if the Stunt had a higher target Skill level than the their current Skill, they may increase their Skill by 2.
if you do a perfect Stunt while jumping the shark, you aught to get more than someone who just succeeds

Thursday, March 10, 2005
Back in Black
Cover your disappointment; marvel instead at how Quorum has risen to 7.
Proposal: Kitting Up
Reword Rule 14 (Equipment) to:-
Quorum Reached 9-2. Enacted by Topher, 12th of March at 15:28.
Gremmies can carry Equipment, from the list below - it is tracked in the GNDT. Multiple items can be carried, but a Gremmie may never have more than one Suit, more than one piece of Headgear, or more than one Accessory.
Any Gremmie who is Standing may, instead of moving, either lose or gain one item of Equipment, of their choice.
Leather Jacket (Suit): When a Gremmie successfully Jumps the Shark, they automatically get the Leather Jacket, if their Skill then exceeds that of all other Gremmies - this is the only way to gain the Leather Jacket. The Gremmie wearing the Jacket is the King of the Beach.
Life Jacket (Suit): A Gremmie with a Life Jacket cannot Drown - their Skill is still set to 1, but they retain their Yard position.
Sunglasses (Headgear): A Gremmie wearing Sunglasses gets +1 to their Coolness Factor, for all Stunts.
Goggles (Headgear): A Gremmie wearing Goggles can move an extra 2 Yards when Swimming.
Binoculars (Accessory): A Gremmie with Binoculars may spot a Wave even if one has already been spotted earlier in the day, but not if two have been spotted.
Harpoon (Accessory): If a Gremmie has a Harpoon and is at the same Yard distance as the Shark, they may attack it by posting a blog entry to this effect. If they do so, the Shark is moved to 200 Yards and may not be moved again for the remainder of the game.

Proposal: Baywatch!
Create a new rule entitled baywatch with the following text
Timed-Out 3-7. Failed by topher, 12th of March at 15:25.
"At the Life Guard Post there is a Pamela Anderson, as she is not a real life guard, shes most likely not going to be able to help you, but there is a bit of hope. A gremmie may at any time while at the Life Guard Post make a post in the GNDT of "PAM! SAVE ME! DICE4" provided that they have not done so that day. If the roll is equal to 2 then Pam saves you and carries your sorry, recently drowned butt to the water, leaving you at positive 2 yards."

Wednesday, March 09, 2005
Proposal: Battle for the Waves
In rule 12, change:
Let the battle for the waves begin
Self-Killed 3-0. Failed by Topher, 11th of March at 13:59.
- those who have a Surfing Stance, are able to catch the wave - they are automatically moved to the lowest roll and may attempt a Stunt once in the next 24 hours, with a Z coolness factor equal one tenth, rounded up to the next integer, of the distance they moved.
- those Gremmies who have a Surfing Stance, are able to catch the wave - they are moved towards the lowest roll by the Gremmie who spotted the wave.
Any Surfing Gremmie who reaches the lowest roll Yard may attempt a Stunt once in the next 24 hours, with a Z coolness factor equal to one tenth of the distance they moved, rounded up to the next integer.
- If multiple Gremmies are able to catch the wave, they are moved starting with the Gremmie who is able to catch the wave and is closest to (or on) the highest roll.
- Each time a wave bearing Surfing Gremmies reaches a Yard with Surfing Gremmies who have not caught the wave, a Drop In Check must be performed between each Surfing Gremmie riding the wave and each Surfing Gremmie already occupying that Yard.
- If two Gremmies are able to catch the wave at the same Yard, they perform a Drop In Check before they are able to catch the wave.
Let the battle for the waves begin

Tuesday, March 08, 2005
Proposal: High Tide
Replace the position of the Life Guard Post at "15 yards" with "10 yards" in Rule 13 (Places).
Add 5 to the Yards of any Gremmies whose Yards are less than 1.
[ Life Guard Post seems a bit game-slowingly far away, if people are going to keep getting eaten by Sharks. ]
Timed Out 5-3. Enacted by Topher, 11th of March at 03:10.
Add 5 to the Yards of any Gremmies whose Yards are less than 1.
[ Life Guard Post seems a bit game-slowingly far away, if people are going to keep getting eaten by Sharks. ]

Someone changed the Veto icon to a shark. Although I like the new icon ,the Veto icon can only be changed by the KOTB or a prop, so we need to have it changed it back.
testing something
testing something
Proposal: Who can live up to the Legend?
Change Rule 11 (Victory) to read:
Reached Quorum 7-1. Enacted by Topher, 10th of March at 04:25.
Yeah, Simon was awesome. He was the best. There aren't any surfers like him around any more.
If a Gremmie successfully performs a stunt with a name containing a reference to "Simon" and having target skill level of 20 or greater, that Gremmie may claim victory.

Monday, March 07, 2005
Proposal: Roll an 8
In the rule "Drop In Check", change the text:
to read:
cuz someone is gonna roll an 8 at some point, and there's nothing in the rule to cover it
Timed Out 5-1. Enacted by Topher, 10th of March at 04:21.
If Z is greater than 2 but less than 8:
to read:
If Z is greater than 2 but less than 9:
cuz someone is gonna roll an 8 at some point, and there's nothing in the rule to cover it

Backlog of Proposals
It would appear that I'm building up quite the little backlog of Proposals -- anyone who would like to claim one and post it as their own is MORE than welcome to claim one if they like.
I have draft proposals all written up and waiting in the 'Edit posts' queue. Just grab one and post it and I'll remove my 'draft' version.
(Yes, it IS an overly sneaky way of trying to get more than 2 of my proposals running at the same time, but not specifically excluded from the rules. <grin>)
topher -- current leader of the 'git' faction
I have draft proposals all written up and waiting in the 'Edit posts' queue. Just grab one and post it and I'll remove my 'draft' version.
(Yes, it IS an overly sneaky way of trying to get more than 2 of my proposals running at the same time, but not specifically excluded from the rules. <grin>)
topher -- current leader of the 'git' faction
Proposal: Play for keeps
Remove the second instance of the sentence "Simon is an awesome dude" from Rule 11.
We have a mechanism for removing skill from players (an element of risk), and a Gremmie with less than 10 yards may attempt a stunt (at most) every 3 days as a corollary to Rule 17. I say we're ready to game. Objections?
Self-Kill. Failed by Topher, 10th of March at 04:13.
We have a mechanism for removing skill from players (an element of risk), and a Gremmie with less than 10 yards may attempt a stunt (at most) every 3 days as a corollary to Rule 17. I say we're ready to game. Objections?

I updated the BlogNomic page on NomicWiwki with the current players and whatnot if anyone cares.