Proposal: Battle for the Waves
In rule 12, change:
Let the battle for the waves begin
Self-Killed 3-0. Failed by Topher, 11th of March at 13:59.
- those who have a Surfing Stance, are able to catch the wave - they are automatically moved to the lowest roll and may attempt a Stunt once in the next 24 hours, with a Z coolness factor equal one tenth, rounded up to the next integer, of the distance they moved.
- those Gremmies who have a Surfing Stance, are able to catch the wave - they are moved towards the lowest roll by the Gremmie who spotted the wave.
Any Surfing Gremmie who reaches the lowest roll Yard may attempt a Stunt once in the next 24 hours, with a Z coolness factor equal to one tenth of the distance they moved, rounded up to the next integer.
- If multiple Gremmies are able to catch the wave, they are moved starting with the Gremmie who is able to catch the wave and is closest to (or on) the highest roll.
- Each time a wave bearing Surfing Gremmies reaches a Yard with Surfing Gremmies who have not caught the wave, a Drop In Check must be performed between each Surfing Gremmie riding the wave and each Surfing Gremmie already occupying that Yard.
- If two Gremmies are able to catch the wave at the same Yard, they perform a Drop In Check before they are able to catch the wave.
Let the battle for the waves begin

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