If the Proposal: "<Insert witty title here>" passes, repeal it.
Remove the entry
>Query. Howard, is there a way to move from deck to deck in case of emergency or when machinery is malfunctioning other than the teleport chamber and lifts -- for example, a internal ladder system or Jeffries tubes?
"Affirmative. Corridors on sequential decks are connected via a series of ducts and Jeffries tubes. Access to the passageway is restricted--only members of the Delta group have the gear and expertise necessary to unlock the service tube openings.
A member of Service Group Delta may spend an Action Point to unlock the Service Tubes in the Corridor in which he or she is located. For the remainder of the day after this is done, any Crewmember use that Corridor to move up or down by one (and only one) Deck as if the Lifts were functioning in the standard fashion.
The Service Tubes in any Corridor lock themselves on the next day after they were unlocked, and no Crewmember may use a locked Service Tube to move from sequential decks."
from the Data Bank.
Add a field to the GNDT labeled "Role", with entries "Programmer", "Medical", "Agent", "Technician", and "Security". A Crewmember may have only one Role at once. Any Crewmember may change Roles provided that he or she has not done so for the last 48 hours. A Crewmember changing roles simultaneously loses all effects of the old Role and gains the effects of the new one.
Flavor text lifted shamelessly from Rodney's proposal The Programmer Role consists of programmers, navigators, and machine operators. Any Programmer may add or subtract up an integral value up to ten points on any DICE roll that involves his or her Logic rating, at will.
Adding to the Logic score would be hard to undo. The Medical Role consists of nurses, doctors, and medics. Medic may, while moving, move a Wounded or Stunned Crewmember with them by spending another Action Point.
No one knows for certain what the Agent Role consists of but rumor has it that it consists of tangelo smugglers, laser harpoon wielding maniacs, and conspirators. Any Agent will gain an Action point in addition to their Daily Points.
The Technician Role consists of machine repairmen, mechanics, and engineers. A Technician may repair any damaged piece of Machinery at his or her location, causing it to cease to be damaged, by posting a blog entry to that effect. Damaged machinery remains fixed if the repairing Technician switches Roles at a later date.
The Security Role consists of guards, inspectors, and enforcers. Any Security Crewmember that has 1 or more Daily points that would become Wounded will lose a Daily point instead.
Returns the Service Groups to their egalitarian nature while allowing for Group diversity--sounds like a mission statement. We can add to or redefine roles later as it is appropriate. I think that the biggest benefit to this proposal is the potential for teamwork and possible competition between the Groups.
Vote for this if you favor the idea of keeping the Groups isomorphic to one another, and against if you like the idea of distinct Service Groups with exclusive abilities.
5-8. Timed out. Failed by Chronos at 04/14/2005 GMT 12:49