Proposal: We the People of the Starship Caine ...
Create a new rule, "Ship's Protocol".
If the rule Police State exists, erase the following text from it:
Basically, only Epsilon group members can stun right now, and Law #2 only prevents the stunning of non-Criminals, so these are covered by Law #2.
11-7. Timed Out. Enacted by Chronos at 04/17/2005 GMT 13:39
Certain laws for Crewmember conduct exist aboard the Caine. Such laws are listed at the end of this rule. A crewmember violating any of the laws in this rule, as determined by the Computer, shall be known as a Criminal.
At any time (including when Queries are outstanding), the Computer may make a post with the subject "Criminal: [Name]", where [Name] is the Crewmember being branded a Criminal. Such a post is invalid and non-binding unless the Computer includes within the post the law or laws that have been broken by the Crewmember named.
Criminals must be escorted to the Cell by a member of the Epsilon group. After 48 hours, if a member of the Epsilon Group has not escorted a Criminal to the Cell, any crewmember may do so by use of the Teleport Chamber or any other means available to them.
Criminals must remain in the Cell for 72 hours. After this time has elapsed, Criminals shall be released if they promise never to break any laws again; upon doing so they are no longer Criminals (until violating another law).
Law #1: No Crewmember may attempt to kill another Crewmember or any Criminal.
Law #2: No Crewmember may harm or stun a non-Criminal.
Law #3: No Crewmember may use the Teleport Chamber on a non-Criminal Crewmember without their permission, nor use the Teleport Chamber to remove a Criminal from the Cell.
If the rule Police State exists, erase the following text from it:
Epsilon group members my stun any crewmember who has committed an actionable offense, as defined in the ruleset, without penalty.
Stunning a crewmember who has not commited an actionable offense is itself an actionable offense.
Basically, only Epsilon group members can stun right now, and Law #2 only prevents the stunning of non-Criminals, so these are covered by Law #2.

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