Proposal: No more filibustering
To the end of the The Crew rule, add:
Most of the comments last time I tried this were about 24 hours being a too short period. I’ve risen the grace time to 48 hours, and took the weekends off. I would also like to remember that this period is intended to avoid massive damage due to cluttering of timed out proposals.
7-8. Timed Out. Failed by Chronos at 04/17/2005 GMT 13:29
Decreasing the Vitality of a Dead Crewmember idles that Crewmember instead.
Whenever an Admin enacts or fails a timed out Proposal, that Admin may decrease by 1 the Vitality level of any Crewmembers who failed to vote on that Proposal. This reduction may not be applied if any portion of the time between the Proposal posting to the Blog and its enactment/failure comes to pass during a weekend. A Crewmember may not lose more than 1 level of Vitality this way in a period of 48 hours.
Most of the comments last time I tried this were about 24 hours being a too short period. I’ve risen the grace time to 48 hours, and took the weekends off. I would also like to remember that this period is intended to avoid massive damage due to cluttering of timed out proposals.

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