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Thursday, April 14, 2005

Proposal: My Beloved Ice Cream Bar!

Change Rule 13 to read:
Every Crew Member, including the Computer, has a Logic rating, tracked in the GNDT. This may be any integer value from -60 to 60. New Crew Members start with a Logic rating of 15.

A Crewmember or Computer with a negative Logic rating has Space Madness.

And add to the Data Banks Rule, at the end of the second paragraph:
If the Computer responded to the Query with an "error", then both the Computer and the querying Cremember must have their Logic rating lowered by 1.

What are the effects of Space Madness? Well I'm not sure, perhaps we should query the Computer...

Tick Passed 13-0. Reached Quorum. Enacted by Smith, 16th of April at 19:45.