Proposal: Not even remotely funny
Add a new rule, Remote Access.
Add a new field to the GNDT, "Remote".
Upon enactment, the Computer MUST specify frequencies for all existing rooms before he may undertake any other game actions. He must post to the weblog when this is complete. If completing this requires that he be made an admin, then this proposal also makes him an admin.
If Kevan votes against this proposal, with the comment 'Impossible', then it automatically fails.
Kevan tells me that this is possible, although I didn't outline exactly what I had in mind. Ideally, a page would be set up that only AG could access, in which he can specify numbers and attatch messages to them; these messages would then show up as GNDT comments when the number is entered in a specific field (comments along the lines of "Deck 2-TeleChamber online", for example).
Failed 2-11. Timed Out. Failed by Smith, 16th of April at 15:32.
Each crew member has a remote control on their person. Each area in the ship has a three-digit frequency. When the 'remote' field of a crew member's GNDT record is set to a room's frequency, the player may use the machinery as if they were in that room from anywhere in the ship.
Changing the frequency of one's remote costs one Action Point. The remote can be set to any combination of any quantity of letters or numbers.
Frequencies are always set by the Computer; once they are set, they cannot be changed. Whenever new locations are added, the Computer must make frequencies for them, too.
Add a new field to the GNDT, "Remote".
Upon enactment, the Computer MUST specify frequencies for all existing rooms before he may undertake any other game actions. He must post to the weblog when this is complete. If completing this requires that he be made an admin, then this proposal also makes him an admin.
If Kevan votes against this proposal, with the comment 'Impossible', then it automatically fails.
Kevan tells me that this is possible, although I didn't outline exactly what I had in mind. Ideally, a page would be set up that only AG could access, in which he can specify numbers and attatch messages to them; these messages would then show up as GNDT comments when the number is entered in a specific field (comments along the lines of "Deck 2-TeleChamber online", for example).

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