Call For Judgement
Okay... where the HECK is the water cooler? I'd be nice if we could actually use the Gossip rule. Could an admin please add the water cooler as an NPC to the GNDT?
Passed and added by Kevan.

Pretend to Work. For 5 Dignity, a Teamsperson may reverse the order of colored pages in a Document in his or her Inbox (for example, a GOB Document would become BOG).
Silver: High-Profile. When Claiming Credit for a Blue Document, the claimer earns Dignity equal to 5+(5*X), where X is the number of Blue pages in the Document. Upon doing so, another Blue page is added to the Document.Replace the sentence in Rule 11 - Paper-Pushing that reads
The effects of each Document vary depending on the colours of the stationary:with
The effects of each Document vary depending on the colours of the stationary. If two colours have contradictory effects, the effect that comes first in the list of colours for that Document is considered to have precedence. The colours and their effects are as follows:Should this Proposal pass, Brendan shall receive no Dignity for its passage.