Proposal: Planetary records [Trivial]
The Speaker must randomly assign budget preferences to unclaimed systems.

Each System possesses a net wealth of mega-credits and other assets (which is manifested by the GNDT of their current Representative). A System without a Representative has a wealth of 100 MCr. In order for a represented System to expand it's borders to other Systems, the current Representative must spend: Large: 30 MCr, Medium & Small: 25 MCr (for the cost of exploration and conquering) and they must notify The Council by posting a Council Proposal. A Representative may not expand into an already represented system unless a war or compromise results.
In order for The Council to prevent a Representative from expanding they must vote against the Council Proposal; a Representative must wait until he or she has the approval of The Council before they take over a System.
The remaining MCr, after deducting the costs, is then added to the Representative's MCr total. The size of the original system also changes (instead of adding another system to the GNDT which is against rule 11) to include the new territory: S+S=M, S+M=L, M+M=XL or L+S, L+L=3XL, L+M=2XL. (In other words S=1, M=2, L=3, XL=4, 2XL=5 etc.)
Each Representative has an Oortnot value, tracked in the GDNT. This value, either a positive integer or zero, stands for the current military might they have at their disposal.
Any Representative in control of a Planetary System with a Combat Shipyard on it may construct military ships at any time. There are two types, Cruiser and Fighter class. A Cruiser costs 30 Mega-Credits to build, and increases the Rep's Oornot value by 10. A Fighter costs 10 Mega-Credits to build, and increases their Oortnot value by 1.
Take a foot stance as if you were John L. Sullivan preparing for fisticuffs. Face the particular greyface you wish to short-circuit, or towards the direction of the negative aneristic vibration that you wish to neutralize. Begin waving your arms in any elaborate manner and make motions with your hands as though you were a Mandrake feeling up a sexy giantess. Chant, loudly and clearly:
The results will be instantly apparent.
There exists a plantetary council. Each Representative that is not a free agent has one seat on the council. Any player may make a Council Proposal. Council Proposals are direct orders to one, some or all representatives to do things that they could have done voluntarily, such as donating money to antoher Representative. Council Proposals are handled exactly the same way as regular proposals, except the Speaker's vote counts as three (3) votes. All players must obey the orders of successful Council Proposals. Quorum for Council Proposals is equal to half the number of Representatives plus two, rounded down, plus one.
The Council may have any assets a Representative may have, except Planetary Systems.
During the week, Representatives may propose budget spending priorities. Once each week, the Speaker will post a list of 2 of these proposed budgets, or all of them if less than 2 are proposed. Each Representative can vote on the priority he or she would prefer. Each Representative can only vote for one pending budget plan, and the Speaker will only vote to break a tie between plans.
Once each week, the votes will be tallied by the Speaker and the current budget plan will be announced. At that time, each Planetary System in the Council will be taxed 20 Mega-Credits. New budget proposals will also be announced at that time.
Each Representative can collects returns once each week for his or her planetary system. To determine payoffs for each area, compare the budget preference and current budget figure; collect 3 Mega-Credits for every 10 percent on the lower of the two.
Government spending is divided among 4 areas: Defense (D), Public Works (W), Reconstruction/Welfare (R), and Industry/Business (I). Each planetary system has its own list of preferences in spending, listed in the planet's description; no two planetary systems can have identical preferences.
Preferences and budget proposals are based on how much of the budget should be spent in a spending area, in increments of 10 percent. No preference or budget can have less than 10 percent in any spending area.
When a Proposal fails, its proposer loses 5 Mega-Credits (or 1 Mega-Credit, if that proposal was marked trivial in its title or on most of its votes).
There exist documents known has Dynasty Records. A Dynasty Record records events that took place during a Dynasty, noting the theme, the Speaker or equivilent, interesting rules, large arguments, the winning move, etc. A Dynasty record must accuarately reflect the Dynasty it refers to. If any Dynasty (including Round 1) other than the current one has no Dynasty Record, then any Representative may write one, and send it to the Speaker. It is the speaker's responsibility to ensure that Dynasty records can be accessed by a link in the sidebar. Any player who writes a Dynasty Record receives 20 Mega-Credits.
A Representative has total control over the Credits of their planetary system, but if they lose control over that system, their Credit Total is set to 0.
If a Representative controls a plantery system, they may build any of the following infrastructure at any time on it. Each system may only have one of each type of infrastructure on it. Costs are in brakets after the name, and are in Mega-Credits.
Mining Complex(25): Increase productivity, and consequently income. Tax from this system is increased by 50% (rounded up).
Combat Shipyard(25): The Representative in control of this system may build combat ships (see the rule regarding combat ships).
Trade shipyard(25): Trade ships allow trade between neighboring systems, and can be built at a cost of 10 Mega-Credits. Each Trade Ship allows the Representative to increase their Mega-Credit total by 7, once a week.
Every star system gives their representative a certain amount of credits in taxation, but also requires credits to run governmental services. Once a day, each representative may increase their Mega-Credit total by (X-Y) where X is the tax the system they control generates, and Y is expenditure. If this would cause a negative increase, then the alteration is compulsory instead. If an Admin notices that a Representative has not altered their Credit Total for more than 24 hours in accordance with this rule, they may do it for that Representative. The amounts for tax and expenditure are:
Small: Tax, 1 Mega-Credit; Expenditure, 1 Mega-Credit
Medium or Undefined: Tax, 2 Mega-Credits; Expenditure, 2 Mega-Credits
Large: Tax, 3 Mega-Credits; Expenditure, 3 Mega-Credits
Those opposed to the system may join the underground collective known as The Hydrans via changing their status in the GNDT. If the total credit-count possessed by all Hydrans is greater than that of the total of all non-Hydrans, a coup may be exclaimed by the Hydran with the greatest number of MegaCredits and a new dynasty will begin with the lead Hydran becoming the Speaker.
Any pending proposals from the previous dynasty are marked as failed. The Representative from whom the proposal was written receives no MegaCredit penalty for their proposal being failed in this way.
There exists a plantetary council. Each Representative that is not a free agent has one seat on the council. Any player may make a Council Proposal. Council Proposals are direct orders to one, some or all representatives. Council Proposals are handled exactly the same way as regular proposals, except the Speaker's vote counts as three (3) votes. All players must obey the orders of successful Council Proposals.
There are a number of Planetary Systems in the BlogNomic universe; each of them has a name and a size (small, medium or large). Systems are listed in the sidebar, and the Speaker may announce and record the discovery of new Systems (with any name and size) at any time.
A Representative in Interstellar Council may represent one System at a time; this is tracked in the GNDT. If a Representative does not represent a System, they may claim any unrepresented System as their own (or a represented one, if its current Representative agrees).
Each planetary system, and consequently the Representative, controls a spaceship force. The power of this force is measured by the Oortnot standard, which analyses a planet's military capability, and gives a single positive integer, recorded in the GNDT under Force.
Each plantery system has a certain population, recorded in the GNDT. Population is measured in millions for convenience.
Each Representative has a supply of Mega-Credits, which represent the wealth of the planetary system they stand for in the council. Each Mega-Credit is equivilant to one million Credits. A Representative has total control over the Credits of their planetary system.
Any Representative may give any amount of Mega-Credits to another Representative at any time
Therefore, a planetary system can only be represented by one Representative.
In being a Representative of a single planetary system states that we (the reps.) cannot choose the system we represent. Instead, we must be elected/appointed to the system, either by a randomized process or by an appointed manner
A Representative in Interstellar Council represents one respective planetary system.