Council Proposal: Damn Greyfaced Aliens [Extra-Trivial]
I, Mal3, propose that on this day, the 27th day of November, all Representatives should perform the Turkey Curse at the Hydran homeworld.
The Turkey Curse is performed as follows:
Enacted by Damanor Nov. 30, Time machines issued, Turkey Curse performed en-masse. -500 Mega-Credits to the Hydrans.
The Turkey Curse is performed as follows:
Take a foot stance as if you were John L. Sullivan preparing for fisticuffs. Face the particular greyface you wish to short-circuit, or towards the direction of the negative aneristic vibration that you wish to neutralize. Begin waving your arms in any elaborate manner and make motions with your hands as though you were a Mandrake feeling up a sexy giantess. Chant, loudly and clearly:
The results will be instantly apparent.

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