Proposal: Our glorious past [Trivial]
Create a new rule, entitled 'Our Glorious Past', reading:
It would be a shame to lose track of all the interesting things that have happened over the history of BlogNomic. If anyone does a shoddy job for 20 points, we can CFJ them (must accurately reflect).
Enacted by Damanor Nov 28, +2 to Bluebottle, +2 to Damanor.
There exist documents known has Dynasty Records. A Dynasty Record records events that took place during a Dynasty, noting the theme, the Speaker or equivilent, interesting rules, large arguments, the winning move, etc. A Dynasty record must accuarately reflect the Dynasty it refers to. If any Dynasty (including Round 1) other than the current one has no Dynasty Record, then any Representative may write one, and send it to the Speaker. It is the speaker's responsibility to ensure that Dynasty records can be accessed by a link in the sidebar. Any player who writes a Dynasty Record receives 20 Mega-Credits.
It would be a shame to lose track of all the interesting things that have happened over the history of BlogNomic. If anyone does a shoddy job for 20 points, we can CFJ them (must accurately reflect).

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