BlogNomic has moved!
The game is now running at blognomic.comSaturday, May 01, 2004
In rule 15, change the H in "must must remove the text "Birthday Hat" " to a C to make it "Birthday Cat."
In Rule 11 change the d in "days" to an M as follows:
"Once all active Players have designated their support, or when 5 days from enactment has passed (whichever is sooner), the two Players with the highest number of supporters become Canditates, and should be marked as such in the sidebar. The Support field is then cleared and deleted."
hatxx0red into:
"Once all active Players have designated their support, or when 5 Mays from enactment has passed (whichever is sooner), the two Players with the highest number of supporters become Canditates, and should be marked as such in the sidebar. The Support field is then cleared and deleted."
"Once all active Players have designated their support, or when 5 days from enactment has passed (whichever is sooner), the two Players with the highest number of supporters become Canditates, and should be marked as such in the sidebar. The Support field is then cleared and deleted."
hatxx0red into:
"Once all active Players have designated their support, or when 5 Mays from enactment has passed (whichever is sooner), the two Players with the highest number of supporters become Canditates, and should be marked as such in the sidebar. The Support field is then cleared and deleted."
Proposal: Pass the Hat
Create a new rule, "The Hot Hat", with the following text:
Passed 10 to 3 by Brendan at 3:43 pm GMT on 5.4.2004. +10 to Royce, +2 to Brendan.
A player may lose 10 Hats to add the text 'Hot Hat' to their Wearing field. A player may not do this if another player already has the text 'Hot Hat' in their Wearing field.
If a player currently has the Hot Hat, they may transfer it to any player. If a player has been wearing the Hot Hat for more than 48 hours, they lose 25 hats and the Hot Hat is destroyed.

Proposal: omg zerg rush kekekeke ^_^
Add to Rule 16, "Elite Skills":
Timed out; passed 7 to 3 by Satyr Eyes at 2:51 AM GMT, 5.9.2004. +12 to Satyr Eyes.
If an Admin feels that a hatxx0rati0n attempted within the previous 48 hours is illegal under the rules, that Admin should restore the hatxx0red character to its prior form and comment on the hatxx0rati0n declaration with the text string "omg bust3d n00b". The hatxx0r is then said to be bust3d. A bust3d hatxx0r has 24 hours to post a Call for Judgment to overturn the Admin's ruling; if such a Call for Judgment passes, then the Admin loses 10 Hats. However, if such a Call for Judgment is not posted, or if it is posted but ultimately fails to pass, then the bust3d hatxx0r's Wearing field is blanked and changed to "Striped Skullcap".
A Player Wearing a Striped Skullcap may not alter his or her Wearing field; nor may he or she mount Attacks, or be a Candidate, Communications Officer, or Running Mate. (If the Player already was one of the above, he or she is stripped of that status; if he or she was a Candidate, his or her Running Mate becomes a Candidate.) However, if a Player has been Wearing a Striped Skullcap for 7 days, or if at any time the Player, having more than 40 Hats, forfeits 40 Hats, then the Player may blank his or her Wearing field.

Friday, April 30, 2004
Call For Judgment: Hatxx0ring process? [Trivial]
Though I love the voles, Cayvie's haxx0ring is a little confusing since rule 16 says you need to 'post to the blog' your changes. Does this mean that the GNDT is ok, or does it need to be an actual blog post? I don't mean to be too nitpicky, but I'm pondering the hatxx0ring possibilities myself and would like to make sure what's legal and above board.
Proposal: Bunny Summoner Recognition [Trivial]
If Proposal: Etched in History passes, append to the list of titles it creates:
Passed 11 to 0 by Brendan at 3:37 pm GMT, 5.4.2004. +2 to Hobbes, +1 to Brendan.
>:*: The player or players with the angle bracket-colon-asterix are known as the Amazing Mythical Bunny Summoners.

I recently adminned SatyrEyes's proposal which would create a rule entitled something like "|_337 5K33|_Z". Ingeniously, he slipped the little less-than sign into a place where it would screw up the HTML when the page was loaded, causing the rest of the rule to be bolded. This irritated me, so I, being of the opinion that "LEET" is nothing but typos anyhow, changed the name of the rule to "Elite Skills" so that it wouldn't screw up the page.
If anyone wants, they may change it back.
If anyone wants, they may change it back.
Proposal: Leave the little 'uns alone
Append new methods to Rule 15 - Hat Combat:
This is my first proposal, I hope it's ok.
Enacted by Cayvie +10 to Hobbes, +2 to Cayvie
Eat Your Hat.Cost: 3 hats
Eat Your Hat is a defense that can only be employed by the player with the lowest number of hats. If two or more players are tied for lowest, no player may employ Eat Your Hat.
To use this defense, a player pays the cost in hats and adds "Hungry Hat" to his Wearing field in the GNDT. If a player with the Hungry Hat is attacked by any skill described in Rule 15, that player may lower the Hats value of his or her attacker such that it equals the Hungry Hat player's own hat rating (such as it is after paying the cost for Eat Your Hat). The weak player devours the attackers hats in a desperate rage against oppression.
If at any time a player has the Hungry Hat but does not have the least amount of hats, any player is entitled to remove the Hungry Hat from them. Note that this will always be possible after a successful use of Eat Your Hat, since two players will now have joint lowest hats.
This is my first proposal, I hope it's ok.

Proposal : Resupporting [Trivial]
[ We seem to have lost the ability to choose who we're supporting, and to decline other players' support. ]
To Rule 11 (Support Network), add:-
And replace "when 5 days from enactment has passed" with "on the 5th of May", to give people a bit more time to choose their candidates.
Enacted by Keitalia +2 to Kevan, +1 to Keitalia
To Rule 11 (Support Network), add:-
A Player may change the Player they Support, at any time. In addition, Players may also change the chosen Support of Players who Support them.
And replace "when 5 days from enactment has passed" with "on the 5th of May", to give people a bit more time to choose their candidates.

Thursday, April 29, 2004
Proposal : New Uses for Old Words [trivial]
Append new methods to Rule 15 - Hat Combat:
If they exist, replace any references to "Morale" or "Hats" in Rule 12 - Symbiosis with "BalanceRating;" replace any references to "Players" in Rule 12 - Symbiosis with "Mariners."
Enacted by Cayvie +2 to Brendan, +1 to Cayvie
Sailor Hat. Cost: 5 Hats
Upon employing this Automatic Attack method, a Player must add the text "Sailor Hat" to his or her Wearing field. So long as a Player is wearing a Sailor Hat, he or she is considered a Mariner.
A Mariner may, at any time, post to the GNDT declaring that he or she is paying X * 5 Hats to increase his or her BalanceRating by X, where X is a nonnegative integer. A Mariner may pay 10 Hats to remove the text "Sailor Hat" from his or her Wearing field at any time.
Captain's Hat. Cost: 10 Hats
Only a Mariner may employ Captain's Hat. The only direct effect of this Automatic Attack method is to add the text "Captain's Hat" to the employing Player's own Wearing field. As long as a Player has "Captain's Hat" in his or her Wearing field, he or she is considered the Captain; no Player may employ Captain's Hat if there is already a Captain.
The Captain may, at any time, post to the GNDT declaring that he or she is paying X * 3 Hats to increase his or her BalanceRating by X, where X is a nonnegative integer. The Captain may also, at any time, remove the text "Captain's Hat" from his or her own Wearing field and immediately add the text "Captain's Hat" to another Mariner's Wearing field.
If at any time a Captain's BalanceRating is 10 or lower, any player may remove the text "Captain's Hat" from the Captain's Wearing field.
If they exist, replace any references to "Morale" or "Hats" in Rule 12 - Symbiosis with "BalanceRating;" replace any references to "Players" in Rule 12 - Symbiosis with "Mariners."

proposal: bloody funkin' typos... [trivial]
if 'Call for Judgment : Rule 12' passes...
In Rule 12 - Symbiosis, change occurrences of "Morale" and "Mariners" to "Hats" and "Players," respectively.
if this proposal passes, josh shall recieve 2 hats.
brendan has a good point, but I don't like leaving rule 12 as a useless artifact.
Failed by Cayvie -3 to kahbn, +1 to Cayvie
In Rule 12 - Symbiosis, change occurrences of "Morale" and "Mariners" to "Hats" and "Players," respectively.
if this proposal passes, josh shall recieve 2 hats.
brendan has a good point, but I don't like leaving rule 12 as a useless artifact.

Call for Judgment : Rule 12
"We All Want to be Simon Cowell" created a rule called Symbiosis, which allowed Mariners to alter each others' Morale by spending their own. Problem is, the proposal was passed after "The End of History?," so those terms are undefined.
In what's obviously a well-meaning correction, one of the Admins has changed "Morale" and "Mariners" to "Hats" and "Players" within the text of that rule. I sympathize with the motive, but I also assert that this is illegal. Let's come up with new definitions for those terms instead.
In Rule 12 - Symbiosis, change occurrences of "Hats" and "Players" back to "Morale" and "Mariners," respectively.
In what's obviously a well-meaning correction, one of the Admins has changed "Morale" and "Mariners" to "Hats" and "Players" within the text of that rule. I sympathize with the motive, but I also assert that this is illegal. Let's come up with new definitions for those terms instead.
In Rule 12 - Symbiosis, change occurrences of "Hats" and "Players" back to "Morale" and "Mariners," respectively.
Proposal : I Am Not A Number [Trivial]
If the proposal "White Hats with Hard Hats" passed, replace "except for the name "n00b"" with:-
Enacted by Cayvie +2 to Kevan, +1 to Cayvie
except for the name "n00b", and the name "Kevan" (which appears in the URL for the GNDT)

Proposal: This Proposal Should Not Be Legal (Trivial)
At time of posting, this "Proposal" is not a legal Proposal, since I already have two non-Trivial Proposals pending. But once the first of those Proposals fails (or passes), this Proposal will become a legal Proposal. This defeats the purpose of the Proposal limit.
In Rule 4, "Proposals", change the sentence:
Enacted by Cayvie +2 to SatyrEyes, +1 to Cayvie
In Rule 4, "Proposals", change the sentence:
A Player may have no more than two non-Trival Proposals' worth of Proposals pending at any one time, ie: 2 non-Trivials, or 1 non-Trivial and 2 Trivials, or up to 4
No ostensible Proposal shall be legal if, at the time of its posting, its poster already had two non-Trivial Proposals' worth of Proposals pending -- that is, 2 non-Trivials, 4 Trivials, or 1 non-Trivial and 2 Trivials.Also, every Player who voted For the Proposal establishing the sentence which this Proposal changes shall slap themselves in the head within 24 hours of this Proposal's passage, or else the rest of us shall point at them and make disparaging remarks about their mothers.

Proposal: Etched in History
Append to the Rule entitled Players :-
If Proposal: Drink Well passes, add the following to the list of titles
If Proposal: Aunty's Wooden Leg passes, add the following to the list of titles
Enacted by Cayvie +12 to Cayvie
During the course of a dynasty, a Player can be awarded a Title. These are (usually) to be marked by the appearance of a nonalphabetic character to the right of a Player's name in the sidebar. These Titles may or may not have gamestate effects other than their existences. The asterisk (*), denoting Admin, does not count as a Title. These Titles are not removed when a new Dynasty begins, though their effects, if not defined in the Core Ruleset or Glossary, end. However, if a Player goes idle or quits the game, all Titles are removed from that Player.
The current list of titles is as follows:
If Proposal: Drink Well passes, add the following to the list of titles
~: the Player with the Tilde has been awarded the Bartholomew Cubbins Award of Hat Balancing Excellence
If Proposal: Aunty's Wooden Leg passes, add the following to the list of titles
^: the Player with the Carat is known as the Mad Hatter

Proposal: All Around My Hat I Will Wear the Green Willow
add a rule entitled "The Hat of Buster Keaton" in which:
Enacted by Cayvie +10 to Aaron, +2 to Cayvie
Should the winner of the Bartholomew Cubbins Award of Hat Balancing Excellence and the Mad Hatter cast opposing votes on a given enacted proposal then the Hat of Buster Keaton (to be tracked in a GNDT column titled "Special") shall appear in the possession of the player with the highest amount of support. If there is/are no (or multiple) player(s) with the highest amount of support then the Hat of Buster Keaton does not appear. As soon as the Hat of Buster Keaton appears this paragraph repeals itself.
The Hat of Buster Keaton allows its possessor to transfer 7 hats per week from any player supporting him/her to his/her own Hats.

Proposal: Aunty's Wooden Leg [Trivial]
add a rule entitled "The Mad Hatter" in which:
Enacted by Cayvie +2 to Aaron, +1 to Cayvie
The first player to achieve a Hats value of 1 shall be referred to as the Mad Hatter, to be denoted with an "^" by their name on the side bar.

Wednesday, April 28, 2004
Proposal: White Hats with Hard Hats
Create a new Rule, "|_337 5|<33|_Z", which reads:
If any Player has a name which appears in the Ruleset when this Proposal passes, that Player's name is changed to "n00b" upon this Proposal's passage.
I've inserted several safeguards and corrected a couple other inclarities.
Enacted by Cayvie +10 to Satyr Eyes, +2 to Cayvie
Each Player with more than 20 Hats may, not more than once every five days, make a post to the Blog declaring that he or she uses his or her "|_337 5|<33|_Z" to change a single instance of an alphabetical character in the Ruleset to a distinct alphabetical character. The post must clearly describe what character in what Rule is changed, and to what other character; the changed character is said to be "hatxx0red", the poster is called the "hatxx0r", and the change to the character is called the "hatxx0rati0n". The hatxx0r loses 20 Hats. If the hatxx0r is an Admin, he or she should immediately change the hatxx0red character (and update Gamestate appropriately); otherwise, an Admin should do the same. All Admins lose 5 Hats if the Ruleset is not appropriately changed within 36 hours of the hatxx0r's post.
If the hatxx0rati0n causes the word or sentence it appears in to be mistakeable for a typographical error, it may be corrected like any other such error by any Admin, as per Rule 1.
No character-instance may be hatxx0red if:
* it is in any of Rules 1-10, the Glossary, or this Rule, OR
* the word it is in is "Player" or a GNDT column heading, OR
* the hatxx0rati0n would cause the Rule the character appears in to become inconsistent or incoherent, in whole or in part, OR
* the hatxx0rati0n would change the word the character appears in to a Player's name.
No Player may ever take any name which appears in the Ruleset, except for the name "n00b".
If any Player has a name which appears in the Ruleset when this Proposal passes, that Player's name is changed to "n00b" upon this Proposal's passage.
I've inserted several safeguards and corrected a couple other inclarities.

Call For Judgement: What if...
Cayvie's proposal, Balancing Act, will create a new rule called "Hats." Well, that's a great name for a rule. As proof, I offer the fact that Rule 3 is already called Hats. (I'm curious to know if that was deliberate.) Several later proposals modify the rule Hats, without specifying which one to modify, including Hat Trick, What Big Hats You Have, and Tricksy Hatses. While the first two are unlikely to pass at present, I like to think that the third may have some merit.
If this CFJ passes, let's assume that those three proposals are all talking about the second Hats rule rather than the first, and we'll also rename the second one Balancing Act after those proposals are enacted or failed, to distinguish between the two.
Passed 12 to 1 by Brendan at 3:48 pm GMT on 4.29.2004.
If this CFJ passes, let's assume that those three proposals are all talking about the second Hats rule rather than the first, and we'll also rename the second one Balancing Act after those proposals are enacted or failed, to distinguish between the two.

Proposal: Tricksy Hatses
I'm assuming a lot of things pass and/or fail here - mainly Balancing Act passing. If that fails, this does, too.
I know this looks like a knockoff of Dunam's Hat Trick proposal. I actually simulposted a Hat Tricks proposal, then removed it when I saw the other one. Since Dunam is idle now, I don't mind proposing this, starting with a direct quote out of respect:
If it has not already been changed like this, change the rule Hats from:
so that it reads
Create a new rule called Hat Tricks, unless a rule called Hat Trick exists, in which case change it to Hat Tricks. Either way, the rule Hat Tricks will read:
Also, add a new GNDT column: Stuff.
If a rule entitled Bartholomew Cubbins exists, put it into the rule Hat Tricks as a Hat Trick called Bartholomew Cubbins, and give Hat Tricks the rule number formerly used by Bartholomew Cubbins.
If any of the terminology in this proposal does not apply (Player/Mariner, etc.) adjust it to the correct terminology.
I would have given Dunam half of the Hats for this, but it doesn't seem to apply any more. Dunam, if you come back before the next new dynasty I'll give you half.
Enacted by Cayvie +10 to Damanor, +2 to Cayvie
I know this looks like a knockoff of Dunam's Hat Trick proposal. I actually simulposted a Hat Tricks proposal, then removed it when I saw the other one. Since Dunam is idle now, I don't mind proposing this, starting with a direct quote out of respect:
If it has not already been changed like this, change the rule Hats from:
A Player's HatsOn value can never be greater than his/her number of Hats, nor can it ever exceed his/her Balance Rating. A Player may change his/her HatsOn value to any valid number at any time.
so that it reads
A Player's HatsOn value can never be greater than his/her number of Hats. If it exceeds his/her Balance Rating, that player loses 2 hats and HatsOn is reduced to the balance rating. Hatson is then reduced to the balance rating amount.
Create a new rule called Hat Tricks, unless a rule called Hat Trick exists, in which case change it to Hat Tricks. Either way, the rule Hat Tricks will read:
Players can perform certain tricks with hats. Each player can only attempt each trick once. Possible tricks include:
Top Hat: An attempt to spin large numbers of hats on your head. You can only have a number of HatsOn equal to your Balance Rating minus 2 when you perform this trick. Make a GNDT entry: "Top Hat: DICE+[HatsOn]". If the result exceeds your Balance Rating, raise your Balance Rating so it is equal to the result, raise your HatsOn to equal the result, and give yourself additional Hats equal to the result from the DICE entry.
Pulling a Rabbit Out of a Hat: You try to summon the Mythical Bunny. Sacrifice 10 hats and make a GNDT entry: "I call upon the power of the Mythical Bunny! FRUIT" Your reward is determined by the result:
Lemon: Your bunny is yellow and sour, and quickly devours the hats you sacrificed. Before it can eat more, you slaughter it and make it into a stew. Add "Lemon Rabbit Stew" to your Stuff.
Cherry: A six-foot rabbit named Harvey appears. How he got six feet, you will never know, but Rabbit's feet are lucky. Add "6 Rabbit Feet" to your Stuff and increase your Balance Rating by 6.
Orange: The bunny appears. "Knock Knock." "Who's there?" "Orange." "Orange Who?" "Orange you glad I'm not drunk? Ha Ha Ha." The bunny vanishes. You gain 2 Balance Rating and add "Wisdom of the ages" to your Stuff.
Hooch: You bunny is drunk. It mutters something about "Rilly Trabbit. Kicks are for Sids..." before passing out on the floor. Reduce your Balance Rating by 2 because of the smell.
Bar: If one drunk bunny is bad, try a whole bar full of them. They stampede, causing you to lose 4 from your balance rating. On the other hand, everybody now has 10 Rabbit Skin hats. Add 10 hats to everyone's total.
Kiwi: You have summoned the Mythical Bunny! The rabbit tries to grant your fondest wish, but gives you a wind-up fish instead. Add >:* next to your name in the sidebar. You gain 20 Hats and 20 Balance Rating, and add "Wind-up Fish" to your Stuff.
Also, add a new GNDT column: Stuff.
If a rule entitled Bartholomew Cubbins exists, put it into the rule Hat Tricks as a Hat Trick called Bartholomew Cubbins, and give Hat Tricks the rule number formerly used by Bartholomew Cubbins.
If any of the terminology in this proposal does not apply (Player/Mariner, etc.) adjust it to the correct terminology.
I would have given Dunam half of the Hats for this, but it doesn't seem to apply any more. Dunam, if you come back before the next new dynasty I'll give you half.

Let's get things moving.
With Dunam out for the time being, and Kahbn back in, quorum is the same and life is peachy.
We're gonna need a bigger hat rack.
While I'm here, if everyone would go back to Morale Cap and vote on it one way or the other, so we can get things moving in this non-dynasty. It's currently stalled 6-4.
We're gonna need a bigger hat rack.
While I'm here, if everyone would go back to Morale Cap and vote on it one way or the other, so we can get things moving in this non-dynasty. It's currently stalled 6-4.
this whole hat thing is just too silly for me not to get involved. can one of you kindly admin types un-idle me?
kahbn ("I've got a hat. it has 'lion tamer' written on it.")
kahbn ("I've got a hat. it has 'lion tamer' written on it.")
this whole hat thing is just too sily for me not to get involved. can one of you kindly admin types un-idle me?
kahbn ("I've got a hat. it has 'lion tamer' written on it.")
kahbn ("I've got a hat. it has 'lion tamer' written on it.")
Farewell! There is a time of coming and a time of going and this is a time of idling. I'll sit by and watch you balance those hats!
Please idle me.
Please idle me.
Proposal : Deference pointer
Amend the second paragraph of Rule 5 (Voting) to read:
Failed by Cayvie (timed-out at 6-6). -3 to Octave, +1 to Cayvie. Also, -5 to est, Kahbn, Hobbes, and Yagyu-Jubei for not voting on it.
A vote of DEFERENTIAL is a vote of no opinion, or of deference to the decision of the Poet or another Mariner. The vote will count the same as the Poet's vote, if there is a Poet. If there is no Poet, the DEFERENTIAL icon must be followed immediately by the name of a Mariner to count as a vote; it counts the same as the named Mariner's vote. To Defer to a Mariner (including the Poet) is to make one's own vote dependent on that Mariner's vote, directly or indirectly, by casting a vote of DEFERENTIAL. Mariners may not Defer to themselves. The Poet never Defers to anyone.If "The End of History?" passed, replace "Mariner" with "Player" in the above paragraph. If both that and "Hats for clowns" passed, replace "Mariner" with "Clown" instead. If this paragraph applies, carry it out before adding the above paragraph to the Ruleset.

Proposal: White Hats
Create a new Rule, "|_337 5|<33|_Z", which reads:
If "Mariner" is not a game term, replace it with "Clown" or "Player" (whichever is a game term) in the Rule this Proposal creates wheresoever it occurs.
Self-killed; failed by Brendan at 3:35 pm GMT on 4.29.2004. -3 to SatyrEyes, +1 to Brendan.
Each Mariner with more than 20 Hats may, not more than once every five days, make a post to the Blog declaring that he or she uses his or her "|_337 5|<33|_Z" to change a single instance of an alphabetical character in the Ruleset outside Rules 1-10 and this Rule to a distinct alphabetical character. The post must clearly describe what character in what Rule is changed, and to what other alphabetical character; the changed character is said to be "hatxx0red", and the poster is called the "hatxx0r". The hatxx0r loses 20 Hats. If the hatxx0r is an Admin, he or she should immediately change the hatxx0red character (and update Gamestate appropriately); otherwise, an Admin should do the same. All Admins lose 5 Morale if the Ruleset is not appropriately changed within 36 hours of the hatxx0r's post.
If the change in the hatxx0rred character causes the word or sentence it appears in to be mistakeable for a typographical error, it may be corrected like any other such error by any Admin, per Rule 1. The words "Mariner" and "Hat", including derived forms of these words, may not be affected by hatxx0ring; nor may any GNDT column heading or its derived forms.
If "Mariner" is not a game term, replace it with "Clown" or "Player" (whichever is a game term) in the Rule this Proposal creates wheresoever it occurs.

What Big Hats You Have!
Add a subsection to rule Hats, assuming The End of History and Balancing Act pass:
Sorry I had to use compliment so much.
Each Player may post to the Blog a statement declaring their respect for the fashion taste of another player. The title must be written in the form of: [poster of compliment] compliments [insert 2nd player name here]. No Player may compliment themselves or more than one Player. The poster of the message recieves 2 Hats for their post. The person being complimented recieves 5 Hats. Once a Player has been complimented they may not be receive another for the next 5 days. A Player may not compliment for 5 days after they post a compliment.
Sorry I had to use compliment so much.
Tuesday, April 27, 2004
Proposal : Oddjobs [Trivial]
If Proposal : Balancing Act and Proposal: William Shatner's HatWars pass, add the following after the second paragraph of Rule: Hat Combat:
In addition, append the following to the Hat Combat rule:
I know it's already stated that Hats, HatsOn and Balance "must be nonnegative integers," but I'm being redundant for clarity.
Passed by Brendan, 13 to 3, at 3:19 pm GMT on 4.29.2004. +3 to Brendan.
Any Attack or Defense method which would reduce a Player's Hats, HatsOn or Balance below 0 instead reduces it to 0. If a Player has 0 Hats, he or she may not employ any new Attack or Defense with a Cost of 1 or more Hats, but he or she is still affected by existing Automatic Attacks and Defenses.
In addition, append the following to the Hat Combat rule:
Bowler Derby Cost: 2 Hats
When employing this Attack method, a Player must choose another Player, then post to the GNDT "Bowler Derby at (Player name), DICE: " He or she must then subtract from that Player's Hats and HatsOn fields a number equal to the result of the DICE modulo 4 (eg a roll of 1 causes 1 Hat damage, a roll of 3 causes 3, a roll of 4 causes 0 and a roll of 6 causes 2).
Birthday Hat Cost: 1 Hat
Birthday Hat is an Automatic Defense. To employ Birthday Hat, a Player adds the text "Birthday Hat" to his or her Wearing field, and is considered the Birthday Player so long as this text remains in his or her Wearing field. No Player may employ Birthday Hat if there is already a Birthday Player.
The next time any Player employs an Attack against the Player Wearing Birthday Hat, the Birthday Player's Hats, HatsOn and Balance fields are unaffected. Instead, the Attacking Player must remove the text "Birthday Hat" from the Birthday Player's Wearing field.
I know it's already stated that Hats, HatsOn and Balance "must be nonnegative integers," but I'm being redundant for clarity.

Proposal : William Shatner's HatWars
If Proposal: The End of History? passes, add a new rule, Hat Combat:
In addition, add a new text field to the GNDT, called 'Wearing,' used to track any lasting effects caused by Hat Attack or Defense methods.
Passed by Brendan, 10 to 4, at 2:14 pm GMT on 4.29.2004. +12 to Brendan.
There exist certain ancient Hat-based modes of attack and defense; these may be used to increase the relative value of one's own stock of Hats at the expense of others, or to defend one's hard-earned Hats from rapacious villains. Each time a Player makes an Attack or declares a Defense, he or she must pay the listed Cost, usually in Hats, with a post to the GNDT. Any other effects must also be posted to the GNDT.
Some methods (primarily Defenses) are Automatic, and this must be stated in the method's description. These methods are tracked in the GNDT. Once declared and paid for, these methods are considered to act by themselves as long as they are in effect, and do not require further GNDT posts to be effective. Players may be affected by multiple Automatic methods, but no Player may declare more than one Automatic method on a given Player.
As methods are devised, they should be appended to this Rule in the following format (Attacks should always be appended immediately after the last listed Attack, and Defenses should always be appended after the last listed Defense):Name of Method. Cost: X
This Attack or Defense (or Attack / Defense) method has certain effects, etc.
In addition, add a new text field to the GNDT, called 'Wearing,' used to track any lasting effects caused by Hat Attack or Defense methods.

Proposal: Hat trick
if balancing act passes
Add a new rule: "Hat Trick" with the following text:
Change the rule hats from:
Failed by Brendan, 1 to 12, at 3:10 pm GMT on 4.29.2004. -3 to Dunam in absentia, +1 to Brendan.
Add a new rule: "Hat Trick" with the following text:
Once per day a player may post "Hattrick Dice" to the GNDT, which is only counts if it is directly trackable to which mariner made the post. If the outcome is lower than 4, the mariner gains balance rating equal to the outcome. If the outcome is 4 or greater, the mariner loses hats equal to the outcome.
Change the rule hats from:
A Player's HatsOn value can never be greater than his/her number of Hats, nor can it ever exceed his/her Balance Rating. A Player may change his/her HatsOn value to any valid number at any time.
A Player's HatsOn value can never be greater than his/her number of Hats. If it is exceeds his/her Balance Rating, that player loses 2 hats and HatsOn is reduced to the balance rating. Hatson is then reduced to the balance rating amount.

Proposal: Drink Well
if Balancing Act passes
add a new rule entitled "Bartholomew Cubbins" in which:
Passed by Keitalia at 13:53 GMT on 4.29.2004. +10 to Aaron, +2 Keitalia.
add a new rule entitled "Bartholomew Cubbins" in which:
The first player to achieve a HatsOn value of 200 wins the Bartholomew Cubbins award of Hat Balancing Excellence, to be denoted with a "~" by their name on the side bar.

Proposal: Campaign Trail
This proposal automatically fails if Proposal: Poet Idol fails as well.
Delete the following from the rule entitled Support Network:
Add the following to the rule:
If "Proposal: The End of History?" failed, replace all instances of "Morale" with "Hats," replace all instances of "Mariner" with Player, and give Aaron 5 Hats. If this paragraph applies, enact it before the rest.
Passed by Keitalia at 13:49 GMT on 4.29.2004. +10 to Josh, +5 Aaron, +2 Keitalia.
Delete the following from the rule entitled Support Network:
A Mariner may change the Mariner they Support, at any time. In addition, Mariners may also change the chosen Support of Mariners who Support them.
If a Mariner is Supported by more than half of the Mariners, that Mariner may declare their intention to become the new Poet - a new Dynasty shall begin with them as Poet, and this Rule shall automatically be repealed.
Add the following to the rule:
Once all active Mariners have designated their support, or when 5 days from enactment has passed (whichever is sooner), the two Mariners with the highest number of supporters become Canditates, and should be marked as such in the sidebar. The Support field is then cleared and deleted.
Each Candidate must choose a running-mate and a communications officer. These are also tracked in the sidebar. The Candidate may change these at any time.
On May 10th, an election shall be held (by means of a post to the BlogNomic weblog, entitled 'Ballot Box') between the two Candidates. All active Mariners have one vote. The Candidate with the most votes by 23h59 GMT on May 10th may Ascend as the new Poet.
Candidates may make a speech at any time by paying 10 Morale and making a post enitled Speech: [title] (where [title] is the title of their choice) to the BlogNomic weblog. A Speech may talk about what the Candidate intends to do with their dynasty and what rules they intend to see implemented. Any Mariner (other than the Candidate or his Communications Officer) who replies 'Huzzah' to the speech within 6 hours gains 5 Morale. For every Mariner who replies 'Huzzah', the Candidate gains 3 Morale.
Candidates may not make Proposals, or otherwise post to the BlogNomic weblog at all, other than to make speechs or CfJs.
Communications Officer
Communications Officers may make Proposals on behalf of their Candidate. Whenever such a proposal passes, the Communications Officer's Candidate gains 10 Morale, and the opposition Candidate looses 5. A Proposal on behalf of a Candidate must be marked with a (C) in the title.
They may also hold press briefings, in which they may go into further detail about their Candidate's policies. This neither costs nor gains any Mariner Morale.
Should a Candidate go Idle during the course of a campaign, or drop to 0 Morale, the Running-Mate becomes the new Candidate, and may choose a new Running-Mate accordingly.
If "Proposal: The End of History?" failed, replace all instances of "Morale" with "Hats," replace all instances of "Mariner" with Player, and give Aaron 5 Hats. If this paragraph applies, enact it before the rest.

Proposal : Patching Leaks [Trivial]
Amend the "Riots" subsection of Rule 7 to read:
If "Proposal: The End of History?" passes, replace all instances of "Morale" with "Hats" and replace all instances of "Mariner" with "Player."
Passed 13 to 1 by Brendan at 2:46 pm GMT on 4.29.2004. +3 to Brendan.
Riots Any Mariner may instigate a Riot at any time by posting to the BlogNomic weblog. The post's title must consist only of the word 'RIOT' in bold, and the body of the post must state some reason for rioting, for the post be considered a legal Riot.
The Riot lasts for 48 hours. At the end of those 48 hours, the riot must have attained Quorum to pass. If it has not, it fails, and the Mariner who posted the Riot loses 10 Morale. A Riot is not subject to veto.
If a Riot passes, the Dynasty immediately ends with no haitus. The entire Ruleset except Rules 1-10 and the Glossary repeal themselves, and the game continues in a meta-dynastic state until a new Poet is elected in accordance with the Ruleset.
If "Proposal: The End of History?" passes, replace all instances of "Morale" with "Hats" and replace all instances of "Mariner" with "Player."

Proposal: Balancing Act
Create a new rule, Hats:-
Set all Players' Balance Ratings to 10, and their HatsOn values to 0.
If "Proposal: The End of History?" failed, replace all instances of "Morale" with "Hats," replace all instances of "Mariner" with Player, and give Aaron 5 Hats. If this paragraph applies, enact it before the rest.
Enacted by Keitalia 16-0, at 13:32 GMT on 29 April 2004; +10 to Cayvie, +2 to Keitalia.
Each Player has a certain number of Hats, tracked in the GNDT. Each player also has a Balance Rating (tracked in the GNDT as well), which represents how many Hats that Player can Wear at once. Additionally, there is a third GNDT column, HatsOn, which represents how many Hats a Player is currently Wearing. All three of these statistics must at all times be non-negative integers. A Player's HatsOn value can never be greater than his/her number of Hats, nor can it ever exceed his/her Balance Rating. A Player may change his/her HatsOn value to any valid number at any time.
Whenever a new Player joins, his/her Balance Rating is set to 10, and his/her HatsOn value is set to 0.
Set all Players' Balance Ratings to 10, and their HatsOn values to 0.
If "Proposal: The End of History?" failed, replace all instances of "Morale" with "Hats," replace all instances of "Mariner" with Player, and give Aaron 5 Hats. If this paragraph applies, enact it before the rest.

Proposal : Repulsion of the Body-Snatchers [Trivial]
[ I think we should probably stress that multiplaying isn't a fair-play form of meta-gaming that deserves grudging applause, but is firmly against the rules. ]
To Rule 2, add:-
If "The End of History?" passed, replace "Mariner" with "Player" in the above paragraph. If both that and "Hats for clowns" passed, replace "Mariner" with "Clown" instead.
Enacted by Keitalia 17-0, at 13:29 GMT on 29 April 2004. +2 to Kevan +1 to Keitalia
To Rule 2, add:-
A single person may not control more than one Mariner within BlogNomic. If anybody is suspected of controlling more than one Mariner, then a Proposal may be made to remove any number of such Mariners from the game, and to bar the perpetrator from rejoining.
If "The End of History?" passed, replace "Mariner" with "Player" in the above paragraph. If both that and "Hats for clowns" passed, replace "Mariner" with "Clown" instead.

Assuming it's safe to come back...
Since nobody has ever been condemned for using the convenient wording of rule 2 to un-idle themselves, I'm taking myself off idle. And Brendan too, for that matter.
Quorum is 10.
Quorum is 10.
Longest Spring Break Ever
Hey, I want in on some of this! Could somebody un-Idle me? I still haven't figured out if it's legal to do so for oneself.
Proposal: We All Want to be Simon Cowell
As an aside, I recently started using Firefox instead of IE, and it annoys me that I can't have Google toolbar and its relentlessly useful Blogger popup button. Oh well.
Add a new rule, Symbiosis:-
If Poet Idol passes, I want a way to buy people off.
Enacted by Keitalia 9-6, at 13:25 GMT on 29 April 2004; +10 to Josh, +2 to Keitalia.
Add a new rule, Symbiosis:-
A Mariner may freely transfer any amount of their own Morale to another Mariner, provided that the transfer leaves neither Mariner with less that 10 Morale.
A Mariner may also reduce their own Morale to reduce the Morale of another Mariner by the same amount, provided that the reduction leaves neither Mariner with less than 10 Morale.
If Poet Idol passes, I want a way to buy people off.

Proposal : Poet Idol
Add a new Rule, "Support Network":-
If "The End of History?" passed, replace "Mariner" with "Player" in the new rule. If both that and "Hats for clowns" passed, replace "Mariner" with "Clown" instead.
Enacted by Damanor 13-2, at 8:43 pm GMT on 28 April 2004. +10 to Kevan +2 to Damanor
At any one time, a Mariner may Support one other Mariner in the bid to be the next Poet - this is tracked in the GNDT, under "Supports".
A Mariner may change the Mariner they Support, at any time. In addition, Mariners may also change the chosen Support of Mariners who Support them.
If a Mariner is Supported by more than half of the Mariners, that Mariner may declare their intention to become the new Poet - a new Dynasty shall begin with them as Poet, and this Rule shall automatically be repealed.
If "The End of History?" passed, replace "Mariner" with "Player" in the new rule. If both that and "Hats for clowns" passed, replace "Mariner" with "Clown" instead.

New player
Please welcome Hobbes to this period of meta-dynastic uncertainty.
Call for Judgement: The legality of the Ascension
The wording of the rule (I can't access the ruleset either, but as I recall, Cayvie's summary was more or less accurate) was "a riot must contain the word 'Riot' in bold in its title". Cayvie's proposal did not contain the word 'riot', as, linguistically, a word is both a string of letters and it's attatched meaning. The string of letters was present, but the attatched meaning was not, thus the word 'Riot' was not, in fact, present.
However, this is a very prenickity objection to make, and I think we're all agreed that it's a good time to move on to a new dynasty. Thus this CfJ is simply to establish that Cayvie's move, while skillful and cunning, was not strictly speaking legal, and while no punishment should be exacted for this admittedly petty piece of rule-brokering we should all acknowledge that no precident exists for hiding words in proposal titles.
Passed by Damanor 10-4, at 8:40 pm GMT on 28 April 2004.
However, this is a very prenickity objection to make, and I think we're all agreed that it's a good time to move on to a new dynasty. Thus this CfJ is simply to establish that Cayvie's move, while skillful and cunning, was not strictly speaking legal, and while no punishment should be exacted for this admittedly petty piece of rule-brokering we should all acknowledge that no precident exists for hiding words in proposal titles.

Proposal: Hats for clowns [trivial]
replace all instances of "player" with "clown"
Failed by Damanor, at 8:26 pm GMT on 28 April 2004. -3 to Dunam (who is idle anyway, so no loss) +1 to Damanor

Proposal : Dynastic Imperriumius [Trivial]
Upon resolution of this proposal Cayvie be declaired the new Poet.
Cayvie is to be afforded all the privileges granted to a newley ascending Poet, as described in rule 10.
Failed by Damanor, at 8:26 pm GMT on 28 April 2004. -3 to ChinDoGu +1 to Damanor
Cayvie is to be afforded all the privileges granted to a newley ascending Poet, as described in rule 10.

New Mariner
The sea is long gone, but the mariners remain. Welcome to Yagyu_Jubei, new Mariner!
Proposal: Passing the Torch
Reading the Ruleset, I find it's actually rather clear that I am, technically, still Poet. The Dynasty is over, but nowhere am I removed from Poetdom (Poetry?), and while every Dynasty must have a Poet, nowhere does it say that every Poet must have a Dynasty. This is rather neat, as it gives me the ability to veto stuff one last time, which I'll do after posting this; but I think I speak for most of us when I say, let's tidy up.
The current Poet is no longer Poet.
In Rule 7, amend the sentence "If a riot passes, the dynasty immediately ends with no haitus" to read "If a Riot passes, the Dynasty immediately ends with no Hiatus, and the Poet is no longer Poet."
Satyr Eyes, the poet, closed his book with a "humf." The story had had potential -- heroes of the Trojan War, sailing home against a backdrop of a war of titans against gods. And it had had its moments; he remembered with a smile the machinations of long-suffering Truman Capote... the unshakeable loyalty of the crew of the power-hungry yet great-hearted Captain Dunam... the contests between the great tactician Kevan and his adversary, second-sighted Keitalia... the struggle of the beleaguered Palladium to remain true to their goddess... and all the other touches over which he had labored so hard, and with such success. Yet somehow, in spite of it all, the book lacked something -- a certain oomf, a compelling narrative -- in spite of the strength of its concept. It had to be abandoned. Ah well... the concept need not go to waste. There was a young talent -- Hadrian? Horryos? -- whose work showed great promise. On his next trip to Athens Satyr Eyes would look for him in the agora and try to pique his interest with the story idea.
"Who knows," Satyr Eyes pondered, "but that someday all the world might know the name of... Hymneros?... and read his work with fascination? For myself, I shall be content with anonymity. I have other stories to write, and other worlds to explore."
With that, Satyr Eyes put the still-untitled book down upon the grass under the tree where he sat. With a relaxed sigh, he gazed around the island -- across the surrounding prarie, to the peak of Mount Neriton, and behind him into the Ionian Sea. And smiling, he reflected on the irony: that while his mariners had been sailing for Ithaca with such desperation, he, Satyr Eyes, had been there all along.
Enacted by Damanor, at 8:25 pm GMT on 28 April 2004. +10 to SatyrEyes +2 to Damanor
The current Poet is no longer Poet.
In Rule 7, amend the sentence "If a riot passes, the dynasty immediately ends with no haitus" to read "If a Riot passes, the Dynasty immediately ends with no Hiatus, and the Poet is no longer Poet."
Satyr Eyes, the poet, closed his book with a "humf." The story had had potential -- heroes of the Trojan War, sailing home against a backdrop of a war of titans against gods. And it had had its moments; he remembered with a smile the machinations of long-suffering Truman Capote... the unshakeable loyalty of the crew of the power-hungry yet great-hearted Captain Dunam... the contests between the great tactician Kevan and his adversary, second-sighted Keitalia... the struggle of the beleaguered Palladium to remain true to their goddess... and all the other touches over which he had labored so hard, and with such success. Yet somehow, in spite of it all, the book lacked something -- a certain oomf, a compelling narrative -- in spite of the strength of its concept. It had to be abandoned. Ah well... the concept need not go to waste. There was a young talent -- Hadrian? Horryos? -- whose work showed great promise. On his next trip to Athens Satyr Eyes would look for him in the agora and try to pique his interest with the story idea.
"Who knows," Satyr Eyes pondered, "but that someday all the world might know the name of... Hymneros?... and read his work with fascination? For myself, I shall be content with anonymity. I have other stories to write, and other worlds to explore."
With that, Satyr Eyes put the still-untitled book down upon the grass under the tree where he sat. With a relaxed sigh, he gazed around the island -- across the surrounding prarie, to the peak of Mount Neriton, and behind him into the Ionian Sea. And smiling, he reflected on the irony: that while his mariners had been sailing for Ithaca with such desperation, he, Satyr Eyes, had been there all along.

Proposal: The End of History?
replace all instances of "morale" with "hats"
replace all instances of "mariner" with "player"
set every player's "hats" to 100
Enacted by Damanor 13 to 4, at 8:06 pm GMT on 28 April 2004. +10 to Aaron +2 to Damanor
replace all instances of "mariner" with "player"
set every player's "hats" to 100

Monday, April 26, 2004
Nice Dynasty, while it lasted.
The riot I instigated 48 hours ago has ended with a unanimous vote (9-0).
(Proposal: Chariots of Fire (Trivial))
There appears to be some sort of bug with the sidebar, so I can't access the ruleset at the moment, but as soon as I (or some other admin) can, all the rules except for 1-10 shall be repealed, and all Mariners shall be stripped of their positions (as ships, jobs, etc. won't exist anymore.)
Before any questions to the legality of this riot arise, let me point out a few things.
1) Again, I can't access the ruleset at the moment, but I believe the rule states that "a riot must contain the word 'Riot' in bold in its title," and that this is the only requirement for being a riot. You might argue that my Riot is illegal because the "riot" in my title isn't capitalized. However, there have been several precedents set for blognomic being case-insensitive. For example, there have been proposals that were enacted or failed that had "PROPOSAL" or "proposal" at the beginning of their titles, even though the rule clearly states that you must have "Proposal" at the beginning of the proposal in order for it to be legal.
2) I guess that was it.
Mariner Cayvie
(Proposal: Chariots of Fire (Trivial))
There appears to be some sort of bug with the sidebar, so I can't access the ruleset at the moment, but as soon as I (or some other admin) can, all the rules except for 1-10 shall be repealed, and all Mariners shall be stripped of their positions (as ships, jobs, etc. won't exist anymore.)
Before any questions to the legality of this riot arise, let me point out a few things.
1) Again, I can't access the ruleset at the moment, but I believe the rule states that "a riot must contain the word 'Riot' in bold in its title," and that this is the only requirement for being a riot. You might argue that my Riot is illegal because the "riot" in my title isn't capitalized. However, there have been several precedents set for blognomic being case-insensitive. For example, there have been proposals that were enacted or failed that had "PROPOSAL" or "proposal" at the beginning of their titles, even though the rule clearly states that you must have "Proposal" at the beginning of the proposal in order for it to be legal.
2) I guess that was it.
Mariner Cayvie
Proposal : Morale Cap [Trivial]
In Rule 3 (Morale), replace "Morale may not fall below 0" with "Morale may not fall below 0 or rise above 200", and "Any effect which would reduce Morale to below 0 instead reduces it to exactly 0" with "Any effect which would take Morale beyond either of these boundaries instead sets it to that boundary".
Any Mariners with a Morale above 200 shall have it set to 200.
Enacted by Damanor 8 to 4, at 8:04 pm GMT on 28 April 2004. +2 to Kevan +1 to Damanor
Any Mariners with a Morale above 200 shall have it set to 200.

Captaincy: SS Eriphyle
I, Axiallus, call for a vote for the now-vacant position of Captain on the SS Eriphyle. This is a temporary measure to improve the efficiency of our sailing, and, should Dunam return to us, I believe I speak for the majority of the crew when I say that we will happily reinstate him.
Sunday, April 25, 2004
Chapter 5 Concluded
The epilogue to Chapter 5 has been posted. Enjoy! And I hope Prometheus isn't out of the game; I like him a lot.
While the crew of the SS Eriphyle are busying themselves with polite declarations of mutiny against one another, the SS Odyssey sends forth a raiding party and declares a Beheadment. Thunder rolls...
The Odyssey's Attack Strength was 1,176 - the Eriphyle's Defence was 813. The Beheadment was successful, and Captain Dunam is taken back to the brig of the Odyssey.
The Odyssey's Attack Strength was 1,176 - the Eriphyle's Defence was 813. The Beheadment was successful, and Captain Dunam is taken back to the brig of the Odyssey.
Chapter 6: Third Circle
The world had been split in two only a few days ago, and the Eriphyle was still in an uproar. Little work got done on deck, as the hands fell to arguments and fisticuffs. Some men held raucous toasts to the new gods, praying that they would displace capricious Poseidon. Others, great-hearted Dunam’s loyalists, would brook no such talk and routinely swore oaths against those who would see Poseidon felled. Calls for mutiny went up from all sides and were promptly quashed.
And always, always, there was the colorful raving of ChinDoGu of the sober jests. Dunam’s right-hand man was among the most trusted mariners on the ship, and even would-be mutineers admitted grudgingly that without the priest the Eriphyle would have sunk to the bottom of the ocean before it got five leagues from Troy. So when ChinDoGu told the crew that Poseidon had been poisoned by nefarious Amphitrite, they listened.
Fire-winged Axiallus was among the listeners. He lay on deck one day at sunset, exhausted after a difficult sixteen hours maintaining order for his captain, and contemplated the exhortations of an unusually forceful ChinDoGu. He had a slight ringing in his ears – either exhaustion or the heat, no doubt – and had to concentrate to hear the priest’s words.
“Friends, I know our lord Poseidon doesn’t always treat us like a precious jewel,” ChinDoGu was saying. “And why should he? All the wealth of the sea is his, and all those who cross the sea are in his power. He is a god, and he has better things to do than look after a few unworthies such as we. Those who say his wife – some wife! – acted in justice are only fooling themselves, for she cares even less about us than Poseidon…”
Axiallus shook his head to stay awake. The ringing in his ears had grown louder; it almost sounded like a second voice, speaking in synch with the preacher. “Amphitrite,” said the priest and the mocking voice, “cares only about herself and her own power, for only one with such an evil soul could commit the dastardly act of poisoning her own husband. To align with her, or with the gang of Titans she brandishes at the true gods, is to align with lawlessness and the tyranny of the unscrupulous over the righteous. It is to grant that treachery is as acceptable a means to one’s end as virtue. Does that sound so bad, Axiallus?”
Surprised, Axiallus tried to sit up, but found himself paralyzed. The ringing in his ears was gone; it had grown to a seductive female voice which rendered ChinDoGu’s words inaudible. It commanded his attention as it continued. “I won’t waste time, mortal. You know who I am. You know what I want from you. And in spite of the words of the jester, you know I am powerful. Having you in my service would please me. And there is… much I could do for you in return.”
Axiallus was used to temptation. He hadn’t survived Troy by taking bribes or backstabbing his fellow soldiers. But then, it had never been a goddess asking him before. In spite of himself he wondered just what Amphitrite was promising – and shook off the thought. He would never…
But Amphitrite spoke again, her voice cool and smooth like the scales of a snake. “If not for yourself, Axiallus, for your ship and your captain. If Poseidon’s blessing has taken you here safely with such speed, imagine how his and mine together would propel you over the wine-dark sea! And imagine, incidentally, how my wrath would ruin your weak vessel and end its journey home forever. Don’t you owe it to them, and to yourself, to accept the gift I offer you? Please me, and I will assuredly please you in return. The choice is yours.”
And always, always, there was the colorful raving of ChinDoGu of the sober jests. Dunam’s right-hand man was among the most trusted mariners on the ship, and even would-be mutineers admitted grudgingly that without the priest the Eriphyle would have sunk to the bottom of the ocean before it got five leagues from Troy. So when ChinDoGu told the crew that Poseidon had been poisoned by nefarious Amphitrite, they listened.
Fire-winged Axiallus was among the listeners. He lay on deck one day at sunset, exhausted after a difficult sixteen hours maintaining order for his captain, and contemplated the exhortations of an unusually forceful ChinDoGu. He had a slight ringing in his ears – either exhaustion or the heat, no doubt – and had to concentrate to hear the priest’s words.
“Friends, I know our lord Poseidon doesn’t always treat us like a precious jewel,” ChinDoGu was saying. “And why should he? All the wealth of the sea is his, and all those who cross the sea are in his power. He is a god, and he has better things to do than look after a few unworthies such as we. Those who say his wife – some wife! – acted in justice are only fooling themselves, for she cares even less about us than Poseidon…”
Axiallus shook his head to stay awake. The ringing in his ears had grown louder; it almost sounded like a second voice, speaking in synch with the preacher. “Amphitrite,” said the priest and the mocking voice, “cares only about herself and her own power, for only one with such an evil soul could commit the dastardly act of poisoning her own husband. To align with her, or with the gang of Titans she brandishes at the true gods, is to align with lawlessness and the tyranny of the unscrupulous over the righteous. It is to grant that treachery is as acceptable a means to one’s end as virtue. Does that sound so bad, Axiallus?”
Surprised, Axiallus tried to sit up, but found himself paralyzed. The ringing in his ears was gone; it had grown to a seductive female voice which rendered ChinDoGu’s words inaudible. It commanded his attention as it continued. “I won’t waste time, mortal. You know who I am. You know what I want from you. And in spite of the words of the jester, you know I am powerful. Having you in my service would please me. And there is… much I could do for you in return.”
Axiallus was used to temptation. He hadn’t survived Troy by taking bribes or backstabbing his fellow soldiers. But then, it had never been a goddess asking him before. In spite of himself he wondered just what Amphitrite was promising – and shook off the thought. He would never…
But Amphitrite spoke again, her voice cool and smooth like the scales of a snake. “If not for yourself, Axiallus, for your ship and your captain. If Poseidon’s blessing has taken you here safely with such speed, imagine how his and mine together would propel you over the wine-dark sea! And imagine, incidentally, how my wrath would ruin your weak vessel and end its journey home forever. Don’t you owe it to them, and to yourself, to accept the gift I offer you? Please me, and I will assuredly please you in return. The choice is yours.”
Fire-winged Axiallus, please choose an option.
1. Convert to Amphitrite.
2. Refuse.
Chapter 5: To Meet One's Maker (With Epilogue)
Subtle Aaron, captain of the SS Palladium, was taking his turn on watch, standing upon the ship’s highest perch. The captains of other ships, he knew, would have delegated this monotonous duty to subordinates, but the Palladium was not like other ships. Here all were equal in the service of Athena, and everyone from the lowest swabbie to Aaron himself had a shift in the crow’s nest.
It was sunset, and the cottony sky was suffused with all the colors of the rainbow, spreading out in arcs around the sun and across the waters. As Aaron looked out over the waves, contemplating the cosmic events of a few days past, he became conscious of a presence at his side. He turned his head to see a tall, blonde man beside him, muscular and naked from the waist up.
“Nice view,” said the stranger.
“The same one we had this time yesterday,” replied Aaron.
“But how miraculous that it should exist at all! The water full of silver fishes, the sky full of cawing gulls, and upon the waves, the ships full of spirited heroes. The very existence of such life is a miracle. I should know.”
There was a long silence as the two looked to the horizon together. Then the man spoke again. “Captain, I wonder if you would listen to some thoughts of mine. I’m afraid you may find some of them a bit heretical, your ship being as it is, but there you are.” He held out his hand.
Aaron carefully withheld his. “Your name?”
“My name is Prometheus. Do you know me?”
Aaron nodded warily, unsurprised. “I know of you. The tales tell how you stole fire from the gods and were bound to a mountain as just and deserved punishment. I hardly see how a pious man could worship you.”
“I don’t like the word ‘worship.’ When I hear it I think of men down on their knees, like slaves licking their masters’ feet.”
“Then why are you here?”
“A long time ago I brought fire to man to save him from the indifferent gods, the same gods whose feet men lick today. The reason I accepted deceitful Amphitrite’s offer of escape is that I wanted a chance to bring a different kind of fire to man: the fire of freedom and self-determination. Not the chill touch of worship and bondage.”
“Pretty words. But what do you want from me?”
Prometheus closed his eyes. The sunset behind him cast him in silhouette and shone in a faint halo around his body. “Only that you, with your insight, take my message of life and freedom and spread it to all corners. There are no consequences if you refuse; I ask this as a favor and nothing more. But if you agree, I will use what power I have to speed you on your way to Ithaca and give you fortitude to overcome your obstacles – for the liberation of the world.”
Aaron considered, but did not need to think for long. "Prometheus," he replied tactfully, "I cannot do this favor for you. My service to Athena is too important to me. It is her message I spread, and not yours."
Prometheus's shoulders fell. The sun had descended; only a small red hillock just above the horizon remained to illuminate the vanishing day. "In a way I expected as much. The captain of a ship devoted to Athena -- a wise goddess, but full of pride -- was perhaps not the best person to approach. I had hoped my way of thinking would resonate with you, but since it does not, I shall take my leave. Thank you, at least, for hearing me out."
Aaron smiled slightly. "Of course. But you needn't bother asking the same of the others on my ship; you will get the same answer from any of them. What you call tyranny, we call patronship and protection. Our ideologies are incompatible. You may have created man - but you cannot control his mind."
"Nor would I ever seek to. Goodbye, Captain Aaron! Smooth sailing!"
And with that, Prometheus took a prodigious leap from the crow's nest, hurtled over the entire body of the ship, and landed within the sea's deep waters in a perfect swan dive. Aaron watched, but the encroaching darkness cast a pall on the waters. If the god resurfaced, Aaron did not see him.
It was sunset, and the cottony sky was suffused with all the colors of the rainbow, spreading out in arcs around the sun and across the waters. As Aaron looked out over the waves, contemplating the cosmic events of a few days past, he became conscious of a presence at his side. He turned his head to see a tall, blonde man beside him, muscular and naked from the waist up.
“Nice view,” said the stranger.
“The same one we had this time yesterday,” replied Aaron.
“But how miraculous that it should exist at all! The water full of silver fishes, the sky full of cawing gulls, and upon the waves, the ships full of spirited heroes. The very existence of such life is a miracle. I should know.”
There was a long silence as the two looked to the horizon together. Then the man spoke again. “Captain, I wonder if you would listen to some thoughts of mine. I’m afraid you may find some of them a bit heretical, your ship being as it is, but there you are.” He held out his hand.
Aaron carefully withheld his. “Your name?”
“My name is Prometheus. Do you know me?”
Aaron nodded warily, unsurprised. “I know of you. The tales tell how you stole fire from the gods and were bound to a mountain as just and deserved punishment. I hardly see how a pious man could worship you.”
“I don’t like the word ‘worship.’ When I hear it I think of men down on their knees, like slaves licking their masters’ feet.”
“Then why are you here?”
“A long time ago I brought fire to man to save him from the indifferent gods, the same gods whose feet men lick today. The reason I accepted deceitful Amphitrite’s offer of escape is that I wanted a chance to bring a different kind of fire to man: the fire of freedom and self-determination. Not the chill touch of worship and bondage.”
“Pretty words. But what do you want from me?”
Prometheus closed his eyes. The sunset behind him cast him in silhouette and shone in a faint halo around his body. “Only that you, with your insight, take my message of life and freedom and spread it to all corners. There are no consequences if you refuse; I ask this as a favor and nothing more. But if you agree, I will use what power I have to speed you on your way to Ithaca and give you fortitude to overcome your obstacles – for the liberation of the world.”
Subtle Aaron, please select an option.
1. Convert to Prometheus.
2. Refuse.
Aaron considered, but did not need to think for long. "Prometheus," he replied tactfully, "I cannot do this favor for you. My service to Athena is too important to me. It is her message I spread, and not yours."
Prometheus's shoulders fell. The sun had descended; only a small red hillock just above the horizon remained to illuminate the vanishing day. "In a way I expected as much. The captain of a ship devoted to Athena -- a wise goddess, but full of pride -- was perhaps not the best person to approach. I had hoped my way of thinking would resonate with you, but since it does not, I shall take my leave. Thank you, at least, for hearing me out."
Aaron smiled slightly. "Of course. But you needn't bother asking the same of the others on my ship; you will get the same answer from any of them. What you call tyranny, we call patronship and protection. Our ideologies are incompatible. You may have created man - but you cannot control his mind."
"Nor would I ever seek to. Goodbye, Captain Aaron! Smooth sailing!"
And with that, Prometheus took a prodigious leap from the crow's nest, hurtled over the entire body of the ship, and landed within the sea's deep waters in a perfect swan dive. Aaron watched, but the encroaching darkness cast a pall on the waters. If the god resurfaced, Aaron did not see him.
As a result of Aaron's refusal, and the necessity of there being a negative consequence to selecting one of the options, the vote of the Mariner Satyr Eyes shall not count in any Mutinies or elections for Captain until the end of the next Lacuna. Had Aaron accepted Prometheus's offer, a grateful Prometheus would have erected a Really Big Mast on the Palladium to speed the ship home.
Proposal: The Power of Miracles
Add to the Rule "Gods":
Add to the end of the Rule "Victory":
My revised way of working Titans in -- much less direct, by giving Mariners who worship the side with the upper hand a Flair advantage. This will also help maintain balance of power, since worshipping the same God or Allegiance as the Flair leader will give them an advantage over you. It's also a way for everyone to participate by doing something which gives them personal advantage, every Lacuna.
Timed out, 3 to 7, at 6:41 pm GMT on 4.27.2004. -5 to Satyr Eyes, +1 to Brendan.
Athena, Poseidon, Artemis, Ares, and Apollo (if they exist) are Olympians, and their Allegiance is said to be "Olympian"; Prometheus, Amphitrite, Phoebe, Menoetius, and Hyperion (if they exist) are Titans, and their Allegiance is said to be "Titan". All other gods are neither Olympian nor Titan.Create a Rule, "Miracles":
A GNDT column shall exist and be titled "Flair". All Mariners begin with Flair 0; Ships do not have Flair.Delete the second paragraph of the Rule "Victory".
Any Mariner who worships a God and does not suffer from any of the Ailments Enraptured, Turned into a Pig, or Undead may perform a Miracle once per Lacuna. The Miracle’s power is equal to the Mariner’s Morale, plus ten times the number of Mariners who worship the Mariner’s God, plus five times the number of Mariners who worship a God of the same Allegiance as the Mariner’s (excluding those who worship the Mariner's God). This quantity is multiplied by two if the Mariner is a Suitor. When a Mariner performs a Miracle, the Mariner’s Flair increases by the Miracle’s power.
Add to the end of the Rule "Victory":
When at least one Mariner first has the Ailment "Suitor", a contest begins at Penelope's estate. Any Suitor with Flair above 2000 has impressed their object of affection and may declare victory; the first to propose by posting a legal Declaration of Victory wins the Dynasty.
My revised way of working Titans in -- much less direct, by giving Mariners who worship the side with the upper hand a Flair advantage. This will also help maintain balance of power, since worshipping the same God or Allegiance as the Flair leader will give them an advantage over you. It's also a way for everyone to participate by doing something which gives them personal advantage, every Lacuna.