Proposal: omg zerg rush kekekeke ^_^
Add to Rule 16, "Elite Skills":
Timed out; passed 7 to 3 by Satyr Eyes at 2:51 AM GMT, 5.9.2004. +12 to Satyr Eyes.
If an Admin feels that a hatxx0rati0n attempted within the previous 48 hours is illegal under the rules, that Admin should restore the hatxx0red character to its prior form and comment on the hatxx0rati0n declaration with the text string "omg bust3d n00b". The hatxx0r is then said to be bust3d. A bust3d hatxx0r has 24 hours to post a Call for Judgment to overturn the Admin's ruling; if such a Call for Judgment passes, then the Admin loses 10 Hats. However, if such a Call for Judgment is not posted, or if it is posted but ultimately fails to pass, then the bust3d hatxx0r's Wearing field is blanked and changed to "Striped Skullcap".
A Player Wearing a Striped Skullcap may not alter his or her Wearing field; nor may he or she mount Attacks, or be a Candidate, Communications Officer, or Running Mate. (If the Player already was one of the above, he or she is stripped of that status; if he or she was a Candidate, his or her Running Mate becomes a Candidate.) However, if a Player has been Wearing a Striped Skullcap for 7 days, or if at any time the Player, having more than 40 Hats, forfeits 40 Hats, then the Player may blank his or her Wearing field.

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