Proposal : New Uses for Old Words [trivial]
Append new methods to Rule 15 - Hat Combat:
If they exist, replace any references to "Morale" or "Hats" in Rule 12 - Symbiosis with "BalanceRating;" replace any references to "Players" in Rule 12 - Symbiosis with "Mariners."
Enacted by Cayvie +2 to Brendan, +1 to Cayvie
Sailor Hat. Cost: 5 Hats
Upon employing this Automatic Attack method, a Player must add the text "Sailor Hat" to his or her Wearing field. So long as a Player is wearing a Sailor Hat, he or she is considered a Mariner.
A Mariner may, at any time, post to the GNDT declaring that he or she is paying X * 5 Hats to increase his or her BalanceRating by X, where X is a nonnegative integer. A Mariner may pay 10 Hats to remove the text "Sailor Hat" from his or her Wearing field at any time.
Captain's Hat. Cost: 10 Hats
Only a Mariner may employ Captain's Hat. The only direct effect of this Automatic Attack method is to add the text "Captain's Hat" to the employing Player's own Wearing field. As long as a Player has "Captain's Hat" in his or her Wearing field, he or she is considered the Captain; no Player may employ Captain's Hat if there is already a Captain.
The Captain may, at any time, post to the GNDT declaring that he or she is paying X * 3 Hats to increase his or her BalanceRating by X, where X is a nonnegative integer. The Captain may also, at any time, remove the text "Captain's Hat" from his or her own Wearing field and immediately add the text "Captain's Hat" to another Mariner's Wearing field.
If at any time a Captain's BalanceRating is 10 or lower, any player may remove the text "Captain's Hat" from the Captain's Wearing field.
If they exist, replace any references to "Morale" or "Hats" in Rule 12 - Symbiosis with "BalanceRating;" replace any references to "Players" in Rule 12 - Symbiosis with "Mariners."

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