Proposal: Tricksy Hatses
I'm assuming a lot of things pass and/or fail here - mainly Balancing Act passing. If that fails, this does, too.
I know this looks like a knockoff of Dunam's Hat Trick proposal. I actually simulposted a Hat Tricks proposal, then removed it when I saw the other one. Since Dunam is idle now, I don't mind proposing this, starting with a direct quote out of respect:
If it has not already been changed like this, change the rule Hats from:
so that it reads
Create a new rule called Hat Tricks, unless a rule called Hat Trick exists, in which case change it to Hat Tricks. Either way, the rule Hat Tricks will read:
Also, add a new GNDT column: Stuff.
If a rule entitled Bartholomew Cubbins exists, put it into the rule Hat Tricks as a Hat Trick called Bartholomew Cubbins, and give Hat Tricks the rule number formerly used by Bartholomew Cubbins.
If any of the terminology in this proposal does not apply (Player/Mariner, etc.) adjust it to the correct terminology.
I would have given Dunam half of the Hats for this, but it doesn't seem to apply any more. Dunam, if you come back before the next new dynasty I'll give you half.
Enacted by Cayvie +10 to Damanor, +2 to Cayvie
I know this looks like a knockoff of Dunam's Hat Trick proposal. I actually simulposted a Hat Tricks proposal, then removed it when I saw the other one. Since Dunam is idle now, I don't mind proposing this, starting with a direct quote out of respect:
If it has not already been changed like this, change the rule Hats from:
A Player's HatsOn value can never be greater than his/her number of Hats, nor can it ever exceed his/her Balance Rating. A Player may change his/her HatsOn value to any valid number at any time.
so that it reads
A Player's HatsOn value can never be greater than his/her number of Hats. If it exceeds his/her Balance Rating, that player loses 2 hats and HatsOn is reduced to the balance rating. Hatson is then reduced to the balance rating amount.
Create a new rule called Hat Tricks, unless a rule called Hat Trick exists, in which case change it to Hat Tricks. Either way, the rule Hat Tricks will read:
Players can perform certain tricks with hats. Each player can only attempt each trick once. Possible tricks include:
Top Hat: An attempt to spin large numbers of hats on your head. You can only have a number of HatsOn equal to your Balance Rating minus 2 when you perform this trick. Make a GNDT entry: "Top Hat: DICE+[HatsOn]". If the result exceeds your Balance Rating, raise your Balance Rating so it is equal to the result, raise your HatsOn to equal the result, and give yourself additional Hats equal to the result from the DICE entry.
Pulling a Rabbit Out of a Hat: You try to summon the Mythical Bunny. Sacrifice 10 hats and make a GNDT entry: "I call upon the power of the Mythical Bunny! FRUIT" Your reward is determined by the result:
Lemon: Your bunny is yellow and sour, and quickly devours the hats you sacrificed. Before it can eat more, you slaughter it and make it into a stew. Add "Lemon Rabbit Stew" to your Stuff.
Cherry: A six-foot rabbit named Harvey appears. How he got six feet, you will never know, but Rabbit's feet are lucky. Add "6 Rabbit Feet" to your Stuff and increase your Balance Rating by 6.
Orange: The bunny appears. "Knock Knock." "Who's there?" "Orange." "Orange Who?" "Orange you glad I'm not drunk? Ha Ha Ha." The bunny vanishes. You gain 2 Balance Rating and add "Wisdom of the ages" to your Stuff.
Hooch: You bunny is drunk. It mutters something about "Rilly Trabbit. Kicks are for Sids..." before passing out on the floor. Reduce your Balance Rating by 2 because of the smell.
Bar: If one drunk bunny is bad, try a whole bar full of them. They stampede, causing you to lose 4 from your balance rating. On the other hand, everybody now has 10 Rabbit Skin hats. Add 10 hats to everyone's total.
Kiwi: You have summoned the Mythical Bunny! The rabbit tries to grant your fondest wish, but gives you a wind-up fish instead. Add >:* next to your name in the sidebar. You gain 20 Hats and 20 Balance Rating, and add "Wind-up Fish" to your Stuff.
Also, add a new GNDT column: Stuff.
If a rule entitled Bartholomew Cubbins exists, put it into the rule Hat Tricks as a Hat Trick called Bartholomew Cubbins, and give Hat Tricks the rule number formerly used by Bartholomew Cubbins.
If any of the terminology in this proposal does not apply (Player/Mariner, etc.) adjust it to the correct terminology.
I would have given Dunam half of the Hats for this, but it doesn't seem to apply any more. Dunam, if you come back before the next new dynasty I'll give you half.

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