Proposal : Deference pointer
Amend the second paragraph of Rule 5 (Voting) to read:
Failed by Cayvie (timed-out at 6-6). -3 to Octave, +1 to Cayvie. Also, -5 to est, Kahbn, Hobbes, and Yagyu-Jubei for not voting on it.
A vote of DEFERENTIAL is a vote of no opinion, or of deference to the decision of the Poet or another Mariner. The vote will count the same as the Poet's vote, if there is a Poet. If there is no Poet, the DEFERENTIAL icon must be followed immediately by the name of a Mariner to count as a vote; it counts the same as the named Mariner's vote. To Defer to a Mariner (including the Poet) is to make one's own vote dependent on that Mariner's vote, directly or indirectly, by casting a vote of DEFERENTIAL. Mariners may not Defer to themselves. The Poet never Defers to anyone.If "The End of History?" passed, replace "Mariner" with "Player" in the above paragraph. If both that and "Hats for clowns" passed, replace "Mariner" with "Clown" instead. If this paragraph applies, carry it out before adding the above paragraph to the Ruleset.

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