Proposal: Hat trick
if balancing act passes
Add a new rule: "Hat Trick" with the following text:
Change the rule hats from:
Failed by Brendan, 1 to 12, at 3:10 pm GMT on 4.29.2004. -3 to Dunam in absentia, +1 to Brendan.
Add a new rule: "Hat Trick" with the following text:
Once per day a player may post "Hattrick Dice" to the GNDT, which is only counts if it is directly trackable to which mariner made the post. If the outcome is lower than 4, the mariner gains balance rating equal to the outcome. If the outcome is 4 or greater, the mariner loses hats equal to the outcome.
Change the rule hats from:
A Player's HatsOn value can never be greater than his/her number of Hats, nor can it ever exceed his/her Balance Rating. A Player may change his/her HatsOn value to any valid number at any time.
A Player's HatsOn value can never be greater than his/her number of Hats. If it is exceeds his/her Balance Rating, that player loses 2 hats and HatsOn is reduced to the balance rating. Hatson is then reduced to the balance rating amount.

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