Proposal : Patching Leaks [Trivial]
Amend the "Riots" subsection of Rule 7 to read:
If "Proposal: The End of History?" passes, replace all instances of "Morale" with "Hats" and replace all instances of "Mariner" with "Player."
Passed 13 to 1 by Brendan at 2:46 pm GMT on 4.29.2004. +3 to Brendan.
Riots Any Mariner may instigate a Riot at any time by posting to the BlogNomic weblog. The post's title must consist only of the word 'RIOT' in bold, and the body of the post must state some reason for rioting, for the post be considered a legal Riot.
The Riot lasts for 48 hours. At the end of those 48 hours, the riot must have attained Quorum to pass. If it has not, it fails, and the Mariner who posted the Riot loses 10 Morale. A Riot is not subject to veto.
If a Riot passes, the Dynasty immediately ends with no haitus. The entire Ruleset except Rules 1-10 and the Glossary repeal themselves, and the game continues in a meta-dynastic state until a new Poet is elected in accordance with the Ruleset.
If "Proposal: The End of History?" passes, replace all instances of "Morale" with "Hats" and replace all instances of "Mariner" with "Player."

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