The Rebel faction appoints Royce to the office of Robin Hood.
BlogNomic has moved!
The game is now running at blognomic.comSaturday, May 31, 2003
The Rebel faction appoints Royce to the office of Robin Hood.
When you're ready to take part, Rod, just post a comment to the blog saying that you want to become unIdle again.
Wednesday, May 28, 2003
Convert all Game Board squares to white, and pause Game Board play.
Each Player who wishes to become a Board Player will have one week from the time this passes to create a TWiki account and set up a color. Resume Game Board play after this time by Kevan making a move.
[i would like to join the board game, but am not about to hand kevan another 200 gold. twiki let me create an account and get game board permissions, so if any other players had this difficulty you may now join.]

Create a new rule, entitled 'Drafts', with the following text:
Any Player may post an idea they have for a proposal by posting an entry which begins with the paragraph "Draft : [Title]" in bold text (where [Title] is a title of their choosing). The post should describe a proposal they wish to recieve comments and ideas on before they submit it as an actual proposal.
[This is in reponse to some comments about changing proposals. This would let players post ideas for proposals to get comments on, and then players would have a chance to add those new ideas or changes before submitting the actual official proposal.]

[ I originally proposed this during Round One, I think, but nobody went for it; that an ascending Emperor or Empress could repeal any existing rules which they didn't want in the new Dynasty, to help distinguish the rounds more cleanly.
That we've carried on into the new Dynasty with much the same Rules and game style as the previous one suggests that maybe we could have done with this, after all. ]
To Rule 19, add the bullet point:-
* Repeal any number of Rules (excluding Rules 1-8 and the Glossary) by proclamation.

Change all instances of the word "faction" in the BlogNomic ruleset and the GNDT to "political alignment." In the Data Tracker, this shall be abbreviated as "P.A."
Ignored - not a legal proposal (see comments)
Add to the first paragraph of "Rule 17: The Imperial Lottery:"
"Any player may choose to purchase lottery tickets for any other player as a gift, up to ten (10) tickets."
Failed by Kevan, Saturday the 31st, -2 Gold to Lyndse, 2 Gold to Kevan
Add to "Rule 20: Teams:"
"Players may only choose team members of the same faction (exept in the case of players whose faction is "other," which in that case they may choose any player as their partner but may not share in any rewards specific to their partner's faction). Players may not join a team for exactly one week after officially changing their faction."
[ I think that this rule will not only give more meaning to being in a certain faction, but will also encourage a lot of players to play as "other."]
Failed by Kevan, Saturday the 31st, -2 Gold to Lyndse, 2 Gold to Kevan
Tuesday, May 27, 2003
Change the first paragraph of the Rule "Dynasties" from
"BlogNomic is divided into a number of Rounds, referred to as Dynasties. Each Dynasty has a single Emperor or Empress (the two terms may be used interchangeably, although the Ruleset may be updated to reflect the gender of the new leader, at the dawn of a new Dynasty), and is named according to the number of times which that Player has been Empress (eg. "The First Dynasty of Myke"). "
to "BlogNomic is divided into a number of Rounds, referred to as Dynasties. At the beginning of each Dynasty, every Player's GNDT stats are reset to zero or blank, and all teams are dissolved. Each Dynasty has a single Emperor or Empress (the two terms may be used interchangeably, although the Ruleset may be updated to reflect the gender of the new leader, at the dawn of a new Dynasty), and is named according to the number of times which that Player has been Empress (eg. "The First Dynasty of Myke"). The Empress is then awarded an initial sum of 100 Gold."
[i suggest an ititial sum of 100 Gold to jumpstart/reward the new emperor/empress. this is negotiable in a trivial later, as i'm not completely sure what the rest of you think is fair as a bonus for having won a round, and as a jumpstart to retaining the throne.]

Rename Rule 21 (Imperial Bankcruptcy) to "Revolution", and reword it to:-
If the combined Gold reserves of the Rebel Faction exceeds that of the Loyal Faction, then any Rebel Player may instigate a Revolution by posting a message of such intent to the weblog. This message should specify a Player to lead the new Dynasty (the Candidate).
Other Rebel Players may reply to this message supporting the Revolution and its choice of Candidate. If every other Rebel Player responds in the positive within 48 hours, the the Empress is immediately deposed and a new Dynasty begins with the Candidate as its Empress or Emperor.

Monday, May 26, 2003
Create a new rule, "Robin Hood":
There will be a player with the title of Robin Hood. Only members of the Rebel faction can be Robin Hood. Members of the Rebel faction must decide among themselves who is to be Robin Hood. If a decision cannot be made, there will be no Robin Hood.
Once per week, Robin Hood may take 25 Gold from any player and give that 25 Gold to any other player. Robin Hood may not give Gold to himself nor may he take Gold from himself. The comment for these changes should be "Robin Hood strikes again".
At any time, Robin Hood may choose to give the title of Robin Hood to any other member of the Rebel Faction.
[This is meant to sort of balance the Loyal and Rebel Factions. The Loyal Faction has the Empress, but the Rebel Faction currently has no figurehead. Robin Hood's power is minimal, at best, but perhaps future rules will expand what he can do.]

Sunday, May 25, 2003
The winner of this week's drawing in the Imperial Lottery is citizen Royce. The number of Tickets in circulation was 43. Congratulations!
All remaining Lottery Tickets are hereby declared void.
I also hereby request to be upgraded to Admin status. I am familiar with basic html, and don't want to be forcing Kevan to do all the Admin work.