Proposal: Drafts
Create a new rule, entitled 'Drafts', with the following text:
Any Player may post an idea they have for a proposal by posting an entry which begins with the paragraph "Draft : [Title]" in bold text (where [Title] is a title of their choosing). The post should describe a proposal they wish to recieve comments and ideas on before they submit it as an actual proposal.
[This is in reponse to some comments about changing proposals. This would let players post ideas for proposals to get comments on, and then players would have a chance to add those new ideas or changes before submitting the actual official proposal.]
Failed by Kevan, Tuesday the 3rd, -2 Gold to Royce (-1 to Geran), 2 Gold to Kevan (1 to Néa)
Create a new rule, entitled 'Drafts', with the following text:
Any Player may post an idea they have for a proposal by posting an entry which begins with the paragraph "Draft : [Title]" in bold text (where [Title] is a title of their choosing). The post should describe a proposal they wish to recieve comments and ideas on before they submit it as an actual proposal.
[This is in reponse to some comments about changing proposals. This would let players post ideas for proposals to get comments on, and then players would have a chance to add those new ideas or changes before submitting the actual official proposal.]

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