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Saturday, March 06, 2004

Proposal: If I Can't See Him... [trivial]

Create a new superpower, X-Ray Vision:

X-Ray Vision: The Hero gains the ability to see through normally opaque objects. Due to the insight this gives the Hero into the internal workings of machinery, the Hero can effectively thwart (is immune to) any superpower with the [Mechanical] descriptor that directly affects his or her GNDT stats without his or her consent.

Since this is my first proposal, I'm sure there are plenty of loopholes... comments before voting so that I can refine it, please. Edited to add the fact that it is the choice of the Hero whether to be affected by the power or not.

FOR Passed 11 to 0 by Brendan at 7:50 pm GMT on 3.8.2004. +2 to Axiallus, +1 to Brendan. Keitalia gets the Super-Power at a cost of 17.

Temporal Paradox: The End Of The Past

The wind catches on her white trench coat as she reclines against a column in an abandoned bell tower. She can see the signs of her diabolical plot coming to an end. Yes the sudden silence of the fire storms around the ruins, water gushing out of manholes and the commotion over at the brewery; all pointed at the same conclusion, her diversion had worked. A sudden ringing called her back to her senses. It was that foolish fowl, Dames Duck... He was smart, too smart. "One of these days Dames... One of these days. Your little shenanigans will be the last of you." *content sigh* 'Besides, I have all the information I need to get you out of the picture', she mused to herself. 'Either you join me or you will face the consequences...'

The following Heroes have successfully outwitted the past:

Kahbn as Set; for putting your life on the line against The Man
Damanor as Dames Duck; for flushing the Thing out
ChinDoGu as Quicksilver; for putting forth the effort

You can all claim your 9 power and your piece of Xenonite. And if you feel like you may roll a DICE to see if you get a power up. The super power being offered for this emergency is:

*Redo. Redo repeats the last Super Power used by the Hero with Redo. Redo cannot repeat a Super Power that belongs to another Hero. If a Super Power targets another Hero; Redo must be used to target the same Hero, it cannot change targets. All Super Powers that are affected with Redo must follow the original description of that Super Power; however the recharge times may be ignored. If a Hero uses Redo to attack, drain, or lower another Hero's power, the effects are halved (rounded down). The following super powers are not able to be affected by Redo: Hot Potato, Redo, and Ki Conduit. This super power has the recharge time of 24 hours.

Any comments/concerns regarding the outlandish Redo?

Friday, March 05, 2004

Proposal: Brinkmanship

Create a new power:

The Hero may raise the Power of all Heroes, including his or herself, by 5. This power has a recharge time of 1 hour.

AGAINST Timed out 5 to 9 at 7:44 pm GMT, 3.8.2004. -5 to Joranj, +1 to Brendan.

Proposal : Green Lights in the Sky [Trivial]

A randomly-selected Hero who voted in favour of this Proposal shall gain 1 Xenonite. (The trustworthy Super Villain shall select such a Hero using an unbiased method of her choice, after this Proposal has passed.)

FOR, I think Timed out at 5:44 pm GMT on 3.7.2004, 8 to 5 with 1 undecided Imp. I think. +2 to Kevan, +1 to Brendan. The selection of a winner remains up to Keitalia.

Proposal: lex specialis [trivial]

add a new superpower:

Logical Positivism - This superpower may only be used once. The hero with logical positivism may reduce Wittgenstein's power to zero, and award him/herself with half of the power that Wittgenstein had upon activation of logical positivism rounded down to the nearest positive integer.

AGAINST Timed out 7 to 9 at 5:40 pm GMT on 3.7.2004. -5 to Wittgenstein, +1 to Brendan.
The [Forceful] descriptor has not been added to Super Strength, in accordance with passed proposal "Mind, Body, Spirit." Can this be fixed, or is a CfJ necessary? Since I have a Super Power which I do not particularly want and did not have the highest or most recent bid on, I would be slightly less annoyed if it actually protects against one of the two other Super Powers it was intended to defend against.

Proposal : OOOOOPPS [Trivial]

Ammend rule 2, as follows


Superpower Proposals may not be enacted by any admin who is currently winning the bidding on one of the listed powers.


Superpower Proposals may not be enacted by any admin who is currently winning the bidding on one or more of the listed powers.

ChinDoGu recieves no power reward if this proposal passes.

FOR Timed out, 8 to 2 with 2 undecided Imps, at 5:33 pm GMT on 3.7.2004. However, since there is no such section of Rule 2, this Proposal has no effect on the ruleset, and I claim no Power for administrating it.

Thursday, March 04, 2004

Proposal: Rewarding cruelty [TRIVIAL]

Add the following to the end of rule 15-Emergencies:

Upon adjudication of an Emergency, the Super Villian gains 5 Power. She must also choose to award the villian who declared the Emergency with an amount of power, which may be any whole integer between 50% and 150% of the Emergency's danger value (or the mean average of all the danger values, if there are several). If this award is 150%, the Villian may post a comment of Evil:DICE in the GNDT. If they roll a 6, they may claim a new Super Power from the Super Villian.

FOR Passed 14 to 1 at 5:22 pm GMT, 3.7.2004. +2 to Joranj, +1 to Brendan.

EMERGENCY: Temporal paradox!

Keitalia Malifica has opened a time portal in the main square of the city! Even now, three figures of BlogNomic history are rampaging through the city. You have to stop them!

The Man is going from dive to dingy dive, shooting barkeepers and patrons alike. His path is taking him inexorably towards the bottling plant.

The Thing was last seen slithering into the sewers. No-one knows exectly where it is now, but smart money has it heading somewhere cold.

Finally, the Archmage of Serl is standing in the ruins of Enormous Jameson, crisping anyone who gets too close with fireballs while he prepares a mega-lightning super-storm.

Each Hero may only tackle one historical figure, and awards will be given to those who tackle each figure the most effectively. All facets of this Emergency have a danger rating of 9, as we're all pretty pathetic at heart.

Proposal: I Don't Really Have a Good Name For This Proposal [Trivial] [Super-Power]

New Super-Powers:
Mutant Master. [Genetic, Evil] When responding to an Emergency, you may pay X Power to co-opt one other Hero, who possesses a Super-Power with the Genetic keyword and who has not yet responded to that Emergency, into assisting you. You may use that Hero and his or her Super-Powers in your response. If you use another Hero's Super-Powers in this way, you must pay any Power costs yourself, apply their recharge times to yourself, and consider yourself the owner of these Super-Powers in all other ways, for this usage only. Mutant Master can only be used once for any given Emergency.

Shiny Purple Helmet. [Mechanical] You may not be the unwilling target of any Super-Powers with the Psychic or Sonic keywords. You also gain low-light and telescopic vision, and may communicate hands-free via shortwave or CB radio.

Connections. [Empathic] If you lose Power as a direct and immediate result of another Hero's Super-Power, you may regain half of the Power you lost (rounded up) and cause another Hero, who has the same allegiance as you, to lose Power equal the amount you regain. This usage of Connections must be performed within 12 hours of the inital loss, and has a recharge time of 24 hours. In addition, you can get tickets to any show in town, no fooling. Even the ones that are sold out. This usage of Connections has no recharge time.

Dice of Blind Io. [Neutral] You may use the Dice of Blind Io to help restore the rule of the Law of Averages to The City of BlogNomic. To do so, calculate the average (mean) of all Good Heroes and all Villains (except the Super-Villain), and post your results to the GNDT, rounded down to the nearest integer (eg "Good average is 112. Evil average is 103."). Then post "Blind Io:DICE." If your result is less than 4, you must set the Power of any one Villain to the average Power of the Good Heroes, as calculated above. If your result is greater than 3, you must set the Power of any one Good Hero to the average Power of the Evil Heroes, as calculated above. The Dice of Blind Io have a recharge time of 36 hours.

Should this proposal pass, replace "X" in Mutant Master with the amount of the winning bid for that Super-Power. In addition, should this proposal pass, bids on Dice of Blind Io by Good and Evil Heroes are discounted.

Edited at 3:16 pm GMT, 3.5.2004.

AGAINST Failed 5 to 7 at 5:18 pm GMT on 3.7.2004. -4 to Brendan.

Proposal: Picket Sides

A majority (14) of the active Heroes are apparently still hemming and hawing over whether they're Good or Evil. Maybe the real world works like that, but hey, this is a comic book.

Amend Rule 14 - Allegiances to read as follows:
All Heroes are Good, Evil or Neutral; they may choose to declare this in the GNDT. Once a Hero has declared himself or herself to be Good, Evil or Neutral, he or she may not change his or her mind.

Any Hero who has declared an allegiance may nominate an Arch-Enemy from those who have declared a different allegiance; this is also tracked in the GNDT, and may not be changed once first chosen.

Evil Heroes are known as "Villains." The Super Villain is automatically Evil.

If any Hero has not declared an allegiance by 11:59 pm GMT on March 6, 2004, that Hero is thereafter considered to have declared an allegiance of Neutral; any other Hero may set this in the GNDT. This paragraph does not apply to Heroes who enter the game after 4:00 pm GMT on March 4, 2004.

Heroes who enter the game after 4:00 pm GMT on March 4, 2004, must choose an allegiance within 96 hours of the "New Player" post announcing their arrival. If they do not do so, they are also considered to have declared an allegiance of Neutral, and any other Hero may set this in the GNDT.

Edited again to force a decision on new players, but since we all had such a long time to decide, I think they should at least get four days.

AGAINST Failed 4 to 9 at 5:16 pm GMT on 3.7.2004. -4 to Brendan.

Proposal: Sidekicks

Add the following to the second-last paragraph of rule 15, Emergencies:

Optionally, on a roll of six, the Hero may forfiet the right to a new Super Power and gain a Sidekick instead.

Create a rule, entitled Sidekicks:

Any Hero may have a sidekick. Sidekicks' names and Power are tracked in the GNDT, and all sidekicks enter the game with a Power of 50.

Sidekicks have all the same Super Powers as the Hero they are affiliated to; however, outside of an Emergency situation, they may not use a specific power unless the Hero is unable to. Once a sidekick has used a power, they may not use another for a time equal to double the recharge time of the power they have used. Other than that, sidekicks are subject to the same restrictions, costs and penalties of their powers as Heroes.

Sidekicks can be the target of Super Powers in the same way as other Heroes. In the Super Power descriptions under Rule 12, all references to the term 'Hero' may be assumed to also mean 'Sidekick'.

In an Emergency situation, sidekicks may freely use their Super Powers; however, after the Emergency is finished, they may not use another power for a time equal to double the recharge time of the last power they have used.

AGAINST Timed out 6 to 7 at 5:12 pm GMT, 3.7.2004. -5 to Joranj, +1 to Brendan.
Proposal : I bid 1 power for meteo [trivial]

Amend the second paragraph of "Rule 12 - Super-Powers" by replacing

If a Proposal would create one or more new Super-Powers, any Hero may bid on any of those Super-Powers by specifying an amount of Power to bid


If a Proposal would create one or more new Super-Powers, any Hero may bid on any of those Super-Powers (unless the Proposal specifically states that no Heroes may bid on the Super-Power or Super-Powers) by specifying an amount of Power to bid

The parentetical addition allows a proposal to create a Super-Power which we do not want everyone to be able to bid on. Katastrophe's abilities, for example, should not be made into Super-Powers without this addition.

FOR Passed 17 to 0 at 5:07 pm GMT on 3.7.2004. +2 to Hix, +1 to Brendan.

Wednesday, March 03, 2004

Proposal: Pay For What You Get [Trivial]

Should Proposal: Money Makes Everything Easier pass, replace the section of Rule 16 that says
nor may any Super-Power that can be freely traded to another Hero be sacrificed.

nor may any Super-Power be sacrificed if a) its owner did not bid for it, and b) it was not granted by the Super-Villain.

Should this Proposal pass, Brendan shall receive no Power for its passage.

... which should eliminate the Hot Potato and Katastrophe problems simultaneously. I would have edited MMEE to insert this if I could, so it's a no-reward prop.

FOR Passed 16 to 0 at 5:03 pm GMT, 3.7.2004. +0 to Brendan.

Proposal: A Gesture of Good Faith [trivial]

Pursuant to comments on To Be Cruel to Be Kind. I want to see a balanced game, and I also wouldn't mind winning; but above all I want to have fun, and it's hard to have fun in a game where the other players are convinced you're a conniving double-crosser who uses the name of the public good to advance no one but himself.

If the Proposal "The Power of Positivity" passed, Satyr Eyes loses 10 Power.

If the Proposal "I Shouldn't Be Allowed to Do This" passed, Satyr Eyes loses 2 Power.

If no Call for Judgment or other game event has invalidated the events described in "To Be Cruel to Be Kind," Satyr Eyes loses 22 Power.

If "A Gesture of Good Faith" passes, Satyr Eyes loses 2 Power.

22 Power is my profit from the exploit; the rest is my gain from the passage of the proposals I promote in To Be Cruel to Be Kind (as well as this one). Please vote For this proposal if you feel that I used the exploit and To Be Cruel to Be Kind to promote myself -- not to promote the continued vitality of this Dynasty and its players, one and all.

Failed by Damanor (4 to 13) 18:10 on 5 Mar; -5 to Satyr Eyes, +1 to Damanor

Proposal : Defects

All superheros have their secret weaknesses. So I propose that we create defects as follows

Add a new rule entitled Defects

Any hero can have any number of defects. At any time a hero may chose to gain a defect. Defects are tracked in the GNDT. The action of gaining a defect has a recharge time of 48 hours. Defects have an effect, and a reward value. Any hero who takes a defect GAINS power equal to the defeats reward value.

Any hero may propose a new defect by making a defect proposal. This hero does not propose the reward value. When voting on a defect hero's MUST specify a positive reward value. If it does not, the vote is considered invalid. At the time of enactment, the average of the most recent reward values from each hero who voted is taken. This is the reward value for the defect. Should the reward value be greater than 20, then it is considered to be 20 instead.

Defects may have one or more Keywords, signifying the nature of the Defect. These Keywords are given in brackets after the Defect name.

The following is a list of all enacted defects. Should a new defect be enacted its description is to be added here.

I'm aware of how long this is, please give time for comments first.
edit 2:22 4/3 GMT to fix max value and invalid votes

Failed - Timed out by Damanor (5 to 8) 18:10 on 5 Mar; -5 to ChinDoGu, +1 to Damanor

To Be Cruel To Be Kind

Out of the mist materializes a goatlike man clad in a gray cloak. He appears wizened yet strong, ancient yet timeless. He speaks...

"At 3:30 AM GMT, the Nebulizer and I met in utmost secrecy. The Nebulizer used his power of Ki Conduit to channel all but one of his Power to me; then he used it again to channel all my Power, which now totaled 135, to himself. I proceeded to use Anti-Anagramity at a cost of 67 Power to restore this 135 Power to myself, bringing me to 68 Power and the Nebulizer to 136. He then channelled me 40 Power for my trouble.

The Nebulizer believes that I met him to conspire against the Blog. He could not be more wrong; my powers are used only to further Balance. No, my purpose was deeper: to demonstrate that infinite-power rules holes are possible at the level of complexity we have in BlogNomic. We can fix this particular hole by passing "I Shouldn't Be Allowed to Do This," but there may be other exploits that are as yet undiscovered by we mortals. All infinite-Power rules holes are potentially unbalancing, and will become fatal to the Dynasty if "Money Makes Everything Easier" passes.

There is a class of possible holes, including the one demonstrated here, that can be eliminated or (as in this case) reduced in severity by passing "The Power of Positivity," which keeps power from becoming negative.

There is also a class of possible holes, again including this one, that will be transformed from annoying exploits to major threats to Balance if "Time Shift (of Evil!)" passes. This set of exploits is the most fearsome of all, for not only do they afford greedy Heroes infinite power, but indeed they do so instantaneously. I, Panpype, guardian of balance in Blognomia, strongly suggest that all right-minded citizens vote against this Proposal.

I must go now. Balance be with you."

And with a whoosh of his cloak, Panpype turns and vanishes...

The End of the Diamond Dogs... Not Really Though

Once again the door thunders open sending an eerie echo throughout the foreboding room. A dark figure stands in front of a breathtaking view of the City. Lucien Thrope could only see the outline of the figure and an ever so slight shimmer from her black satin dress flowing seamlessly to the floor. Lucien, you let me down... How am I suppose to help you if you keep failing me? "Forgive me! Please, I need the antidote! I can't live like this!" Lucien glares down on his furry paws. "BAYNE promised me if I did this for you, that you'd help me get out of this monstrosity of a body!" The figure turns to gaze upon the remains of the pathetic pile of fluff. Lucien, are you begging? Like the dog that you are! Begging? Fine then... Here! The figure tosses a vile of glowing liquid at the sad excuse of a werewolf. Lucien downs the liquid and discards the vile, it breaks on the floor as shards scatter in every direction.

The sounds of bones cracking and moans fill the dark empty air. "It... It worked! How can I ever thank you?" Quite easily... You can die! The figure signals to the opposite side of the room. Several dark figures quickly glide across the floor with the faint sounds of crunching glass drawing ever closer to their terrified quarry. As though reading his thoughts, they pounce upon him in unison. Outside the window a myriad of shadows danced around a motionless lump as screams tear through the darkness of the cold cruel night.

The moonlight catches on the figure's perfect lips as they contort into a sadistic smile. Eat up my darlings. Who knows what tomorrow will bring. MwaHaHaHa! Her evil laughter fills the room as the curtains close leaving the gruesome scene in shadow.

The Heroes who have successfully brought a sense of peace back into the City are:

Damanor as 'The Duck' and Satyr Eyes as 'Panpype'

Congratulations! And to everyone who answered to the emergency. Good Job and Best of Luck Next Time! It was a very difficult decision.

Proposal : Something for the evil ones [Trivial][Superpower Proposal]

Add a nuw superpower "LifeLeech"

Whenever a hero with LifeLeech causes another hero to involuntarily lose power as a direct and immediate result of their use of a superpower, they may gain 1 power. This power has a recharge time of 1 hour, and must be used within 1 hour of the power loss occuring.

Enacted by Damanor (17 to 0) 18:10 on 5 Mar; +2 to ChinDoGu, +1 to Damanor, LifeLeech goes to Joranj for 25.

Tuesday, March 02, 2004

Proposal : Blooming Admins

For the seecond time, and admin has outbid me, then enacted the proposal as soon as they could afterwards while ive been asleep.

Yes admins get an advantage ingame from being admins. They shouldent get carte-blanch to chose their superpowers, which is pratically what the current system gives them.

Consequently add to the end of paragraph 2 of rule SuperPowers

Superpower Proposals may not be enacted by any admin who is currently winning the bidding on one of the listed powers.

FOR Passed 16 to 1 at 9:54 pm GMT on 3.4.2004. +10 to ChinDoGu, +2 to Brendan.

Proposal: I Shouldn't Be Allowed to Do This [trivial]

We all love the Super Villain very much (except those of us who are committed to ending her reign at all costs), but she's only human.

Amend the second-most-abusable Super-Power in the game, "Anti-Anagramity," to read:
When another Hero uses a Super-Power to alter the GNDT stats of a Hero with Anti-Anagramity, that Hero may choose to use Anti-Anagramity within 12 hours of the change and before taking any other action. When used, Anti-Anagramity reverses, as nearly as possible, all GNDT stat changes directly caused by the Super-Power to which it is applied. (For instance, if the Super-Power caused the Hero to lose twenty Power to another Hero, Anti-Anagramity causes the other Hero to lose twenty power to the Hero using Anti-Anagramity.) This Super-Power has a recharge time of 24 hours. Anti-Anagramity costs 5 Power if the Super-Power it reverses did not affect the Hero's Power. However, if the Super-Power did affect the Hero's Power, then Anti-Anagramity costs 1/2 of the Power that the Super-Power originally removed.
Amend the Rule called "Emergencies" to add the following, at the end of the paragraph regarding Power-Ups:
The Hero may claim the Super-Power beginning twenty-four hours after the Super Villain posts a description of the Super-Power to the blog, unless six or more Heroes object to the Super-Power by using the NAY icon in comments during this time. In this case, the Super-Power is withdrawn and the Super Villain must draw up a new one as per the guidelines in this rule.

FOR Passed 16 to 0 by Brendan at 9:48 pm GMT on 3.4.2004. +2 to Satyr Eyes, +1 to Brendan.

Proposal: Xenonite refinery [Trivial]

I really like the proposal Foiled Again; this is just a detail thing that was bugging me.

Assuming Foiled Again passes, make the following adjustments to rule: Xenonite

Where it says "A Hero with six pieces of Xenonite" amend it to read, "A Hero with at least six pieces of Xenonite"

Add the following to the end of the rule:
Because of the unstable nature of Xenonite, anyone who notices that any hero has more than six pieces of Xenonite in his or her inventory can reduce that number to six. Any hero may voluntarily give Xenonite to any other hero except the Super Villain, who cannot possess Xenonite at any time, in spite of any rule or superpower allowing the exchange, purchase, or theft of Xenonite. If a hero gives Xenonite to another hero, it cannot result in either hero having more than five pieces in his or her possession; any Xenonite beyond that is considered gone.

Now, for the controversial part:
Also, should this proposal be enacted, any hero who has successfully resolved one or more emergencies (or equivalent) should receive one piece of Xenonite for each one he or she resolved.

(1) The number of Xenonite in people's possession is just a clarification, and is intended to make it less confusing. I can easily cut either the limit or the change to the sentence above, or leave both of them in.
(2) When it comes to the exchange aspect of it, I wanted to encourage cooperation and negotiation, but keep it so we can't just have six people get together and decide who the next super-villain should be.
(3) The most controversial aspect is sure to be rewarding past winners. I want to reward them for their creativity in the past, and I think it's reasonably fair, but I expect argument.

Comments, please, especially about the last point!

FOR Passed 13 to 1 by Brendan at 9:16 pm GMT on 3.4.2004. The GNDT now has a Xenonite field; Cayvie, Satyr Eyes, Joranj, Orkboi, and Damanor all now have 1 piece of Xenonite (except for Satyr Eyes, who has 2).

proposal: many parts of a whole (trivial)

in rule 15, replace:

Each Emergency should also have a Danger Value, of the Villain's choice; a number between one and twenty.


Each Emergency may have multiple parts, with each part assigned a danger value by the Villain; a number between one and twenty.

add to the end of the second paragraph:

a hero may only respond to one part of the emergency, and should make it clear which part they are trying to prevent in their comments


The chosen Hero or Heroes each gain Power equal to the Danger Level of the Emergency.


The chosen Hero or Heroes each gain Power equal to the Danger Level of the part of the Emergency that they responded to.

if we're going to have multiple-part emergencies like 'diamond dogs', we should reward our heroes accordingly. it would be kind of unfair if an emergency has one easy condition and one hard condition, and both have the same danger level.

FOR Timed out, 7 votes to 5, at 9:10 pm GMT on 3.4.2004. +2 to Kahbn, +1 to Brendan.

Proposal: Even the best thief makes mistakes. [Trivial]

When Master Thief was first proposed, Satyr Eyes spoke up with some valid concerns about how quickly someone must say "gotcha" after the thief strikes. Unfortunately, the voting began before I could fix it.

I had loosely taken the time limit idea from the last dynasty, but forgot that in the last one people had to conspire to commit crimes. Since I promised to try to fix the time limit on it:

In rule 12, in the superpower Master Thief, change the phrase "within 10 minutes after the thief strikes" to "within 3 minutes, per point of power taken, after the thief strikes".

Also add a sentence immediately before the last sentence that says:

The first hero who says "Gotcha" for that theft is rewarded with power equal to what the thief would have gained had the theft been successful.

Give the 2 power for enacting this proposal to Satyr Eyes, who after the voting began on that proposal rightly said 10 minutes wasn't enough time to be caught.

The goal is to give people more opportunity and incentive to catch the thief - even though it's me, and I would always use my power for good. Honest. ;P

I chose the graded time scale for a couple of reasons: first, if with great reward there should be great risk, and heroes are more likely to go after and be able to trace the person who robbed the national mint than someone who takes candy from a vending machine (it calls into question their commitment to fighting crime, but it's true); second, the time ranges from 6 to 36 minutes, and more than half the time it's 21-36 minutes; with 23 active players, odds are reasonably good that
someone will be active when a theft is attempted. It could be adjusted to 4 minutes per point of power taken, with 4-48 minutes and an average of 28 minutes for 7 power, but with people actively hunting the thief to get some power, that seemed a bit unfair. (Heck, I wish I hadn't bid as much as I did with this much risk.) If anybody thinks the time is still imbalanced in either direction, please speak up with an alternative.

FOR Passed 14 to 1 at 8:51 pm GMT, 3.4.2004. +2 to Satyr Eyes, +1 to Brendan.

Proposal : Storyboards

[ Rearranging the weird Emergency resolution system, which currently has several Heroes actively vanquishing a menace, before we find out which one of them actually vanquished it - this proposes a chronological sequence of events, instead.

It also allows Heroes to impede each other's rescue attempts (giving spare Villains something to do), and determines the winner through simple Power sums, rather than being a capricious story-writing competition. (Although actions can still be rejected if they're logically flawed, or incoherent.) ]

Replace the second and third paragraph of Rule 15 (Emergencies) with:-

Any Hero who has not yet responded to the Emergency may do so in comments to it, and may either:-

  • Initiate a fresh attempt at averting the Emergency. This attempt starts with an Effectiveness equal to the Hero's Power, and may not be made if any earlier attempts on this Emergency still have a positive Effectiveness.
  • Assist the most recent attempt, by responding to the comment. The Hero adds their Power to the attempt's Effectiveness, and the running total is noted.
  • Hinder the most recent attempt, by responding to the comment. The Hero subtracts their Power from the attempt's Effectiveness; the new total is noted.

All of the responses must be specifically described, and the Super Villain may disregard any responses which she feels are contradicted by earlier events, don't make sense, or simply "wouldn't work".

Heroes may use their Powers during an Initiation, Assist or Hindering; Initiators and Assisters may deal damage to the Emergency as if it were a Hero, and add this damage to the attempt's Effectiveness. Hinderers may deal damage to any Initiator or Assistor in the current attempt, and subtract that damage from the Effectiveness.

After 24 hours, if the most recent attempt has a positive Effectiveness, its Initiater (and any Assistants) each gain Power equal to the Danger Level.

Also replace "If no Hero responds to an Emergency within 24 hours" with "If no attempts have a positive Effectiveness, after 24 hours".

AGAINST Timed out at 8:46 pm GMT on 3.4.2004, 5 votes to 10. -5 to Kevan, +1 to Brendan.

Proposal: Money Makes Everything Easier [Trivial]

Should Proposal: Foiled Again! pass, append the following:
Because all Heroes obtained their superhuman abilities from the mutagenic radiation of Xenonite, they may attempt to derive Xenonite back from those abilities. Any Hero may sacrifice 120 Power or two Super-Powers to gain one piece of Xenonite. No Super-Power may be sacrificed in this way if it has an outstanding recharge time (that is, if it could not be used because of a recharge time at the time of sacrifice), nor may any Super-Power that can be freely traded to another Hero be sacrificed.

Edited at 9:44 pm GMT: reduced cost again, and prevented the use of Hot Potato as a means of victory.

FOR Timed out 9 to 4 at 6:53 pm GMT on 3.4.2004. +3 to Brendan.

New Player: Hix

Striding boldly out of the shadow filled corridors into the blinding rays of the sun. A new Hero enters the seemingly peaceful City. Seemingly because the howls of very oily werewolves still surround the once acclaimed news room.

Welcome to the City of Blognomic.

Proposal: Mind, Body, Spirit [Superpowers] [Trivial]

There aren’t enough Superpowers to go around, especially with the influx of new Heroes. We need more!

Add the [Forceful] descriptor to the following Superpowers, if they exist: Super Strength, Lingering Payne.

Create a new Superpower, "Presticogitation:"
Your mind is as ingenious as Newton's and as fast as Houdini's. You have a thorough knowledge of physics and can apply it in an instant. Further, when making a Power-Up roll after averting an Emergency, your quick learning enables you to treat results of 5 as results of 6 if you so choose. If you do so choose, you must declare that you exercise this option within one hour of Powering Up.

Create a new Superpower, "Immovable Object [Genetic]:"
When you have both feet firmly planted on solid rock, you may choose to become immovable with respect to the earth beneath you. No amount of force of any kind can move you from your place without your consent; any Superpower with the [Forceful] descriptor is without effect with respect to you.

Create a new Superpower, "Demonic Presence [Psychic]:"
It is impossible to stand in your presence without feeling shaken; you have an aura of malign power around you which makes you seem somehow more intimidating. When you bid on a Superpower, the next Hero to bid on that Superpower loses 2 Power. This applies only to your first bid on a given Superpower.

FOR Timed out 11 to 0 at 2:37 pm GMT, 3.4.2004. +2 to Satyr Eyes, +1 to Brendan. Axiallus gets Demonic Presence and Presticogitation for 27 and 32 Power, respectively, and Hix gets Immovable Object for 16.

NOT VALID : Something for the evil. [Trivial] [Superpower Proposal]

Add a nuw superpower "LifeLeech"

Whenever a hero with LifeLeech causes another hero to lose power as a direct result of their actions, they may gain 1 power. This power has a recharge time of 1 hour, and must be used within 1 hour of the power loss occuring.

Invalidated as a proposal due to a number of issues, if you have comments as to how to fix them, post them here and ill re-propose.

Proposal: The Power of Positivity

Add the following to the end of the first paragraph of Rule 3, "Power:"
Power may not fall below 0. Any effect which would reduce Power to below 0 instead reduces it to exactly 0. No Hero may voluntarily create an effect which requires them to lose more Power than they have.
It's very easy to accidentally create loopholes in Superpowers and the like because Power can be negative. This seems like a good, simple fix. The last sentence is there to keep someone with five Power from using a Superpower that consumes 50 Power.

FOR Timed out at 2:21 pm GMT with 7 for, 1 against. +10 to Satyr Eyes, +2 to Brendan. Exercising the provision in Rule 6 to fine 5 Power from Hix, Slakko, ChinDoGu, Kevan, Joranj, Cayvie, est, Elazar, Kamikaze, Royce, Orkboi, Mal3, Zev, Kahbn, and SilentSpoon.

Monday, March 01, 2004

Proposal: Ouch!

Add the following paragraph to the bottom of Rule 2 - Heroes:

If any Hero reaches zero Power, they are considered idle for at least 24 hours or until their power is higher than zero. An admin may set the Hero back to active without a request from the previously idled Hero. This paragraph will be automatically repealed upon a Declaration of Victory being made.

Edited to make the rule self-repealing at the end of the dynasty and change the "and" to an "or".

It gives some Ooomph to the super-powers that remove Power. I really don't see this turning the Dynasty into a GNDT slugfest. If I try to idle someone with a power I have by hurting them, others will come to the protection of that Hero by beating me up. Also Ki Conduit can restore someone.

Finally, I'm open to setting that "and" in italics to "or" if you think this proposal is too harsh. (In fact, I just did so.)

Commence abuse.

FOR Timed out with 8 votes for, 4 against. Passed by Brendan at 2:07 pm GMT, 3.4.2004. +10 to Trumancapote, +2 to Brendan. I'm also exercising the provision in Rule 6 to fine 5 Power from Joranj, Cayvie, est, Elazar, Kamikaze, Royce, Orkboi, Mal3, Zev, Kahbn, and SilentSpoon.

New Player: Slakko

Stepping out of the old abandoned subway system. But nevertheless ready to trample his foes. (Whomever they may be.)

Welcome to the City of Blognomic!

Quorom is now 12

Proposal: Time Shift (of evil!) [Super Power] [Trivial]

Add a new super power to list of super powers: 'Time Meddler'

This super power grants a Hero the ability to reduce the recharge time of any super power to 0. This must be used on another Hero's super power. This costs 2 power for every hour reduced on the original recharge time. Once they use that super power again its recharge time returns to the original recharge time. It can also give the ability to warp time in an emergency and other described situations.

Comments are always appreciated.

Vetoed by Keitalia; -1 to Keitalia

Proposal: The Fix (of evil!) [Trivial]

Add to the end of the last paragraph in rule 6:

This deduction cannot take place if a proposal has been vetoed or self failed.

With the way things are right now an admin may deduct 5 power for anyone who has not voted on vetoed or self-failed proposals.

Enacted (15 to 0) by Damanor 3 Mar at 15:34. +2 to Keitalia, +1 to Damanor.

EMERGENCY: Diamond Dogs

Commissioner Norris of the City Metropolitan Police Force takes the stage of the press conference.

Lucien Thrope, the Oil tycoon and owner of the City's largest news channel, was outed as the leader of the werewolf population last night as when, on the first day of the full moon, he raided the chicken battery and ate over 4,000 chickens. The moon is now rising over the city, and the howls of a pack of viscious werewolves can be heard over the rooftops... and tonight, they're almost certainly hunting man.

The entire pack can probably be stopped in the long term by taking out Lucien, but he's on the top floor of his office building, surrounded by guards and security measures, and it may not prevent any killings from taking place tonight - although we don't know for sure whether it would affect the other wolves or not. Alternatively, a group can probably take out the werewolves on the ground. It's too much for my police team though - we're just cops! What we need is not just heroes.... but Super Heroes...

The journalists start to mutter. One of the journalists adjusts his glasses and slips out through a side door...

There are two ways to complete this Emergency; by defeating Lucien in his office, and by hunting the wolves in the city down. Each Hero may only persue one of these avenues, and awards will be given for the successful of both tasks.

This emergency has a danger rating of 18.

Proposal: This really is the last time I'm submitting this SOaB [TRIVIAL]

In the nearby MegaTropoGotham City 1, a nuclear meltdown has simultaniously killed all the superheroes and created Katastrophe, a Super Villian of immense power. Having terrorised and eventually destroyed MegaTropoGotham City 1, Katastrophe is now roaming the cities of the area, killing the super heroes of the region and dominating the villianous circles.

Create a new rule, entitled Katastrophe.

If any Hero, including the Super Villian, ever has more than 220 points of Power, and the mean average Power of all the Heroes in the game is greater than 150, then Katastrophe arrives to make his mark on the city.

Immediately upon his arrival, Katastrophe kills the Hero with the lowest amount of Power. The player who controlled that Hero now controls Katastrophe as his or her Hero instead. It is Katastrophe's sworn duty to kill or damage as much as possible.

He or she then also strips the Hero who previously had the highest power of 3/4 of their total power (rounded up), and two Super Powers of his or her choice. Once all of the above has taken place, the first three paragraphs of this rule repeal themselves and may be deleted by any Admin.

Katastrophe initially has a Power of 350, an Evil allegiance, and has every other player as his or her ArchEnemy. Katastrophe's Powers are as follows:

Massive Leap: The Hero can jump exactly 40ft. He or she has no control over this ability, and so may not jump any distance (greater than, say, a long step) other than exactly 40ft.

Meteo: Can expend 30 Power to rip a boulder the size of a bus from the earth and throw it at another Hero, dealing 10 Power damage and knocking them out entirely. That Hero is unable to use Super Powers for 24 hours.

Titanium Exoskeleton: Any Power damage that would be dealt to this Hero by another Hero's Super Power is halved.

Severence: The Hero may spend 100 Power and strip one super power from one other Hero. This power may only be used once per week.

Lingering Payne: Causes 10 Power damage to target Hero. Can only be used on a Hero stunned by Meteo. May only be used once per Hero per 24 hour period.

Dark Nite: All active Heroes loose 15 Power. Has a recharge time of 24 hours. May only be used between 20h00 and 06h00 GMT.

There may only ever be one Katastrophe at a time. If Katastrophe is every reduced to 0 Power, he is kiled, and the player may resurrect their previous Hero (or start a new one). In either case, their Hero has 100 Power and no super powers. In that event, this rule automatically repeals itself.

First three paragraphs auto-repeal, and there may only be one Katastrophe. Please to God, no more loopholes.

Enacted (finally!) by Damanor (14 to 0) +2 to Joranj, +1 to Damanor.

Proposal: Self-Mutilation [TRIVIAL]

Add the following to the bottom of Rule 5, Voting:

Any Hero may vote against their own proposal at any time. If they do so, it is automatically considered to have failed, whether or not it has been marked as such by an admin, and is no longer part of the proposal queue for the purposes of Rule 4.

Any Admin may mark the proposal as failed, and apply the power loss (as per Rule 6), in due course, as though the proposal was a part of the proposal queue.

Two reasons for this:

1. At the moment, all this self-killing doesn't actually mean anything. If the majority of the players have still voted FOR, the proposal should still pass, serious flaws and all; proposals can only be withdrawn if no-one has voted.
2. It's getting annoying to have to wait two days to re-propose something that only needs minor edits.

Timed out and failed by Damanor (2 to 5) at 15:30 on 3 Mar. -5 to Joranj, +1 to Damanor.

Proposal: Foiled Again!

This just in! The city's scientists have discovered, by liberal use of their newly-sprouted centrifuge appendages, that the "radioactive waste" thought to have caused the recent spate of mutations is in fact XENONITE. Xenonite is a substance heretofore talked of only in conspiracy chat rooms, and then only in whispers. It is said to be the liquefied remains of the faraway planet Xenon and to grant miraculous powers to all who come in contact with it.

The appearance of the Xenonite mysteriously coincides with the appearance of the Super Villain, Keitalia Malifica. Those who lurk in the shadows say that the Malice Queen is a native of the planet Xenon, and that her only weakness may be found in the remains of her world -- a world she herself destroyed...

Create a new Rule, "Xenonite," which reads:
The Super Villain's only weakness is the substance called Xenonite. Heroes may own Xenonite, and each Hero's stock of Xenonite is tracked in the GNDT; it must always be an integer no less than zero, and all Heroes begin with zero Xenonite. Any Hero adjudged responsible for averting an Emergency gains one piece of Xenonite, found at the scene of the Emergency. A Hero with six pieces of Xenonite may confront the Super Villain and dispel her vile essence using the Xenonite they have accumulated, and in so doing gains the right to Declare Victory.
We can amend this later to give various perks to Good, Neutral, and Evil Heroes and such; this Proposal merely forms a foundation to build on. Comments first, please!

Enacted by Damanor (16 to 0) on 3 Mar at 15:24. +10 to Satyr Eyes, +2 to Damanor

Proposal : SlowDown [Trivial][Superpower Proposal]

Create a new Super-Power entitled Slow

By paying X power, a possessor of this Superpower may Slow a single Player's Superpower, which must have a recharge time and be currently recharging. When a Slowed Superpower finishes recharging, it requires a further recharge time equal to its normal recharge time before it can be used again, and is no longer considered Slowed. A superpower that has been slowed may not be slowed again during this extra recharge time.

When this proposal is enacted, replace X in the superpowers description with the amount of the winning bid.

Enacted by Damanor (15 to 0) on 3 Mar at 15:20; +2 to ChinDoGu, +1 to Damanor, superpower goes to Axiallus for 20.

Proposal : Triviality [Trivial]

Add to the end of the second paragraph of rule 12 - Super-Powers

Any SuperPower proposal is treated as a trivial proposal unless explicitly stated otherwise in the text of the post.

I dont think I need to specify that trivial declairation during voting is still possible, the interpretation there seems clear enough. Are people happier with this?

Failed by Damanor (2 to 11) 3 Mar att 15:20. -5 to ChinDoGu, +1 to Damanor

Sunday, February 29, 2004

Proposal: Building blocks

Create a rule, entitled Landmarks:

There exists a certain number of Landmark buildings in the City. The number of standing buildings is tracked in the GNDT. Any Villian may, at any time, destory one of these Landmarks to instantly gain 20 Power. After destroying a Landmark, the Villian may not destroy another Landmark, nor use any Super Power, for 48 hours. If an Emergency is called within those 48 hours, they may not participate in that Emergency at all.

A Good-aligned Hero may, at any time, build a new Landmark by expending 25 Power. Following the building of a Landmark, the Hero may not build another Landmark, nor use any Super Power, for 48 hours. If an Emergency is called within those 48 hours, they may not participate in that Emergency at all.

If 0 Landmarks are standing, and there have been none for over 24 hours, any Villian may declare Apocalyptica (by posting to BlogNomic. All good and non-aligned Heroes loose 100 Power (to a minimum of 5 Power), and this rule repeals itself.

If 1 Landmark are standing, all good-aligned Heroes may use Keen Sight.

If 2 Landmarks are standing, all good-aligned Heroes may use Beekeeper.

If 5 Landmarks are standing, all good-aligned Heroes may use Hot Foot.

If 8 Landmarks are standing, all good-aligned Heroes may use Secret Identity

If 12 Landmarks are standing, all good-aligned Heroes may use Laser Eye Vision.

If 15 or more Landmarks are standing, all good-aligned Heroes may use No, Wait.

Upon enactment, create a new player and a new field in the GNDT, both called 'Landmarks'. The initial number of landmarks is 4.

Add the following to the list of Super Powers:

Keen Sight: [Genetic] Hero has greater than normal vision.

Beekeeper: [Psychic] Hero may summon a swarm of bees. Bees take 12 hours to arrive.

Hot Foot: [Global] Hero has the ability to make the ground hot. Causes 1 Power damage to all Heroes. Has a recharge time of 10 hours.

Secret Identity: Hero may assume his or her Secret Identity at any time by making a GNDT entry to the effect. While under the effects of the Secret Identity, the Hero is immune to all Power damage, except from that derived from rules 1-11. Hero may not use Super Powers while in their Secret Identity; nor may they be in their Secret Identity at any time while involved in an Emergency, or else be immediately removed from contention. A Hero may not be in their Secret Identity for more than 4 hours per GMT day.

Laser Eye Vision: [Genetic] Hero may shoot lasers from eyes. Cost of 10 Power. Causes 20 Power damage to target Hero. Has a 12 hour recharge time.

No, Wait: Hero's recharge times are halved. If a Hero looses this Super Power, the remaining time of any outstanding Recharges is doubled.

Sorry for the long post. I actually have more ideas for this, but they'll take the form of amendments. For now, this is as simple as I could make it. Obviously, comments welcome.

AGAINST Self-killed; failed by Brendan at 4:00 pm GMT on 3.2.2004. -5 to Joranj, +1 to Brendan.

Proposal: There's Gonna Be a Rumble [Superpowers]

[I think we need some basic fighting powers to get the ball rolling.]

Create the following Super Powers:

Super Strength [Genetic] - This Hero can cause another Hero to lose 10 Power, with a Recharge Time of 36 hours. This Hero can also lift buses above his/her head and smash through steel.

Psychic Lightning [Psychic] - This Hero can make a GNDT entry of "Psychic Lightning - [Target Hero] : [DICE]+[DICE]". This causes the Target hero to lose Power equal to the amount shown on the dice. This Super Power has a recharge time of 24 hours. This hero can also disable electrical devices and create semi-blinding flashes of light.

Cyborg Laser Arm [Mechanical] - This Hero can spend 5 Power to cause another Hero to lose 5 Power. This Super Power does not have a recharge time. This Hero can also take scans of the surrounding area to detect heat or high levels of unusual compounds or elements.

[Please comment before voting or bidding]

FOR Passed with lightning speed by Brendan at 3:52 pm GMT on 3.2.2004, 14 to 0. Strider gets Super Strength for 45, kahbn gets Psychic Lightning for 45, and Brendan gets Cyborg Laser Arm for 21. +10 to Royce, +2 to Brendan.

Proposal: Re-Katastrophe

In the nearby MegaTropoGotham City 1, a nuclear meltdown has simultaniously killed all the superheroes and created Katastrophe, a Super Villian of immense power. Having terrorised and eventually destroyed MegaTropoGotham City 1, Katastrophe is now roaming the cities of the area, killing the super heroes of the region and dominating the villianous circles.

Create a new rule, entitled Katastrophe.

If any Hero, including the Super Villian, ever has more than 220 points of Power, and the mean average Power of all the Heroes in the game is greater than 150, then Katastrophe arrives to make his mark on the city.

Immediately upon his arrival, Katastrophe kills the Hero with the lowest amount of Power. The player who controlled that Hero now controls Katastrophe as his or her Hero instead. It is Katastrophe's sworn duty to kill or damage as much as possible.

He or she then also strips the Hero with the highest power of 3/4 of their total power (rounded up), and two Super Powers of his or her choice.

Katastrophe initially has a Power of 350, an Evil allegiance, and has every other player as his or her ArchEnemy. Katastrophe's Powers are as follows:

Massive Leap: The Hero can jump exactly 40ft. He or she has no control over this ability, and so may not jump any distance (greater than, say, a long step) other than exactly 40ft.

Meteo: Can expend 30 Power to rip a boulder the size of a bus from the earth and throw it at another Hero, dealing 10 Power damage and knocking them out entirely. That Hero is unable to use Super Powers for 24 hours.

Titanium Exoskeleton: Any Power damage that would be dealt to this Hero by another Hero's Super Power is halved.

Severence: The Hero may spend 100 Power and strip one super power from one other Hero. This power may only be used once per week.

Lingering Payne: Causes 10 Power damage to target Hero. Can only be used on a Hero stunned by Meteo. May only be used once per Hero per 24 hour period.

Dark Nite: All active Heroes loose 15 Power. Has a recharge time of 24 hours. May only be used between 20h00 and 06h00 GMT.

If Katastrophe is every reduced to 0 Power, he is kiled, and the player may resurrect their previous Hero (or start a new one). In either case, their Hero has 100 Power and no super powers. In that event, this rule automatically repeals itself.

Ready to vote, I think

AGAINST Self-killed. Failed by Brendan at 8:18 pm GMT, 3.1.2004. -5 to Joranj, +1 to Brendan.