Proposal: I Don't Really Have a Good Name For This Proposal [Trivial] [Super-Power]
New Super-Powers:
Should this proposal pass, replace "X" in Mutant Master with the amount of the winning bid for that Super-Power. In addition, should this proposal pass, bids on Dice of Blind Io by Good and Evil Heroes are discounted.
Edited at 3:16 pm GMT, 3.5.2004.
Failed 5 to 7 at 5:18 pm GMT on 3.7.2004. -4 to Brendan.
Mutant Master. [Genetic, Evil] When responding to an Emergency, you may pay X Power to co-opt one other Hero, who possesses a Super-Power with the Genetic keyword and who has not yet responded to that Emergency, into assisting you. You may use that Hero and his or her Super-Powers in your response. If you use another Hero's Super-Powers in this way, you must pay any Power costs yourself, apply their recharge times to yourself, and consider yourself the owner of these Super-Powers in all other ways, for this usage only. Mutant Master can only be used once for any given Emergency.
Shiny Purple Helmet. [Mechanical] You may not be the unwilling target of any Super-Powers with the Psychic or Sonic keywords. You also gain low-light and telescopic vision, and may communicate hands-free via shortwave or CB radio.
Connections. [Empathic] If you lose Power as a direct and immediate result of another Hero's Super-Power, you may regain half of the Power you lost (rounded up) and cause another Hero, who has the same allegiance as you, to lose Power equal the amount you regain. This usage of Connections must be performed within 12 hours of the inital loss, and has a recharge time of 24 hours. In addition, you can get tickets to any show in town, no fooling. Even the ones that are sold out. This usage of Connections has no recharge time.
Dice of Blind Io. [Neutral] You may use the Dice of Blind Io to help restore the rule of the Law of Averages to The City of BlogNomic. To do so, calculate the average (mean) of all Good Heroes and all Villains (except the Super-Villain), and post your results to the GNDT, rounded down to the nearest integer (eg "Good average is 112. Evil average is 103."). Then post "Blind Io:DICE." If your result is less than 4, you must set the Power of any one Villain to the average Power of the Good Heroes, as calculated above. If your result is greater than 3, you must set the Power of any one Good Hero to the average Power of the Evil Heroes, as calculated above. The Dice of Blind Io have a recharge time of 36 hours.
Should this proposal pass, replace "X" in Mutant Master with the amount of the winning bid for that Super-Power. In addition, should this proposal pass, bids on Dice of Blind Io by Good and Evil Heroes are discounted.
Edited at 3:16 pm GMT, 3.5.2004.

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