Proposal: Picket Sides
A majority (14) of the active Heroes are apparently still hemming and hawing over whether they're Good or Evil. Maybe the real world works like that, but hey, this is a comic book.
Amend Rule 14 - Allegiances to read as follows:
Edited again to force a decision on new players, but since we all had such a long time to decide, I think they should at least get four days.
Failed 4 to 9 at 5:16 pm GMT on 3.7.2004. -4 to Brendan.
Amend Rule 14 - Allegiances to read as follows:
All Heroes are Good, Evil or Neutral; they may choose to declare this in the GNDT. Once a Hero has declared himself or herself to be Good, Evil or Neutral, he or she may not change his or her mind.
Any Hero who has declared an allegiance may nominate an Arch-Enemy from those who have declared a different allegiance; this is also tracked in the GNDT, and may not be changed once first chosen.
Evil Heroes are known as "Villains." The Super Villain is automatically Evil.
If any Hero has not declared an allegiance by 11:59 pm GMT on March 6, 2004, that Hero is thereafter considered to have declared an allegiance of Neutral; any other Hero may set this in the GNDT. This paragraph does not apply to Heroes who enter the game after 4:00 pm GMT on March 4, 2004.
Heroes who enter the game after 4:00 pm GMT on March 4, 2004, must choose an allegiance within 96 hours of the "New Player" post announcing their arrival. If they do not do so, they are also considered to have declared an allegiance of Neutral, and any other Hero may set this in the GNDT.
Edited again to force a decision on new players, but since we all had such a long time to decide, I think they should at least get four days.

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