Proposal: Sidekicks
Add the following to the second-last paragraph of rule 15, Emergencies:
Create a rule, entitled Sidekicks:
Timed out 6 to 7 at 5:12 pm GMT, 3.7.2004. -5 to Joranj, +1 to Brendan.
Optionally, on a roll of six, the Hero may forfiet the right to a new Super Power and gain a Sidekick instead.
Create a rule, entitled Sidekicks:
Any Hero may have a sidekick. Sidekicks' names and Power are tracked in the GNDT, and all sidekicks enter the game with a Power of 50.
Sidekicks have all the same Super Powers as the Hero they are affiliated to; however, outside of an Emergency situation, they may not use a specific power unless the Hero is unable to. Once a sidekick has used a power, they may not use another for a time equal to double the recharge time of the power they have used. Other than that, sidekicks are subject to the same restrictions, costs and penalties of their powers as Heroes.
Sidekicks can be the target of Super Powers in the same way as other Heroes. In the Super Power descriptions under Rule 12, all references to the term 'Hero' may be assumed to also mean 'Sidekick'.
In an Emergency situation, sidekicks may freely use their Super Powers; however, after the Emergency is finished, they may not use another power for a time equal to double the recharge time of the last power they have used.

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